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Delta Air Lines Hopefully Sets a Precedent to Save Gulf Oil Spill Wildlife

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Funny how the only thing Obama can do is blame Bush. Getting a little tired don't ya think?

Why don't you "green goons" stop using the things that are produced by oil if you think it is so bad? Funny how you types seem to have nice cars, cell phones, and plastics of all types. I might actually listen to one of you if you lived like it was 1890 but until then, shut your pie hole!

Actually Obama is taking full responsibility like he did during the bank failure, house collapse and auto manuf./car parts.

So your logic is: "I see some granola driving a nice car and using plastic" so therefore I can be wasteful without any regard to the planet and the damage I cause. Your brilliant dude.

Look there is nothing wrong with implementing some common sense laws out there. Like here is a small useful one - no more plastic bags used at grocery stores or Wal-mart like stores.
At least Delta is trying, unlike the government which is waiting for permission from BP to deal with this disaster. The beautiful Gulf Coast where I spent a lot of my childhood will soon be a dead sea. I will run out of gas before I stop at a BP station (and Citgo too).
At least Delta is trying, unlike the government which is waiting for permission from BP to deal with this disaster. The beautiful Gulf Coast where I spent a lot of my childhood will soon be a dead sea. I will run out of gas before I stop at a BP station (and Citgo too).

Exactly. Who cares if the airlines are doing it just for publicity, as long as they DO it and it GETS DONE. Hopefully they will expeditiously take this opportunity to actually help and make a difference for the wildlife, and then reap the benefits of the public seeing them in a better light rather than the usual "I hate the airlines" media filler stories that take up all the space.
NOT taking advantage of this opportunity (and not doing even more than just the two loons) would be a completely stupid move.
Those are two very dead Loons come November or so....Florida to Minnesota?

" Loonsicles...It's what's for dinner."

The only Loons that need to be moved would be the geniuses at the Delta Brain Trust Marketing Department that came up with this one.

What's next, save some Polar Bears from "Global Warming" ( and their change in habitat ) by moving them to Arizona?


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cant have it both ways

Obama has been in office long enough to have his people in place with the regulation and oversite that you speak of Max.

Additionally, requiring these companies to drill so far off shore that they have to drill a mile down just to start has made this problem far worse than it should have ever been.

If they had been allowed to drill in shallow water they would not be faced with so many challenges, and the spill likely would have been plugged far faster.

Plenty of oil right here in the lower 48 and Alaska that could be used too, with very little risk.

Obama has no idea how to lead, he only knows how to make matters worse. You have many examples right in front of you.

Obama has been in office long enough to have his people in place with the regulation and oversite that you speak of Max.

Additionally, requiring these companies to drill so far off shore that they have to drill a mile down just to start has made this problem far worse than it should have ever been.

If they had been allowed to drill in shallow water they would not be faced with so many challenges, and the spill likely would have been plugged far faster.

Plenty of oil right here in the lower 48 and Alaska that could be used too, with very little risk.

Obama has no idea how to lead, he only knows how to make matters worse. You have many examples right in front of you.

wrong ohhh chump. Democracy is like a blunt sword it takes years to turn. I don't think Obama has ESP either, to know that these guys cut ever corner there is and got away with it when they ask the bush boys for permission.

Fact the DOW has increased over 50 percent since Obama took presidency. Fact: GM, FORD and Chrysler are still around when they would've been dead under Mccain. Fact: he saved 80 percent of our banking industry from going tits up. Fact: Killed number 3 al queda man. Fact: Airline pilots now have a NMB with 2 pro union folks on board and one pro corp - just watch how many contracts will be signed and raises given. That last one alone should make you shut your mouth. I could go on all day.
The ONLY reason Delta or any other corporate entity does stuff like this is for the publicity. If they didn't think it would help cause one more person to book with their airline are gain another $ -- they wouldn't bother. They have public relations people who take advantage of and pounce on situations like this like a shark after baitfish., so no "how sweet" from me.

Things must really suck in your world. Try to look at the bright side of things. Would you rather have Delta do nothing?

Obama has been in office long enough to have his people in place with the regulation and oversite that you speak of Max.

Additionally, requiring these companies to drill so far off shore that they have to drill a mile down just to start has made this problem far worse than it should have ever been.

If they had been allowed to drill in shallow water they would not be faced with so many challenges, and the spill likely would have been plugged far faster.

Plenty of oil right here in the lower 48 and Alaska that could be used too, with very little risk.

Obama has no idea how to lead, he only knows how to make matters worse. You have many examples right in front of you.


Currently the republicans are holding up over 90 of Obama's appointee's. So a lot of the government agencies are still being run by Bush appointee's.

I agree that the deep water drilling could have been prevented. But those decisions were made under the Bush administration.

Also the government has no branch that can handle an oil spill or a oil well leak. Those responsibilities were left to each company that drills. No different then if this well was on land. The company drilling is required to stop the flow and clean up the mess.

There is nothing our government can do in this case. Maybe a lesson from this spill will be that the Navy/ Coast Guard should have the tools to deal with a deep water oil leak. I would bet that neither the Navy or Coast Guard have a single engineer that specializes in oil drilling or production.

Please don't start blaming the current administration, when they had little say on were the drilling took place. They were also were left with zero tools to deal with a spill such as this. Maybe should blame Clinton on this one. He was the last President not in bed with oil companies. Maybe he should have tasked the Coast Guard with preparing for an oil spill.
Back to the subject at hand. These have to be some pretty stupid loons. They should already be nesting with their eggs in MN by now. They are just lazy Southern loons waiting for the Government and/or Delta to evacuate them. We don't need that kind of Loon in MN. Gives our state a bad name!

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