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Delta receives approval to exceed pilot flight time limits.

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Do you get the feeling that people are getting a little tired of you slamming them and thier airlines? Most fly because they enjoy it. We're all just along for the ride and don't have a lot of control over what management at our airline does. If you think that Delta is the greatest airline out there, then great, but don't continue to rub other people's face in the dirt because their airline did something you don't agree with. Have a liitle discretion in your posts and if your going to debate, then debate. You just slammed Albie and called him a f-15 dork, totally uncalled for.

You have taken on the persona of knowing everything about all airlines and if anyone should dare challenge what you say, you turn to the defensive and degrade them and their airline. This, my friend, is not debating. That is chastizing.

As for me, I'm done "debating" with you.


Debate the facts. If I am wrong it will be obvious. It is great other people love their airlines, and I have not been shy about slamming Delta when needed.

Was I wrong in calling Albie an F15 dork? I really called him a F15 god, then I called him a dork. But, maybe that wasn't the correct thing to do. He should not have called me embarrassing, since this board thrives on posts (probably for advertising dollars), and he should know I actually enjoy this board. He is not the almighty that should decide who is embarrassing and who is not. That comes from his F15 god complex. Many of those guys think that way.

I am glad you are done debating. The point of this thread was to debate whether or not the Delta pilots wanted a change in the over 16 hour rule. We did not. The FAA made a clarification. The JB guys were admonished by the FAA when their POI decided on his own to allow them to do live tests with live passengers, and actually break known FARs concerning two pilots and over 8 hours of flying. The POI cannot just make decisions like that, and he was punished for doing so.

Bye Bye--General Lee

Wow. That was great. How did you think of that? The FAA has been looking at this for awhile. There are 4 pilots in the 777 Cockpit, with 2 captains and 2 FOs. The question was whether they could each fly over 8 hours, and they all get breaks. We knew this was something the FAA was looking at all along with these longer flights. Dubai to ATL will be another one just over 16 hours. This wasn't like JB and actively going for transcon turns, we opposed it. The company and the FAA decided 4 pilots could handle an extra hour if they had regular breaks and crew rest facilities.

Bye Bye--General Lee
So you knew the FAA was looking at longer flight times for delta 'for awhile'. I don't remember you bringing that point up during your JB crew duty extension posts. Convenient. I hope you let your opinion be known half as loud as you have here on FI.

I hope DALPA can break out of its 0/fer slump as of late, at least on things that matter.
So you knew the FAA was looking at longer flight times for delta 'for awhile'. I don't remember you bringing that point up during your JB crew duty extension posts. Convenient. I hope you let your opinion be known half as loud as you have here on FI.

I hope DALPA can break out of its 0/fer slump as of late, at least on things that matter.

We just started the JFK--Mumbai flights Nov 1st, and that is when it arised. Not during the JB fiasco. We never knew what the flight time would be until they posted it. CAL does Delhi to EWR in just under 16 hours. Convenient? This all occurred well after the JB smack down.

And, can I let my opinion be known? Dalpa is trying to do that now, but this was uncharted territory. No US airline had ever flown flights over 16 hours. We asked for 5 pilots, and the FAA made the clarification.

Bye Bye--General Lee
Admittedly, it's amusing to watch him squirm in this thread, but the General isn't a bad fellow. His obsession with DCI and JetBlue is a little weird, but overall he makes some good contributions. The board would certainly be more boring without him.
Protest? Yes we did. Did you read our response? How do you suggest we continue protesting? Throw a tantrum like you would do? The FAA changed the rule. The FAA will likely NOT change the transcon rule, though, thanks to the lack of crew rest facilities on JB A320s. Good try, and please tell me how you would continue the protest.

Bye Bye--General Lee

Thanks for the clarification. I'm glad DALPA is protesting.
Good try, and please tell me how you would continue the protest.

Bye Bye--General Lee

Has your union safety committee considered approaching this new rule from a safety standpoint or do they not consider the 16+ hour flights to be a safety issue with only 4 pilots onboard?
Has your union safety committee considered approaching this new rule from a safety standpoint or do they not consider the 16+ hour flights to be a safety issue with only 4 pilots onboard?

Yes, yes they have, and they have put it in writing to the FAA. That is why they wanted 5 pilots on that flight.

Bye Bye--General Lee
General, I suppose now you want to marry your daugther too!

Enjoy your crow, it is so well deserved!
To change gears just a little...DL has had an obsession since day one of trying to kill JB, at whatever cost. Now, because of "internal politics", our unlimited jumpseat agreement was suddenly pulled. Anyone at DL know the facts as to why, or is this just more of DL hate of everything JB?

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