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Fate is the Hunter

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Well, if this thread has done nothing else it's encouraged some people, who might not have otherwise, to read Gann.

I can remember being in a class for recurrent a number of years ago where someone mentioned Gann in passing, without a particular reference to his fame. One of the junior birdmen asked, "Does he fly for us ?". He had actually never heard of Gann.

So, when you remove the sophmoric name calling, now some new people will enjoy reading Gann's work. Thats' a silver lining...
FlyChicaga said:
I don't know what you heard, since I wrote it. You might need some time away from the computer. Try re-reading it without hoping to find something to be an asshole about. You'll see that's not even close to what I said. But what more should I expect? Looking at your posting history, they all reek of bitterness and contempt. Find your happy place, find your happy place...

I edited it with better english that hopefully will be easier for you to comprehend.

Anyways, back to the original thread. It's crap like this that I believe is driving away those guys who could really contribute to the boards. Not to mention ruining the career of "professional pilot."

I thank you for editing your post. It is easier to understand. Maybe you should take some of that new raise you got from XJT and invest in some English lessons. You'd be amazed how your life would change if you could communicate in a complete sentence.
Captain Overs said:
You'd be amazed how your life would change if you could communicate in a complete sentence.
It would be nice if you could communicate without using the SCARF technique (sarcasm. criticism, antagonism, ridicule and fear). Seriously, you'd be amazed how your life would change if you didn't get in everybodies' face all of the time. Peace.
Everyone else seemed to understand. Maybe it's you with the reading problem? Here you go, this could help: http://www.educate.com/
FlyChicaga said:
It is so awesome to hear some of the "old timers" participating in this thread. I wish they'd participate more in the boards. Sadly, we could learn so much from them, but are too busy bitching about Mesa's contract or dealing with flamebait posters to sit and listen. I know I at least feel that way. I don't know about anyone else, but I'm starting to believe all the "old timers" don't want to put up with all the immaturity, so they hide in the shadows. I hope more come out to "tell us how it is" so we can learn from them.

I only wish I had some "old timers" around to talk to and learn from when I was younger and just getting started in flying. I think it could have done wonders. At least some have written books we can read, and re-read, for a long time.

We could ALL (that means you too radarlove) benefit from the wealth of information these old gentleman have. It's a wise man who learns from history.
DrewBlows said:
Ernest K. Gann happened to be a gifted writer (Band of Brothers, The High and the Mighty). From my limited experience I would be willing to wager that most people who have made it to be professional pilots are some of the most capable members of society. I have no doubt that the people who I have flown with could contribute as much to society as Mr. Gann did.

While Gann is a great writer he die not write Band of Brother, Ambose did.
flyingitalian said:
While Gann is a great writer he die not write Band of Brother, Ambose did.

Sorry Buddy. Gann used the title years before Ambrose. Previously, I mentioned that a title cannot be copyrighted. Gann used it years before. You also have to realize that Ambrose was slamed for using other people's works, and he in essence admitted the same before his death...........BAND OF BROTHERS was a Ernie Gann title. .............Ambrose followed. Check it out at the library of congress. You can do it on line.
As this thread does a grave yard spiral, somewhere it was mentioned that Ernie Gann notes about 350 people that died.....bought the farm, if you will......at the beginning of FATE IS THE HUNTER. In his book FLYING CIRCUS, Gann does an elequent tale of the first person that he knew who "bought the farm".

Hank was in his mid thirties and was secure in his slot as a GM manager. But he had this stupid idea that he wanted an airport. An airport at his back yard. He bought this Tri-Pacer from a fellow who I had known for my entire life. Serial #2. 125 hp. Most folks don't know that the first few Tri-Pacers were that under powered.

Hank now had a 4 place aircraft for his 2200 foot airport and then a Luscombe. And then a Champ, warped prop and all, that I brought back for him late one June evening.

Hank had it rolling. Three airplanes, office, four T-Hangars, and a little flight school, and me to do the elbow grease work.

In July, I left for about 10 days. When arriving back I met two very sober parents. Hank had bought the farm......He had let a student kill him in a pre-war Taylorcraft. He bled out in the right seat.

Hank was number one of many to come. I was sixteen years old.........Fate IS The Hunter. Take care.


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