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Farting Captain

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mnalpha said:
i just open the forward outflow valve untill the old man says somthings wrong with the pressure, and i say "nope, you just farted"

I fly with jerys kids

uh wrong thing to do. lowering the pressure in the cabin only FORCES more farts to come.

Boyle's Law dictates gas will go from a higher pressure (inside said Captain) to a lower pressure source (higher cabin alt. from using the dumpers).

if anything, DECREASE the cabin alt. will help more.

just another concerned citizen fighting for cleaner, unscented air!
Aw quit yer bitchin', suck it up, and deal with it! You'll get PLENTY of time to gross out your FO's after a nice cabbage-and-crabcake lunch after you upgrade!

Eat a 12oz. bag of dried fruit before flight time. They're curred with sulfur-dioxide. It will smell like burning flesh and your captain will be calling in sick from lack of oxygen before the day's over.
Funny, you complain about a farting captain, yet you will freely wade through the feces that consumes this board?
It wasn't him. It was the lav.
saviboy said:
What do you do when your captain farts all day and blames it on the 12 year old passenger who's in the back? (assume you are flying a small airplane with no cockpit door)

I ask Gulfstream for my money back.

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