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ExpressJet- School Transcripts

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Well-known member
Feb 8, 2004
In the email it says to bring 'copies' of transcripts from college. Anyone know if that means regular copies of the transcripts YOU have, or if it needs to be official sealed transcripts? The email isnt specific about this part.

Copies will work.
Just filled the paperwork out this past Friday and they don't have to be sealed copies. I brought both just to be safe, but the unsealed will work just fine.
studied in England - don't have any transcripts - i'm sending away for some documentation from my school and college and I don't think it will get here by the 29th.

I called Dawn to reschedule - but she said just write a memo saying that I am in the process of getting documentation and that would be ok.

So I believe you'll be ok - I just hope I am

You should be fine. They just won't be able to complete your background check until they get everything. I didn't have my actual passport(just copy of application and receipt for fee), or my birth certificate because that was in process for my passport. HR just said that I need to fax them a copy as soon as I get it. Remember, your technically not hired until you make it through IOE. People have been pulled out of groundschool and sent home for lying on applications and background checks. Just make sure you make a memo for anything you don't have.
I was in the same boat as the above poster regarding the passport. When it arrived, I just provided a copy to the training department.

The background checks can take a while. To correct a mistake above, you are not actually "hired" until you pass your Initial FO PC. After that, you can receive your company ID once the background check is complete. Only with that in hand can you begin OE.
thanks guys
- I had heard horror stories of people being sent home without correct paperwork - was getting a little worried.

Do they send people home when citing incidents on their records? The reason why i am asking is that a friend of mine is really worried about what he listed on his application. He listed he had an incident but he said no during the interview process if he ever was suspended from work. When they asked him if he ever been suspended, he said no. The PRIA paperwork will definitely list that he had been suspended for an incident. I really dont know why he lied about it. If he was honest to start off with, he wouldnt have to sit and worry when and if they yank him from ground school.

I told him to just sit and hope for the best but expect the worst. This really sucks for me due to the fact that i wrote him a letter of recommendation and i hope it does not come back and haunt me.

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