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Delta receives approval to exceed pilot flight time limits.

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After reading 5 freakin pages about this all I have to say is: DAL's 16+20 flight will turn into another airline's request for 16+30, then 16+42, then 16+53 and so on and so on...........I hope I'm wrong.
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God, this thread is....delicious!
General, I suppose now you want to marry your daugther too!

Enjoy your crow, it is so well deserved!

Sorry, no kids, that I know about.......

And again, about the crow, we did not sponser this time increase, and actually tried to propose something else. The FAA did the ruling because Dalpa asked Delta to clarify it, and nobody knew the rules since nobody flew more than 16 hours flights (US carriers). No crow here.

Bye Bye--General Lee
After reading 5 freakin pages about this all I have to say is: DAL's 16+20 flight will turn into another airline's request for 16+30, then 16+42, then 16+53 and so on and so on...........I hope I'm wrong.

The Moon turn on the Delta Space Shuttle will probably hit 18 plus hours, and the FAA is already looking into that.....

Bye Bye--General Lee
To change gears just a little...DL has had an obsession since day one of trying to kill JB, at whatever cost. Now, because of "internal politics", our unlimited jumpseat agreement was suddenly pulled. Anyone at DL know the facts as to why, or is this just more of DL hate of everything JB?

We pilots do NOT hate the JB pilots at all. I have no idea why the unlimited jumpseat was stopped, and I hope it is resolved.

Bye Bye--General Lee
Didn't say DL pilots did, I did say DL. I have carried 3 or more DL pilots many times, and I will continue to do so, because it's professional courtesy and the right thing to do. I am just hoping the reason or reasons behind unlimited for us being stopped is legitimate and not just a couple of management weenies with chips on their shoulders.
I don't like the thought of having a 4-man crew flying more than 16 hours either.

Unfortunately, we are moving towards more long haul flying.

As of right now, Singapore Airlines flies from Singapore direct to NYC in a A340-600 with a 4-man crew. Total flight time - 18 hours.
The only thing you have with five pilots or fifteen pilots on a trip like this is five or fifteen tired pilots. Four is pleanty and guess what, they don't all have to be Captains. Well trained, type rated first officers work just fine. The Captain requirement is simply just another ALPA money grab. As a matter of fact there is only one Captain on a Delta flight like this, and they call him the Aircraft Commander. The other Captain is really nothing more that a glorified, albeit a very senior F/O, and has the same authority in the eyes of the FAA as the F/O does whether he is on the flight deck, or in the bunk house.
The only thing you have with five pilots or fifteen pilots on a trip like this is five or fifteen tired pilots. Four is pleanty and guess what, they don't all have to be Captains. Well trained, type rated first officers work just fine. The Captain requirement is simply just another ALPA money grab. As a matter of fact there is only one Captain on a Delta flight like this, and they call him the Aircraft Commander. The other Captain is really nothing more that a glorified, albeit a very senior F/O, and has the same authority in the eyes of the FAA as the F/O does whether he is on the flight deck, or in the bunk house.

If it were up to you, we might have one captain onboard, and 3 droids..... Yeah, they could handle it too. C3PO would love to massage your back too..

Bye Bye--General Lee
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I'm with Albie...

Was I wrong in calling Albie an F15 dork? I really called him a F15 god, then I called him a dork. But, maybe that wasn't the correct thing to do. He should not have called me embarrassing, since this board thrives on posts (probably for advertising dollars), and he should know I actually enjoy this board. He is not the almighty that should decide who is embarrassing and who is not. That comes from his F15 god complex. Many of those guys think that way.

As one of "those guys," and also as one who quit DL at age 43 to pursue an alternative career, I side completely with Albie on this issue. The shrillness of your postings very definitely distracts from any core message you might be trying to press. While I was at DL, I overheard many in the ATL crew lounge who carried the same whiny tone you do when discussing issues. I was embarrassed for them then, just as I am embarrassed for you now.

In my estimation, you really might consider throttling back - just a bit - in order to maintain some credibility here.


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