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Delta Fosters Diversity... I'm gonna be sick

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Cardenal said:

The word is bigot, not "biggot". How perfectly appropriate--a bigot that can't spell bigot.

Hey great catch. I am usually a much better speller than that.

As far a me being a bigot. You dont even know me yet you spout all this BS because myself as well as a few other pilots here have core beliefs that we believe in.

I bet you are one of those typical open minded liberals that is real understanding and open minded only if all the others believe what he/she is saying. Since you can't debate my argument or points I have made it is a whole lot easier to label me as a bigot and be done with it.

Instead of slapping a label on me why dont you debate the points I have brought up.
This is not about bigotry, it is about keeping promises and being honest. It is about a Company that says it can not pay its bills and who can not fulfil the promises made to its employees wasting money on causes that do not promote the Company's core mission.

No one can convince me that enough pepople are fans of "Secrets of a Gay Marine Porn Star" that it makes an iota's difference in Delta's ticket sales. Further, if anyone went to a public school to talk to my 13 year old about their sexuality, my next call will be to the Police - not to Delta's ticketing agents.

Delta has one big fat homosexual agenda and it is incompatible with the short term survival of this airline. Again, if Delta wants to provide some way for its employees to contribute, fine. But don't tell me the Company does not have money for ACARS while crews are out busting altitudes while a pilot is trying to call times on a saturated ops frequency while funneling money into "Youth Pride" and "Secrets of a Gay Marine Porn Star."
Ty Webb said:
I have a problem with the "diversity industry".

Do I have a problem with presenting homosexual relationships as being "normal"?


Ditto. And to add to that, I am tired of health plan cost increases to meet the demands of everyone else's "lifestyle" (queers) and "disease" (obesity).

Proclamation, not "Proclimation". Sorry. Couldn't resist.

You describe yourself as a "Scholar" (with capital "S" and everything!). Based on what? Just reading about something from age 12 does not make you a scholar (caps or no caps). Makes you a hobbyist (sp?), perhaps.

I agree with your right to have and express an opinion, and will take up arms to defend our (yours and mine) right to do so. What bothers me is how people feel so entitled to judge and condemn others simply based on religious beliefs or opinions. You mentioned something about "I know this (homosexuality) is wrong". How do you know that? Live your life, educate your children, follow your values, but don't tell others what to believe. Again, use reason (i.e., science) to guide you.

People like me fight for your right (and mine) to live your life as you wish. Don't tell me how to live mine. Live your life. Back off about other people's lives. Really. Why do you care that someone has a gay pride parade? Why does it get you so riled up? Don't go. I don't. Simple. The only explanation I can think of is that you think you know a truth others don't (back to the "I know this is wrong" comment). It reminds me of Pentecostal Christians obsessed with saving "little brown people in 3rd world countries who don't accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior" (read that in your best Southern used car salesman voice) or they will go to hell--and thus go and try coerce them...they actually think they are doing them a favor!

I'd like to raise my children to respect others, and to understand that the world is not black and white, right and wrong, liberal or conservative. There are hues to everything, and if you appreciate that the world is a much more interesting place. I have met very nice gay people, with a strong sense of decency and family values. I have also met loud, self-professed conservative Christians who claim morality and then excitedly suggest we go to the tittie bars as soon as we land at our overnight (but not before cooing "I wuv you" to wifey-poo on the cell phone and praying with the kids).

Whew! Sorry. I am enjoying the exchange , though. Have a nice day.

Came across this..... looks like Detla isn't the only one that celebrates diversity

June - A Celebration of Pride

June is recognized as Pride month for American and American Eagle's gay, lesbian, bi-sexual and transgendered (GLBT) employees.

For the first time, in recognition of Pride month, the multi-colored Rainbow Flag, a symbol of GLBT pride, will be displayed in the atrium at HDQ1, HDQ2 and FSU.

The flag, designed by Gilbert Baker, debuted at the 1978 San Francisco Gay and Lesbian Freedom Day parade. It is comprised of six colors, representing life, healing, sun, nature, harmony and spirit. It represents the diversity and the unity of GLBT persons everywhere.

Historical Perspective

In June of 1969, a group of gays and lesbians resisted harassment and mistreatment, setting in motion a chain of events that would become known as the Stonewall Uprising. This marked the birth of the modern gay and lesbian equal rights movement.

Historians writing about New York City in the 1960s describe how law enforcement officers frequently raided bars known to serve gay and lesbian patrons. Employees of these establishments and others were often arrested without legitimate charges.

One night, something different happened.

When police raided the Stonewall Inn, the patrons decided to fight back. For several nights, crowds grew outside the Stonewall Inn. The event became known as the Stonewall Uprising. Since that day, the GLBT community commemorates Stonewall as a way to reaffirm their commitment to achieving equal rights.

GLEAM -- A Winning Tradition

Our GLBT employees take pride in working for a company that fosters respect for all of its employees. Our company has become the leader in the industry joining other Fortune 500 companies in promoting fairness, understanding and respect for all of its employees and customers.

"GLEAM (Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered Employees of AMR) was formed in 1993 and was one of the first Employee Resource Groups," says Matt Keough, President of both the Diversity Advisory Council and GLEAM. "GLBT employees are proud to have been the catalyst for the formation of the Diversity Advisory Council and 13 other ERGs."

Today, GLEAM continues to be an advocate for GLBT employees and customers. American is the only major airline to have a Sales Team (Rainbow Sales Team) dedicated to the GLBT community. GLEAM works closely with the Rainbow Sales Team which was formed in 1993.

The relationship with the GLBT community has generated significant revenue from additional group travel, corporate accounts and travel agencies.

Robert Hosey, Director of Specialty Sales offers this: "The Gay and Lesbian travelers have shown great support to our airline. I know of many instances where customers had an option of taking a non-stop flight on a competitor versus connecting on American. They consistently chose to fly on American and support our airline."
Cardenal said:
I'd like to raise my children to respect others, and to understand that the world is not black and white, right and wrong, liberal or conservative.

So how will you react when Delta sends in a couple of homosexual adults to counsel your 13 year old as part of "Youth Pride" and your child wants to go to festive afterschool "Youth Pride" events? After all, the Indigo Girls are so cool and Ellen is funny.

Children need to be protected and our government schools are not to be opened up for the predatory inclinations of homosexual activists. Kids do not yet have the maturity to know right from wrong and that is why they are treated differently under the law. Thirteen year olds have enough going on without being confronted ( and recruited ) by gay activists. ( I hesitated before writing that but several gay friends were in fact recruited by adults in school )

Ok, I know I am getting drawn off topic, but I don't think many parents appreciate this sort of diversity training and private schools have exploding enrollments as a result.

Bottom line is that this is highly controversial - how is it a great marketing program?

Delta doesn't have the money for core operational functions. No matter how you slice it, Delta's money is being wasted on something that probably harms the Company.

Delta used to spray lead arsenide all over the South. What they are spreading now is even more damaging. If you don't want to take my word for it, call the local Bishop for the Catholic Church, Cardenal.
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Cardenal said:

Proclamation, not "Proclimation". Sorry. Couldn't resist.

You describe yourself as a "Scholar" (with capital "S" and everything!). Based on what? Just reading about something from age 12 does not make you a scholar (caps or no caps). Makes you a hobbyist (sp?), perhaps.

I agree with your right to have and express an opinion, and will take up arms to defend our (yours and mine) right to do so. What bothers me is how people feel so entitled to judge and condemn others simply based on religious beliefs or opinions. You mentioned something about "I know this (homosexuality) is wrong". How do you know that? Live your life, educate your children, follow your values, but don't tell others what to believe. Again, use reason (i.e., science) to guide you.

People like me fight for your right (and mine) to live your life as you wish. Don't tell me how to live mine. Live your life. Back off about other people's lives. Really. Why do you care that someone has a gay pride parade? Why does it get you so riled up? Don't go. I don't. Simple. The only explanation I can think of is that you think you know a truth others don't (back to the "I know this is wrong" comment). It reminds me of Pentecostal Christians obsessed with saving "little brown people in 3rd world countries who don't accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior" (read that in your best Southern used car salesman voice) or they will go to hell--and thus go and try coerce them...they actually think they are doing them a favor!

I'd like to raise my children to respect others, and to understand that the world is not black and white, right and wrong, liberal or conservative. There are hues to everything, and if you appreciate that the world is a much more interesting place. I have met very nice gay people, with a strong sense of decency and family values. I have also met loud, self-professed conservative Christians who claim morality and then excitedly suggest we go to the tittie bars as soon as we land at our overnight (but not before cooing "I wuv you" to wifey-poo on the cell phone and praying with the kids).

Whew! Sorry. I am enjoying the exchange , though. Have a nice day.



I have a double minor in American History with a focus on the Civil War in particular. When I refer to myself as a Scholar I am making it known that I am a student of this period of time. It is something that I have always been interested in. Just like aviation. I consider myself to be a student or "scholar" of aviation as well.

I dont care what people do behind closed doors. I do however have problems with companies such as my old Employer American Airlines taking concessions that myself and my other employees gave up only for them to sponsor events such as Gay Pride. If a bunch of people have pride for being Gay then great. I just don't want the revenue that me and my co-workers generated going towards things I dont approve of. It's really that simple.

And because I have Core Beliefs that I will not back down from I am labeled a Bigot by people such as yourself. Well tell me Cardenal, what if your company decided to sponsor the local KKK rally? Would you have a problem with that? Or is there a hue to that as well?

I for one have gay friends that I get along great with. I just don't see why a company has to spend money on a gay pride event especially when they are losing hundreds of millions of dollars a quarter. Some people say it is savy marketing. I say it is a waste of money. And I think it is wrong.

There is no hue here Cardenal. Somethings can just be labeled black and white. If you or someone you know wants to have a same sex relationship, fine. I just don't why companies have to provide money for such events so that these people can justify their behavior and label it as normal when it is not.

And by the way I dont know why you are going off on the Religious tangent. I never made a Religious argument here to begin with. I might be a Christian but my reasonings for posting on this thread have nothing to do with Religion whatsoever.

I guess that makes you prejudice then.

didn't mean to imply YOU are a religious freak. Bad example, probably.

A double minor. Wow. It take my comment back.

I will not argue over the "I know is wrong" comment except to say, how do you know? I don't find any personal appeal to same sex relationships (2 hot chicks, of course, excluded), I just don't get bent outo f shape by it.

But, to the main point. So, you say that what really gets your goat is the company spending money on this crap while we all wither on the vine, am I correct? Granted, that is irritating. Does this mean that if (hypothetically) the company showed us how much $ it MAKES from sponsoring these events then you would have no problem with it? That's all it is...$$$? If we got 20 more aircraft to run 40 trips a day between Hellanta and "gayland" (some hypothetical gay city), and that meant upgrade and pay improvement and growth etc etc, would you be against it?

Just wondering.

Have a good one

I forgot to answer the other question.

There is a fundamental moral difference between the KKK, or Nazi politics (both pretty much based on the belief that I am better than you, and hate you so very, very much I'll have to kill you) and the gay people (or whatever) who say "we want equal rights" or we want to be recognized and respected" or whatever. One says "I want to enslave and kill you" and the other says "let me be who I am".

BIG difference, don't you think?



Research shows that, by and large, you cannot be made gay. Of course, pederasty is violently harmful to children, but that is not what we are talking about. Also, it is a myth that gay people are de facto pederasts.

I don't care if my kids have a gay teacher. I am worried about whether or not the teacher is good at teaching. Sexual inappropriateness, gay or straight, is harmful to children.

And though I am a Catholic, I don't follow sheeplike (baa!! baa!!) whatever the church says. I have more dignity than that. And I have a brain. I can think.

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