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Fate is the Hunter

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FlyChicaga said:
It is so awesome to hear some of the "old timers" participating in this thread. I wish they'd participate more in the boards. Sadly, we could learn so much from them,

I agree, and I'd be willing to bet that 90% of the pilots on this board would, too. The other 10% . . . . . well, bunch of frickin' morons anyway .
Even saying you "almost" feel like the old timers is a comparison you can't make. I heard what you said. Don't be so defensive. Enough said.
Granted, it was a poorly worded run-on sentence, but you really did misread it.

What he wrote:
"I don't know about anyone else, but I'm almost feeling like all the "old timers", who really paved the way for us don't want to put up with all the immaturity, so they hide in the shadows."

Is the same as:
"I don't know about anyone else, but I believe that all the "old timers" who really paved the way for us don't want to put up with all the immaturity, so they hide in the shadows."

Which is much different than:
"I don't know about anyone else, but I'm almost feeling like all the "old timers", who really paved the way for us don't want to put up with all the immaturity, so they hide in the shadows."

Which is what you seem to have read it as. Notice that having the comma after "old timers" changes the meaning of the sentence. Somehow, you inserted a comma after "old timers" in your minds' eye as you read the sentence. He did not have a comma after "old timers".

So you probably should stand up and apologise to the kid.
Captain Overs said:
Even saying you "almost" feel like the old timers is a comparison you can't make. I heard what you said. Don't be so defensive. Enough said.

I don't know what you heard, since I wrote it. You might need some time away from the computer. Try re-reading it without hoping to find something to be an asshole about. You'll see that's not even close to what I said. But what more should I expect? Looking at your posting history, they all reek of bitterness and contempt. Find your happy place, find your happy place...

I edited it with better english that hopefully will be easier for you to comprehend.

Anyways, back to the original thread. It's crap like this that I believe is driving away those guys who could really contribute to the boards. Not to mention ruining the career of "professional pilot."
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where is good ole "English" when you need him
pilotyip said:
where is good ole "English" when you need him

You meant need "her", right? ;)
radarlove said:
Has anyone read this book? It's about flying in the 40s and it started out fascinating--how little airline work has changed in 60 years, the same problem with crew schedulers, jerk captains, seniority, etc.

But now I'm almost done and finally my BS meter went off. He just described his fifteenth or twentieth harrowing, wings-on-fire, weather below minimums, out-of-gas skillful approach and landing. Either this guy spent his whole career wearing an instrument-training hood, or he found more bad weather than I've ever seen.

Still a good book, especially his day-to-day life descriptions, but ugh, he spends a lot of time as the hero, let me tell you.

Yeah. About the only thing that's changed is not having the internet back
then to call each other names and accuse one group or another of
dragging the profession down.
Isn't English a guy?
Not unless the boys fell off and grew back as boobs.
Well, even if this thread has accomplished nothing else, I just ordered Fate is the Hunter. Hopefully it offers some new perspective, even though I'm not an airline pilot.

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