Of course you didn't say anything about the MDW incident....
From the General (04/26/11)..
"AGAIN? Were they hurrying to make the ontime for the schedule? Did they only have 20 minutes until they had to push for CLE, and they were hungry? Jay Leno and others will have another field day on this."
Let me set the record straight here Gen..
Your trying to tell me that after OYS...err, I mean you..post that Southwest has even more codeshare with Volaris (which is totally false as it turns out) and you have a problem with people knowning that Delta is over staffed? Talk about irony.
I stated a couple of weeks ago that the DL second quarter results would still look bad, and could possibly lead to staff reductions. Less than two weeks later Anderson states that the operation is overstaffed due to high oil and low Asian demand. What part did I get wrong there?
This whole thread shows exactly how nervous you are about Delta's future. Understandable
Bye, bye.
Does a Delta pilot really want to talk about crashes and mishaps? Not mentioning the fatal ones we could talk all day about landing at the wrong airports.