Any airplane with a radial engine. Also needs to be loud and belch smoke and fire out of the exhaust stack when starting up. Even better, its over fifty years old and leaks oil all over the hanger floor.
The Hughes 369 (OH-6A). After a few hundred hours in it, the controls seemed to be locked to my brain waves - it would respond to where I wanted to go with just a thought.
As far as getting somewhere, it was NOT the ride to have. I suspect the constant tone I have in my right ear is somewhere near the frequency of the OH-6 transmission.
Warbirds. P-51B Mustang, B-36, B-17 (saw a nice one make several passes where I live last summer), B-29 (I got to sit in the left seat of the CAF B-29 something like 16 years ago). B-58. Skyraiders. C-117 (I remember seeing a formation of them fly overhead as I was sitting in school in the fourth grade - there used to be a static display of one in Pueblo, Colorado).
New warbirds. C-130. C-17 (I think these are way cool).
Military trainers. T-33. T-34 (would kill to fly one - can't be a whole lot different than A36s). T-41B (closest thing to a warbird I'll ever fly).
Nearly any old, round-engined civil airliner. DC-3/C-47/C-53 (there used to be an outfit in Daytona or someplace that typed in the "3s" and I know some still work for a living in the U.S.). Convair 340 (I think I have it right - there was this operator, Florida Air Transport, I believe it was, that had two of them to fly Wall Street Journals from Wiley Post in OKC to Memphis every night five nights a week - I tried get with them just to ride and get my foot in the door - never happened). Connies. Other Douglases. Boeing Stratocruiser, including C-97s.
Classic turboprop airliners. Electras, including P3s. Viscounts (Continental used them in the '50s - I remember that they had this distinctive whine).
Ones I've flown: Citation (major wow - only enough to get my type; just as easy to land as a 172; V1 cuts were strange for this light twin driver). A36. BE55 (got my multi and MEI in it), BE58. Tri-Pacer (only one hour to give a CAP pilot a checkout - fun!). Cardinal fixed and retractable (what a GREAT looking airplane). Seminole (primarily single-engine ).
The old saying goes, "The two best ships in the Navy are your next ship and your last ship". So I'm looking forward to building multi time while fondly recalling the faithful 172 I use today.
Just to round out everybody's perspective here, though, I'll happily give you all rides in the AOPA Sweepstakes Bonanza as soon as ol' Phil gets down here with the keys for me!!!
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