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First CR9 painted for Air Mekong

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The fact of the matter is, we had the exact same model offered to us to fly EMB-120's in Belgium where we accrued seniority, vacation, and sick time, etc. but got paid more to fly 30 seat turboproprs, than your offer at Air Mekong flying 90 seat jets!

Who is "we" and show me some proof.
Words of wisdom from the guy who felches Hulas every evening after he comes home from a hard day of swinging gear. Howz that goat jizz taste?

Dude.. LOL. It's not Hulas's fault that you were felchalized while you were there. You are the one that came to him for a job. Pilots complaining about their regional is kind of like hoookers complainng that they were beat up or stabbed by their john.
The pilot slots have already been awarded. Believe it or not, on the captain's side they went with a majority of CR200 folks; not many CR7 captains.

No Way! When did this happen! I'm gonna file a grievance!
The fact of the matter is this is a completely different model and set up vs. your standard contract job. Like 79% said, name another contract where you can accrue seniority, vacation, and sick time at your home carrier while you're gone. It's the ultimate insurance policy.

Tell that story to the Vietnamese local pilots you will undercut, lets see what they think about your argument. :puke:

To the ASA pilots that saw this pitiful contract and said Are you kidding? My hat goes off to you.
You are wasting your time. These are ASa pylots. One of the most brainwashed pilot groups out there. Mainly because while other management are starving their pilots, their management has figured out that if you give a dog half a bone, they will do your bidding. TFAYD

You could not be more wrong. The only reason we have a contract now is because the pilots had a slowdown that lasted about two weeks before ALPA and Management signed. ALPA had nothing to do with it, all pilots. I don't understand why you can't grasp the concept that Air Mekong could be shutdown within a month or two. IT IS A START UP AIRLINE, IT HAS MADE EXACTLY $0.00.!!!!!!! I am sure you did not attend Harvard business school, but surely you took at least Business 101 in college. The pilots have nothing to loose by going over there. If the company succeeds and produces a profit, then it will have to pay an industry standard to keep the employees there, if they don't, it will fold. The pilots will all return to the US, status quo. If you don't understand that having a senority number with a job back in the US is worth anything, than you are a f%cking retard.
You are making the same arguments that people who undercut always use and it always falls short. And about contract pilots working on MD 11 for 60K? AMERICAN CHEAP LABOR, and you are continuing the downward trend and simply don't care do you? It will always amaze me as to how some of the best trained, experienced and professional pilots in the world always make excuses to justify being the worst paid

Again, how much did ANA pay their pilots when they started up? You know as well as I do, it was far less than the industry standard. How much did SWA pay their pilots when they first started? Are you going you use your retarded argument that they are weighing down the industry. How about FDX and UPS??????? How much did a FDX falcon 20 driver make their first year compared to the rest of the "major industry". If you can't grasp this concept, then you are a f%cking retard too.
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