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Delta Airlines the Comair Connection?

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surplus1 said:
Is it my high horse that you really object to or the fact that I called tittyjet's bluff?

He's just calling a spade a spade. Something you take great pride in doing on a regular basis. Except when you are looking in the mirror.
Ace posted: "Many at Comair do not want a staple...."

I have to disagree with that statement. I have yet to talk to any Comair pilot that thinks DOH integration is appropriate let alone even remotely possible. Everyone I've discussed this with has clearly said that a staple with fences and DOH furlough protection would be just fine.
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surplus1 said:
Is it my high horse that you really object to or the fact that I called tittyjet's bluff?


And how did calling us arrogant (yet again) relate to tittyjet's comment?

Better yet, don't answer that. I've already heard it plenty of times.

You are an intelligent and articulate poster, and I have enjoyed our discussions. However, from almost my first day on this board, I have asked you to consider the fact that our actions are fueled by rational thought, concern for our jobs, concern for our career, and (perhaps) a difference of opinion with you over what the profession should look like in the future. You, however, persist in blaming our every action on arrogance and ego. Is it beyond the realm of possibility that we and our leadership actually are thinking people, with educations and maturity, who would not risk multi-million dollar careers out of some childish sense of superiority or pettiness?

I take great care to avoid insulting anyone on this board. Despite that, my concerns for the direction in which this industry is headed is usually treated as nothing more than the rantings of an "arrogant a-hole." You, on the other hand, insult Delta pilots with almost every one of your posts, and do so with immunity from what seems to be your legions of fans. If any mainline pilot ever characterized and stereotyped regional pilots the way you do mainline pilots, there would be an outcry lasting pages. When you do it (continuosly), it is somehow ok.

Your posts, while eloquant, are often insulting. It doesn't bother me, I've been insulted in far less subtle ways. However, persistance in blaming all our actions on arrogance prevents you from analyizing the motivations behind our actions, and therefore, limits your knowledge (considerable though it may be) of the issue.

I can guess your response, because I have heard it before. In fact, you don't have to respond, I'll do a search. It had something to do with arrogance being the only rational explanation for our actions...the way you were treated in meetings....would like to believe otherwise...etc.

I don't want to start a debate over this. You can continue to post however you like. But don't be surprised if people get a little sick of being called arrogant. It's not because they are bowled over by your argument, or they are upset that "you are sassing your massa" (or some other analogy you are fond of using that indicates a lack of subsurviance). It is simply because it is insulting. And it is tiring.
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