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FedEx rumorville

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I haven't really heard differently about 737s. However, usually weight is not the problem, it is the number of cans. Any rumors whether 73s are a pure replacement for the 72s, for additional freight, or both? Also, I haven't heard what the company plans to do if the MD program is turned of. What about that freight?
Extract of a "General Update" from the Fedex System Chief Pilot (25 Jan 04):
New hires
No clue – maybe late spring is a wag. My guess (purely!) is that we’ll hire less than 100 pilots a
year for several years. That means that, with 60 guys in the pool now and another 20 or so in
flight training and corporate aviation, classes this year, if we do hire, are probably already
determined. No plan to hire furloughed pilots….but your furloughed pals might actually get in the
door quicker by throwing boxes on a ramp if they can get a job (I-Service decimated the ramps
also). If a furloughee is a company employee and has good aviation quals, he’ll get an interview
when we hire and his commitment is up. If he goes to another carrier (read this as a regional, for
instance), we’ll also give him a good look. These two methods are the only ways a furloughee can
get an interview.

Hot rumor is 757s are out and 737s are in…either way, 3-man for 2-man reduces manning
requirements…RPV freighters in 3 years (only kidding again....HUDs, RAAS, Pegasus are still a few
years away. Stay tuned; the fat lady’s just warming up.
Yeah it also looks like the jr guys will see no movement for several years with the new scheduling system to maximize the crew usage plus we also get to look forward to working alot more on reserve. But do not worry I am sure there will be plenty of guys begging for draft/vlt to keep new hire numbers down. It also sounds like they are going to have the uniform police out, better straighten up that tie. So work more, no upgrades and no fun while working will be tolerated.
Yeah what VaB said.

Sure the windchill was -30 in DTW on Wed am and I let out a little wimper about it...........but then I thought 'How many guys would gladly step over my frozen stiff dead body to be in my shoes'.................I Guess it's all about perspective. I'm just glad to have the job. I may get excess back too the 72, but it certainly beats the hell out of being on furlough!

Uniform Police: We Need it! Not everybody, but there is that 2% (or more) that look like unprofessional slobs....it's embarassing!


Switch Bitch on a bigger, kinder, gentler panel. (DC10)

And yes I did spend 3 months on the boeing.
After reading the SCP's e-mail I feel much better after flying with a senior Capt tonight who is very well connected. He gave me more encouragement than Jack's multi-page litany. In terms of hiring, the SCP can only be vague at best so not get the hopes up of those waiting on jobs, etc. The numbers he has heard are 100-150 this year with a 7000 pilot force by 2012. Why does this number keep popping up?

Interesting tidbits on fleet plans: a mix of 727s, 737s and 757s with upgraded 727s staying around until 2012. This makes the most sense of all of the rumors I have heard on the fleet upgrade. The 737 by itself could not replace the current Boeing in all of our 727 markets. Operating costs for fuel and crew (me) are $1 million per year higher on the 727 than the 737 while only one can shorter (his figures). He also mentioned that the Airbus went from a bid announcement to hard lines in six months, so it could happen soon. Also, he said to expect two bids this spring with one as soon as February. BTW, the company loves the MD-10 and plans to convert all planned, hince the continued drawdown of the DC-10. Sorry for the pending displacements!

I don't normally like to spread rumors (lie), but thought I should pass this along in hopes of providing some positive rumors to the fire. Don't apply to SWA just yet (unless you are senior to me), your 737 type rating may come in handy soon.

Patiently pouring coffee...
7000 by 2012

Sorry for being ignorant, but that represents how many new-hires between now and that point?

About 3000. Or about 350 a year. And then monkeys will fly out of my anus.

Ok, thanks for the numbers, 350 a year.

As far as that anus stuff, thats cool, uh, yeah........uh, hmmm
Actually, if we are to have 7000 by 2012, we'll have to hire a lot more than 3000. Considering we're at 4200+ right now, the 3000 will only account for growth to 7000, and not for retirements between now and then. I don't know the exact figure on that, but would imagine we'll lose at least 1000 or more between now and then.

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