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Delta Air Lines Hopefully Sets a Precedent to Save Gulf Oil Spill Wildlife

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I should shut my mouth because my industry might have a edge over business?
Ok, you told me.

The govt had a pre approved plan in place with companies to burn an oil spill in a worst case, just like we have today. But the EPA and such had nixed this after the fact. Now we have a much worse problem.

It's funny how it's a one way street for libs to blame Bush for everything, Obama can do no wrong. Typical too.
If Bush would have been running things, those Loons would be marinated with herbs and spices, dunked in 350 degree peanut oil, fried for 3 minutes/lb, and served for lunch with hush puppies, creamed corn, cornbread, sweet tea, and pecan pie. That's how it otta be done. If those birds wanted to go to Minnesota thay would have flown their a$$es back there. I figure that they chose to dunk themselves in oil vs. flying back to MN.
If Bush would have been running things, those Loons would be marinated with herbs and spices, dunked in 350 degree peanut oil, fried for 3 minutes/lb, and served for lunch with hush puppies, creamed corn, cornbread, sweet tea, and pecan pie. That's how it otta be done. If those birds wanted to go to Minnesota thay would have flown their a$$es back there. I figure that they chose to dunk themselves in oil vs. flying back to MN.

Spoken like the quintessential SWA pilot. When I went to higher power to sell my soul to the devil. Those schmucks there made us all hold up "G. Bush in 2004" signs - during the election. We did this so they could take photos with Amy and Lindsey in "people dept".....I never got hired to say the least but this left a nasty taste in my mouth for how SWA runs things.
Spoken like the quintessential SWA pilot. When I went to higher power to sell my soul to the devil. Those schmucks there made us all hold up "G. Bush in 2004" signs - during the election. We did this so they could take photos with Amy and Lindsey in "people dept".....I never got hired to say the least but this left a nasty taste in my mouth for how SWA runs things.

I'm just saying that us Southerners know how to make a bird taste good. That's all.
wrong ohhh chump. Democracy is like a blunt sword it takes years to turn. I don't think Obama has ESP either, to know that these guys cut ever corner there is and got away with it when they ask the bush boys for permission.

Fact the DOW has increased over 50 percent since Obama took presidency. Fact: GM, FORD and Chrysler are still around when they would've been dead under Mccain. Fact: he saved 80 percent of our banking industry from going tits up. Fact:

Just a minute sparky. The only fact you've proven is your constant stupidity. Stop watching msnbc for your news and information. You have no idea what would have happenedd to the auto industry or banking industry under a different administration.

Killed number 3 al queda man. Fact:
BFD. And continues to let North Korea and Iran get away with illegal nuclear arms.

Airline pilots now have a NMB with 2 pro union folks on board and one pro corp - just watch how many contracts will be signed and raises given. That last one alone should make you shut your mouth. I could go on all day.
I think you're the one that should shut his mouth. You're saying that for a fact that airline contracts and raises will be signed under this administration..........:laugh:
Look no further than spirit, or your own beloved Air Tran dumbass!
Maybe you should shut your nut drainer;)

I'm just saying that us Southerners know how to make a bird taste good. That's all.

He is obviously too angry to see the humor in the post.

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