Could anyone give me a heads up inregards to projected hiring at Express one. Secondly, how many Pilots in the pool and what is their projected number of new hires for the year. Lastly, I have over 4000hrs and 2000 jet what is the current upgrade time frame to left seat.
I wil give you the rumors and facts as I know them...
Hiring in March
Hiring between the 3rd and 4th Qtr of this year
Hiring between 67-100
200 in the pool
Why 67? that was the number of people in training when the axe came.
I have heard from several sources that there is another commuter "trying" to supply us with FO's in the next month or two.
We have just over 500 pilots, 22 Saabs and 33 Jets. We are losing all of the saabs over the course of this year, we are gaining 2 jets per month for this year. End result = 54 planes by '03.
All Saab drivers are coming over to the jet, 1/2 are in training now.
I have heard from several sources that the 200 poolies are a fact,
If you do the math, Sept to Oct is a realistic date with our "current" staffing of 5 crews per plane.
Currently, upgrade is 3500 in the rj, with a time in type reduction up to 500 hours. With all of the Captains in the saab though coming over I would expect that to possibly increase.
To conclude... I cannot say of any serious hiring at Express I this year, upgrade time will increase in time and senority. The only "hope" is the 75 jets NWA has on the back burner and no one knows where, when or how many is going to whom...
Inregards, to the people in the pool are they taking 67 to 100 pilots out of the remaining 200 poolies. Secondly, If you are a pilot with 3500hrs and 2000jet you still need 500 in type inorder to upgrade to pic. Lastly, how is working conditions and morale at Express-1.
From what I've been told they will start hiring again in the Fall, from off the street. Of course that is subject to change. As for upgrades, they are going to be getting a lot longer I believe. Right now we are fat on Captains and very thin on FOs. We actually have Captain bid lines for FO slots, not enough FOs to cover all the avialable lines.
"We are not going to do any hiring this year. We will have some new hire classes, but unless we experience some extreme growth that is unexpected, we have over 200 pilots in the pool who all had assigned classes. We'll go with them first"
Got this from one of our HR girls...I've been sending in resumes for my friends, but it doesn't look good for 2002. Once NW comes and out and says who is getting all those 44 seat jets, we should pick up the hiring pretty quick in 2003?
I handed in another resume for a friend today and talked to Stephanie Grantham (HR). She said not much is going on, however, they expect to bring back two Saab classes and a CRJ class (that were in training in Sept) starting March. After that, things will probably be pretty quiet until Northwest pipes up with who will get all those 44 seaters.
Dondk stated "Heard from several sources that another commuter is "trying" to supply us with F/o's in the next month or so"
There was a rumor about a month ago about Air Wisc. doing some flying for Express I. Our dir of training asked our VP of Flt ops and the rumor was squashed on the spot. The rumor apparently started because of some affiliation one of our owners had with Express I in the past. The pilots didn't believe that we could go against UAL with our current contract. Our mission statement actually names United Airlines in its directive.
Was wondering what the deal with the 44 seater's was about. I thought Express I was already given those a/c? Not So? Will Mesaba get them? Or will they create another NW Airlink commuter? Just curious.
As a rj pilot, myself as well as my fellow pilots are watching whats happening at US Airways with thier rj's. If mainline pilots start flying them, it will be a very interesting year of negotiations for all regionals with rj's. Good luck to all!
No we at Express Airlines was not given any 44 seaters.(i.e CL-440). What we were given was the original CL-65 order of 54... The talks you have heard about "44 seaters" is NWA management's way of getting around Mainline Scope issues. Since 9-11 and the parking of DC9s & 727s the "50seater" CRJ limit was capped at 30... So what our Management along with NWA management decided to do is remove 6 seats from the CL-65 so we can continue to fulfill the obligation of the original order of 54 CL-65s.... The order for 75 "44 seaters"(i.eCL-440) has not been announced...although there are several rumors floating around.
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