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First CR9 painted for Air Mekong

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Tell that story to the Vietnamese local pilots you will undercut, lets see what they think about your argument. :puke:

To the ASA pilots that saw this pitiful contract and said Are you kidding? My hat goes off to you.

I didn't bid it because it didn't make sense for me....To those who did, good for them. I don't really care about the "Vietnamese local pilots"...and I don't think they care about me.

The ASA pilots have held their ground more than most US regional pilots. Screw those of you who don't like this....Most of us could care less. We have seen many US pilots undercut us.....If you don't like it, then come back here to the states and go to work for an ALPA carrier like Mesa, or Trans States.....and then tell us how we are undercutting you....
You could not be more wrong. The only reason we have a contract now is because the pilots had a slowdown that lasted about two weeks before ALPA and Management signed. ALPA had nothing to do with it, all pilots. I don't understand why you can't grasp the concept that Air Mekong could be shutdown within a month or two. IT IS A START UP AIRLINE, IT HAS MADE EXACTLY $0.00.!!!!!!! I am sure you did not attend Harvard business school, but surely you took at least Business 101 in college. The pilots have nothing to loose by going over there. If the company succeeds and produces a profit, then it will have to pay an industry standard to keep the employees there, if they don't, it will fold. The pilots will all return to the US, status quo. If you don't understand that having a senority number with a job back in the US is worth anything, than you are a f%cking retard..

Apperently you didn't go to school at all with all that grammar and spelling mistakes. Did you take the labor classes? The main objective of management is to get employees to work for free. That's what you might call slave labor. Unfortunately there are laws against that. The second best thing they can do is offer them minimum wage. The third option is to actually pay them what they're worth. Your job as labor is to at least ask what you're worth not what they can afford. You guys have basically taken the first offer, what do you care if this place shuts down because they paid you too much? You'll be back in the ATL anyways. Get it??
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You could not be more wrong. The only reason we have a contract now is because the pilots had a slowdown that lasted about two weeks before ALPA and Management signed. ALPA had nothing to do with it, all pilots. I don't understand why you can't grasp the concept that Air Mekong could be shutdown within a month or two. IT IS A START UP AIRLINE, IT HAS MADE EXACTLY $0.00.!!!!!!! I am sure you did not attend Harvard business school, but surely you took at least Business 101 in college. The pilots have nothing to loose by going over there. If the company succeeds and produces a profit, then it will have to pay an industry standard to keep the employees there, if they don't, it will fold. The pilots will all return to the US, status quo. If you don't understand that having a senority number with a job back in the US is worth anything, than you are a f%cking retard.

MoroniMetro Wins! FATALITY

Well said!
I guess you guys, and your mighty union told them to shove it up the ole' kiester huh?

Wow, such a witty chap... NOT! The point that you seemed to miss was that the offer was for more pay to fly a turboprop 1/3 the size the size of the 900's in the Air Mekong deal, try and read it again!!
I don't really care about the "Vietnamese local pilots"...and I don't think they care about me.

And there you go, thank you for making my point. Me,me,me!

ASA is investing in this venture in a market with high yields that supports salary rates 40% higher than what they are offering, most of you guys saw this and rejected it, I salute you for it. I have asked this before but I'll ask it again since it wasn't answered, If you guys are willing to undercut by 40% to fly a CRJ, what about a 737 or a 320? ASA is investing in a company that has no scope restrictions therefore I wouldn't be surprised if this comes to be relatively soon and I'm sure you will rush to apply with contract payments of 9K total packages when the going salary is contract packages of 16K (and 30K contract completion bonuses)
So please stop comparing this with MESA, their pilots don't deserve it since not even them are undercutting by an outstanding 40%
Air Mekong has redefined bottom feeding.:puke:

It is a shame how some of the best trained and experienced pilots in the world have such little sense of self worth:rolleyes:
And there you go, thank you for making my point. Me,me,me!

ASA is investing in this venture in a market with high yields that supports salary rates 40% higher than what they are offering, most of you guys saw this and rejected it, I salute you for it. I have asked this before but I'll ask it again since it wasn't answered, If you guys are willing to undercut by 40% to fly a CRJ, what about a 737 or a 320? ASA is investing in a company that has no scope restrictions therefore I wouldn't be surprised if this comes to be relatively soon and I'm sure you will rush to apply with contract payments of 9K total packages when the going salary is contract packages of 16K (and 30K contract completion bonuses)
So please stop comparing this with MESA, their pilots don't deserve it since not even them are undercutting by an outstanding 40%
Air Mekong has redefined bottom feeding.:puke:

It is a shame how some of the best trained and experienced pilots in the world have such little sense of self worth:rolleyes:

ASA pilots are used to laying down and taking it from behind, you can just tell from all their arguments here. Look at what MoronMetro wrote, he is concerned that Air Mekong will shut down if they pay the pilots more! All it takes is a few love letters from their ASA managers and one or two bones thrown at them every once in a while to get them into all fours.

What is happening now that there are no ASA furloughees???

Keira Knightly has agreed to fly naked for us.

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