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Delta receives approval to exceed pilot flight time limits.

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The difference is that we did NOT want this change, and you guys do want your change. Also, the FAA agreed to this, whereas your company broke FARs. Your legs were sheered off, and ours are just sprained.

And, ask your own company to provide the data on your transcon turns and the other tests they did with early departures from JFK and a day sleep in OAK or other West Coast cities. Those tests were even worse, according to my JB friend. Maybe you should get crew rest facilities for your A320s?

Bye Bye--General Lee

JB broke FARs? Yeah, still waiting on the fines, I guess.
With 7642 posts, you certainly provide repetition.

You are an embarrassment.

I enjoy this board and like givng my opinion. Is that wrong? You think so. You don't want me to enjoy something. Wow, thanks F15 god. Dork.

Bye Bye--General Lee
Oh My, this should be a fun thread. The General will increase his total FI posts by about 10% on this thread alone.

He's fighting wars on a couple fronts as we speak. I hear when you hit 8,000 the administrator gives you some free coupons to Popeye's.
I enjoy this board and like givng my opinion. Is that wrong? You think so. You don't want me to enjoy something. Wow, thanks F15 god. Dork.

Bye Bye--General Lee

For someone like yourself GL who roams this forum so frequently...you would do well to listen to someone like AlbieF15. While many here post irrelevant clutter, he is not one of them.

What you have written over the years is not technically bad...its just your delivery.

You come across very poorly.

i can't quite put my finger on it but the best analogy i can think of is this...You somehow remind me of the guy at the dinner table at the end of a group meal..the check is been divvied up equally and it ends up being $30 bucks each...and then you pipe up..."But I did'nt have dessert!"

You are technically correct, you did not have dessert but for the love of God...let it go brother..just let it go...


For someone like yourself GL who roams this forum so frequently...you would do well to listen to someone like AlbieF15. While many here post irrelevant clutter, he is not one of them.

What you have written over the years is not technically bad...its just your delivery.

You come across very poorly.

i can't quite put my finger on it but the best analogy i can think of is this...You somehow remind me of the guy at the dinner table at the end of a group meal..the check is been divvied up equally and it ends up being $30 bucks each...and then you pipe up..."But I did'nt have dessert!"

You are technically correct, you did not have dessert but for the love of God...let it go brother..just let it go...



I don't come on here to make friends. I give my opinions, and then I am willing to debate them with whomever. If they don't like it, they can ignore me. I don't care if Albie flew F15s or flies for Fedex. He can debate me, or instead call me embarrassing, just because I like to debate and enjoy this very board. That is wrong. I have a lot of posts because I reply to everyone, and I have been on this board for 6 or more years. He should know better.

Bye Bye--General Lee

Do you get the feeling that people are getting a little tired of you slamming them and thier airlines? Most fly because they enjoy it. We're all just along for the ride and don't have a lot of control over what management at our airline does. If you think that Delta is the greatest airline out there, then great, but don't continue to rub other people's face in the dirt because their airline did something you don't agree with. Have a liitle discretion in your posts and if your going to debate, then debate. You just slammed Albie and called him a f-15 dork, totally uncalled for.

You have taken on the persona of knowing everything about all airlines and if anyone should dare challenge what you say, you turn to the defensive and degrade them and their airline. This, my friend, is not debating. That is chastizing.

As for me, I'm done "debating" with you.

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I don't come on here to make friends. I give my opinions, and then I am willing to debate them with whomever. If they don't like it, they can ignore me. I don't care if Albie flew F15s or flies for Fedex. He can debate me, or instead call me embarrassing, just because I like to debate and enjoy this very board. That is wrong. I have a lot of posts because I reply to everyone, and I have been on this board for 6 or more years. He should know better.

Bye Bye--General Lee

Albie's just jealous of your almost 8,000 posts. Oh, and that you are a general. Albie's probably just a major, or one of those "lite" colonels.

Or maybe it is because you're gonna get pennies on the dollar.
Back to the thread

I'm certainly dissapointed in the outcome of this. I didn't know anything about this. Also, I've never been in anything but the cockpit of our 777's so I can't speak for the quality of the rest facility. One thing I can say as an international pilot. Having a 3rd pilot for over 8 hours definately helps. It also helps depending on the crew rest seat. If its noisy and you can't get rest, it defeats the purpose. For example, I know crews at USA 3000 don't have a designated crew rest seat (their airbuses are single class anyway) but doing those carribean turns can really put a hurting on you without proper rest.


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