Its funny I worked at ASA years ago and have been at XJT for some time. I can't wait to see some of my old buddies and get back to the ATL! Hope the SOCC merges sooner than later.
Do you guys have room to expand the "old eastern hanger" to accomadate all of us?
XJT has roughly 38 dx lines right now...remaining peeps on dx list are hub coor/ total seniority list in seventies but we dont have anywhere near 70 dx lines. How many flights a shift for ASA these days?
Most desks have been creeping upward at ASA. We are anywhere between 55 and 75 depending on days, shifts, extra desks, sick calls, etc. We average 65 I'd say. We've lost several through attrition but just had a class of three come onto the floor and that has helped some. We hear that you guys work a few more flights than we do. What is your breakdown?
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