You're making a fool of yourself again. Pop quiz time;
1. what percentage of AirTran 737 NG came from Boeing ETOPS equipped ?
2. How long from 1 year of Class 2 flying would it take to gain ETOPS Cert. How much longer would it take SWA ?
Take a year to consider the problem and get back to us.
I'll take a shot at this.
1. I don't know-some but not all, I'd reckon.
2. The answer to this one is, that it doesn't matter if it would take longer to gain ETOPS cert for Southwest that it would for Airtran. In case you hadn't heard, Airtran is going away, and all the Airtran 737 NGs (ETOPS or not) will be Southwest 737s by 2014. It wouldn't be worth spending the money to certify Airtran for such a short period of time. Not to be a flame, but surely that makes sense to you. Unless you're advocating keeping Airtran separate for an extended period, and that doesn't seem to be in anyone's best interest.