Not true fellas,
I had a guy my class that was a former C208 driver, not sure which feeder it was, and we've hired several ex-Fedex feeder pilots since then. Keep updating those apps and keep networking. FedEx is a good ole-boy company and it helps to know someone that flys here. If you have recommendation from a pilot then you're pretty much going to get an interview at some point in time. Competition is rather stiff right now though. Good luck to ya.
I fly for a contract feedder and I have heard the same, that is they don't like to hire the feeder pilots, but I do know of a lot of guys that have made it. One good thing about flying into the hub is you get to meet the mainline guys and develop friendships with them, that can later lead to a recomendation. I think it is silly not to hire a feeder pilot. I mean who knows best about the operation than a guy who flys in there every night. Just my 02.
I was just wondering about if there were and age restrictions with hiring on at a feeder? Let's just say that you more than met the minimums set by the feeder, but you were 38 yrs old, what would your chances of getting an interview be?
Discrimination on the basis of age is a big ol' civil rights violation.
Airlines by and large don't mind hiring older pilots. I personally know a 52 year old hired at NWA and a 50 year old at Gemini. I've been told that NWA has hired guys over 60 - all they can do is the F/E position....
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