Wow. Hope CAL can keep UAL's soft time pay like that. CAL's two day annual sim event plus one day of travel (3 days of work) pays less than 8 hours total. Then there are eight hours of CBT at home annually that pay 2 hours total. Then there's middle seat DH abuse, no IRO captains, and on and on.I forget what we get paid for training if you're in class all month like during a transition or upgrade class. When I went to do a landings class a few weeks ago, I got paid 10 hours. The landings class was fly to DEN, do a sim, go to hotel, then fly home whenever I wanted the next day.
We don't get paid for doing training at home, but then again we aren't required to do training at home.
Notice UAL's contract pays 5 hours for lineholder reserve day, CAL pays 4. UAL pays 2 hours for a reserve callout that gets cancelled. CAL not only pays zero, but they can call you out, you commute to the airport, checkin, and they can cancel you at any time to send you back home on reserve with zero pay.
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