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Delta Strike

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You are too scared to strike

You will loose all you've worked for. If you Strike, you loose everything. DAL CEO Grinchstein looses nothing. He's set and so is every Vice President at DAL. They've built a "Nest Egg" on your pentions and are getting BK judges and the Govt to protect them. They know if you strike, you're "Dead in the water". It happened at Pan Am and Eastern. It WILL happen to Delta if you push management. Pay all your DUES up front before you decide.
Delta Pilots don't have the Gonads to walk. They are full of hot air. Sit back and watch the show kiddies. These guys will take what is offered and whine and cry and in the end, will make about as much as an RJ captain for Mesa. O.k, bring on the threats and insults.
Chuck Yogourt said:
Delta Pilots don't have the Gonads to walk.

717, DC9 , 15K+ hours.... EAL? My guess is you're describing yourself in your flamebait post.....

Tell me again what I'd have to loose when my Delta job would pay less then my old 135 job? Doesn't take gonads to make that choice....
Spooky 1 said:
I had this email forwarded to me this morning. Read want you want into it, but it is interesting. It certainly is not flamebait and since I know the source, I believe it is real, regardless of the stupidity and reckless disregard for the legal process. To top it off, this individual does have the ear of upper management on occasion.

"Whether we want to believe it or not, there is a possibility of a pilot's strike at Delta. I don't want to believe it can happen, but things could spiral out of control".

"As things stand, a strike means Chapt. 7 liquidation".

"I am not willing to let DL die if there is a possibility of keeping it alive".

"I am considering making a proposal to DL to man the international operations in the event of a strike".

"They would probably laugh at me. But, if they didn't".

"My concept would not be to replace striking pilots, but rather to operate as contract pilots until ALPA and the company reached an agreement. While I anticipate that the bulk of the guys would come from Delta, I'd also hire guys from any legacy carrier that we could use with just requal training".

"I have no desire to destroy ALPA but I have a deep desire to keep Delta alive".

"If we could keep the company alive while negotiations were ongoing, I think ultimately we'd be doing everyone a favor, including the pilot group, a favor".

"We woudn't want to be seen as opportunists. I think the best way to do it would be to work for a fairly small salary and perhaps an agreement with the company that they do something for the pilot group (scholaships for kids of deceased pilots perhaps)".

"So I am creating a list of retired guys who would consider being trained and be willing to operate international flights in the event of a strike".

"This is not about a windfall for us, it's about repaying Mr. Woolman and Garett and saving the jobs of 50,000 other Delta emolyees".

Ask around at Continental about the guys that "saved the airline in the fall of 1983" - see how those people are perceived today.
FlyingSig said:
Tell me again what I'd have to loose when my Delta job would pay less then my old 135 job? Doesn't take gonads to make that choice....

Back to living on a pager, flying your buns off? While conceivable that you might be willing, I bet the vast majority have no desire to entertain such prospects, not that I blame them.

Nothing personal, but I will bet you a couple of your favorites beverages, that there will be no strike at Delta. We got a deal?
calfo said:

Ask around at Continental about the guys that "saved the airline in the fall of 1983" - see how those people are perceived today.

Oh, you must mean the ALPA members in good standing, who now are senior and enjoying life?
In the event the judge throws out the contract, are the pilots free to strike at any time or is there still a 30 day cooling off? Just wondering what kind of time frame we're looking at. Thanks and good luck!
DwayneWorthless said:
You will loose all you've worked for. If you Strike, you loose everything. DAL CEO Grinchstein looses nothing. He's set and so is every Vice President at DAL. They've built a "Nest Egg" on your pentions and are getting BK judges and the Govt to protect them. They know if you strike, you're "Dead in the water". It happened at Pan Am and Eastern. It WILL happen to Delta if you push management. Pay all your DUES up front before you decide.

What strike would you be refering to when you mention Pan Am? Get your facts straight before you post, please!
FlyingSig said:
My guess is you're describing yourself in your flamebait post.....

Tell me again what I'd have to loose when my Delta job would pay less then my old 135 job? Doesn't take gonads to make that choice....

This isn't flame bait. I am saying the Delta pilots are full of it and will take whatever the judge throws at them.DALPA can kick and scream and in the end, they will bend over. They will not strike, they will not resign in mass numbers and they will report for their trips making about what an Air Willy captain does.

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