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Dials or Glass? Your Preference?

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Dials or Glass? Your Preference?

  • You Prefer Dials (ex. 737-200/DC-9)

    Votes: 108 15.0%
  • You Prefer All-Glass (ex. B 737NG)

    Votes: 610 85.0%

  • Total voters
F/O said:
That's why you turn off the FD as well!! Then you don't have to command any button pushing at all, just ask the other guy to do whatever he needs to do to back you up :)

Here you go, F/O beat me to the punch. We are encouraged to turn the FD off in a visual pattern just to keep the stick and rudder somewhat sharp. As for being bored in all glass...Nope, I've been all glass for 5 years flying similar destinations, and no two flights are alike. Just when you think you own the beast she catches you. How many times did ATC change a clearance that requires a descent point that is now behind you. Doh How many times have you glass guys gone "what the hell is it doing now!" I haven't gotten anywhere close to being bored. We have a mix of 200's and 700's and when I JS in the 200 I'm sooooo glad I'm not flying that thing. IMHO :D
njcapt said:
Hey! I was the first vote. I can't imagine why anyone would pine for an antiquated instrument presentation. I've flown the spectrum of instruments, and love the instant comprehension of EFIS. Having said that, though, I haven't flown a more integrated, fine flying aircraft than the 737-200. I hear the same thing from the DC-9 guys.

So. I guess the answer is to retrofit EFIS into old-ass aricraft. Just like UPS does.

Im gonna ask my company to retrofit our old piece of rust Metroliner.
Its gonna be great!!:D
I find that I can get a deeper beta nap when I'm flying with glass. Steam gauges won't wake you up when they need something, glass will.

In an airplane at work where I only have to worry about one type, I prefer glass. It *does* make you lazy, though. I'm sure if I had to try single pilot IFR in a light twin again tomorrow, I'd probably manage to kill myself. So big airplanes at work, GLASS. Little airplanes, steam gauges. I think it is rediculous that the new Cessnas, Pipers, and such require a TEN HOUR rental checkout to get used to all the avionics that God never intended to be installed in a piston single. I want to be able to jump from one piston single to another without needing to learn an entire new suite of avionics.
j41driver said:
If the 777 had steam guages would you hand fly it more often?

Buy a steerman.

THE most retarded cockpit setup I'v ever worked with was EFIS by Brail.

Imagine this... FMS with round dials. No ND. Go ahead... program that TO/FROM relationship skippy!!
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Glass someday is inevitable, but for now I'm having fun barnstorming Africa flying yetserday's equipment into tomorrow!
I've flown both (and some in between) quite a bit in the last 5-6 years.

My preference is similar to Ty's... moving map, VNAV, dual FMC, tapes for speed and altitude, but NO autothrottles. Or maybe no autothrottles after TOD... it's nice to have takeoff and climb thrust set perfectly, and managing cruise speed gets old after a while. In the 737 especially I've found I'm not comfortable trusting autothrottles during wave encounters.

The SA of a moving map can't be beat, especially when diversions become a factor (or when the FAs ask where we are!). VNAV works great when you finally figure out how to program it, and outsmart it. TCAS RAs displayed on the ADI are pretty darn effective, too.

The old steam guages on old jet aircraft are a bit of a novelty, though, requiring a lot more thought (kinda neat if I'm well rested).

But why would I rent a 172 with anything but steam? I don't want a ten hour checkout! All you need in a small aircraft are "vector-capable" comm radios...

Oh, and sorry for bumping a really old thread...
All glass for the daily grind, but dials are more fun!

WTF? Why did this thread pop up on my new posts? Just saw that the last post was 4 mos ago! Sorry for the re-resurrection.
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Glass does NOT make you a less proficient pilot. You can punch off the autopilot and autothrottles regardless of whether you are flying glass or steam. Likewise, you can turn the flight director off when flying glass or steam.

In my opinion, glass is far better than steam. The primary advantage of glass is the nav display. The increased level of situational awareness afforded by the nav display is geometric over the typical steam HSI. Additionally, the grouping together of critical flight information on the PFD allows a much better and quicker cross-check than is achieved with steam gauges. The end result is that, with glass, more brain cells are freed to concentrate on flying the airplane and managing the flight and the flight is safer.

There is absolutely no question that glass is better thans steam.
As i was climbing through fl 230 out of ATL today and realized that I had not even opened my flight bag yet........ glass.....

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