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Delta/NWA Seniority List Negotiation Tidbits

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You are so full of crap. You talk about warm WX bases. Which ones? ATL, ATL and DFW. Oops, sorry, you ran out of DAL with your tail between your legs. Where did you learn that, from your newfound french buddies at Air France. SLC ain't no warm wx base. Here's the latest wx : SLC 0153 32009KT 10SM FEW050 SCT080 01/M07 A3004 RMK AO2 SLP184 T00061067. 34F!!! That's really tropical and warm. DTW has 16 744s and the majority of 330 flying. You keep bringing up the 777s, but you only got 8 with some deliveries coming. Commuters will do whatever they need to do. I took one of your guys to LGA the other day. I mentioned that it would be nice to fly out of home soon. His eyes opened up wide and said "HELL YES!!!!" It goes both ways. DAL commuters will go north if it works for them and NWA guys will go south. BIG DEAL.......

As per our merger options, at least we have some. You "ain't got none". Inside that narrow little head of yours, you know it and it bugs the hell out of you. We are "it" for you guys. We have that Golden Share, which gives us options. If it don't happen with you guys, well so be it. We can dance with CAL. You can't. You will have the same problems with your "super seniority". You call our group unreasonable and imprerialistic, but we are not for sale. CAL and NWA have not had a major exodus of the top 2000 pilots. DOH will work just fine. In the end, it seems that the one going to the dance without a partner is gonna be you... Good luck.

Ever heard of LA? You haven't? You bonehead. We have a large base there with 757/767 Domestic, 767ER, and 738. Warm enough for you? Think and research before you post. Anyone of the NWA commuters from the West Coast would bid that. And what about FLA commuters? ATL would be their choice, and it is certainly warmer than Snow town and Mo-town. You are dumb.

And, you won't find a better fit without Delta. We had Air France helping us to finance it, which would have kept out some Hedge fund money, which usually is cashed in sooner than later. Why is that important? You don't want to always look over your shoulder at the hedge funds, and Air France would have allowed us to be an airline, not a profit center for that hedge fund, waiting to sell us in pieces. You will never understand anyway...... Will KLM help you out? Probably not, Air France owns them too.

Bye Bye--General Lee
Dumber than a box of rocks. Hilarious

Wow, I guess Anderson would keep those DC9s forever......riiight. He can't sell them to anyone, so maybe you could keep flying them forever, and always ask for headings...

Airtran, and other LCCs, would love to take some of your profit pie in MSP. If they see an opportunity, they could take it, ATL is maxed out. As you shed your 30 DC9s this year, there might be room. Ah, you will luckily just put E175s in their place. Good?

You have 23 daily mainline flights out of IND, with only one going to LGA, and the Cancun flight is on a Saturday only (according to OAG). That is a huge base. Your RJ 50s out number your flights 2 to 1.

We do probably get 55% of our revenue from ATL, because we have other large hubs. You have 3, with MEM being marginal and IND insignificant. We have ATL and JFK, followed by CVG and SLC, and then LAX.

Did we give our DC9s to Valujet? They may have come from Delta originally, but not directly from us. You are the moron here. Yeah, we just sold them our DC9s. Do you know when we got rid of ours? If they got them from someone else, then that is not our fault. When did Valuejet start? In the mid 90s. When did we last fly them? In the 80s. Wow, you smart man........

And here is another funny one. ATL is the busiest airport in the world. If you want to rank it by revenue, then great dork. I was ranking it by passengers and flights, like most people. But, you are sooooo special. I would rank you in the top 1% for tools.

Do we need 787s now? No. You do. You are running out of anything new. We are getting planes that are bigger, pay more, fly the same range, and can carry more pax and cargo. Ever heard of the 777LR? You will. That is the plane passing your A330 from BOM to AMS, while we are going nonstop to JFK. Can't wait to see your 787 in Bangalore... When will the 787 fly again? Has it flown? I think you may get Space Shuttles too.......right.

Why does our management want your Asia ops? Well, it might be faster than creating one ourselves, but we certainly can do it on our own, and bypass NRT all together. I think they would like to have it now so they can offer worldwide coverage. You certainly can't do anything but Asia and 5 or 6 total European cities. Oh yeah, you have Mumbai too. You are the largest "regional" in the world. Asia is your specialty, and you are Tokyo's "darling" airline....riiight. Wow, get over yourself and your old planes and cold bases. That is what you have, no way around it. Bummer.

Bye Bye--General Lee
No you don't, but if you want something similar to our presence there, it will take a long, long time. Put it this way, every destination takes up 3 planes. With the 777s you got coming(8), you can maybe do 3(half-assedly). We have multiple destinations out of NRT. With 787s coming, we will add more flights to we don't fly to yet.

This really is funny. Where are your 787s again? And, can your A330s actually fly anywhere from the West Coast past NRT? They can't. They can barely make SFO to NRT nonstop. You don't have anymore 744s coming, and you parked all but one of your pax 742s, with the extra one doing MAC charters. You don't have anything to add until you do get the 787s, and Boeing hasn't even flown one yet, and they keep pushing it back. We are getting 2 new 777LRs this month (going to BOM, and the 777ERs currently doing BOM will do ATL-PVG (Shanghai) nonstop), one in DEC, and 5 more in early 09. (6 within 3 months). We also are considering flying 767-400s from HNL to hit new cities in the Pacific. We also have options on the 737-800s that can be converted to 777s. Somehow, I think you are wrong, again. I can't wait to see that first 787 fly, and then go through another year of testing and delays......

And, it was great you flew one of our 5 pilots who live in either MSP or DTW to LGA. I would say 99.9% of our pilots would NOT want to move to MSP or especially DTW. Yuck. Enjoy those you hoser.

Bye Bye--General Lee
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What are you going to do when they switch the equiopment around in order to align operational efficiencies (i.e. large DC 9 base in ATL). Are bidding equipment or bases?
I am also guessing that the new 787's (what 68 of them) would suit your guys just fine also :puke:

We have room at ATL. Some RJs are now at our usual mainline terminals, so DC9s could blend in. I think they will also move a 744 to ATL too for the NRT flight, so maybe that could be a new base :). As far as the 787s go, I haven't seen one yet. Have you? Has anyone? Also, you only have 18 firm orders on the 787s, not 68. We have options on our 738s that can be converted to 777s, but that isn't a sure thing until we exercise them. You haven't yet. Sounds like you need to brush up on the FACTS too while you're at it.

Will any of this happen anyway? Probably not. That Republic Greenbook really screwed up. Wow. Oh well.

Bye Bye--General Lee
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What I don't understand is why a redneck would like a double breasted coat. Is it a confederate thang?


Yeah, good question. Just like you Canuk Hosers wearing your large London Fog jackets in April and May still. I ditch my U-Boat Commander jacket anytime I fly South of the Equator (a Delta rule), which is at least once a month, to Rio baby! You guys fly South too, only on Saturdays from MSP to Liberia, Costa Rica. Probably a turn with an augmented crew.

Bye Bye--General Lee
Yeah, good question. Just like you Canuk Hosers wearing your large London Fog jackets in April and May still. I ditch my U-Boat Commander jacket anytime I fly South of the Equator (a Delta rule), which is at least once a month, to Rio baby! You guys fly South too, only on Saturdays from MSP to Liberia, Costa Rica. Probably a turn with an augmented crew.

Bye Bye--General Lee

I see the problem now after looking at your profile - you are a FLAP at DAL with a short guy complex. I thought they only hired Military pilots? How'd you slip through? :uzi: I bet you don't even have a call sign. How bout' we christen you "Smegma"?

I see the solution now for SLI - just give DOH based on commissioning date, with points added for Navy (Marines would get the same points if they can do the math) and AOCS, and adjusted for AF and/or academy :bomb:
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Wow, I guess Anderson would keep those DC9s forever......riiight.

Bye Bye--General Lee
Apologies if this has been covered elsewhere, but several sources have reported the DC-9's will remain in the fleet longer if DAL/NWA merge. The rationale being that instead of having 15 RJ flights to a half dozen hub cities service will be aligned through just one, or two, hub cities. This maintains the level of service with lower seat mile costs and requires more aircraft capacity.
Apologies if this has been covered elsewhere, but several sources have reported the DC-9's will remain in the fleet longer if DAL/NWA merge. The rationale being that instead of having 15 RJ flights to a half dozen hub cities service will be aligned through just one, or two, hub cities. This maintains the level of service with lower seat mile costs and requires more aircraft capacity.

Yup, no merger announced yet, but the aircraft/service/fleet plan has already been announced. GMAB.

basically, anything said before the official merging of the companies can and will change. Don't believe any of it, unless the all knowing General Lee.
Apologies if this has been covered elsewhere, but several sources have reported the DC-9's will remain in the fleet longer if DAL/NWA merge. The rationale being that instead of having 15 RJ flights to a half dozen hub cities service will be aligned through just one, or two, hub cities. This maintains the level of service with lower seat mile costs and requires more aircraft capacity.

Yup, no merger announced yet, but the aircraft/service/fleet plan has already been announced. GMAB.

basically, anything said before the official merging of the companies can and will change. Don't believe any of it, unless the all knowing General Lee says it.

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