I was compensated. I received $400 a week, from Pinnacle, through their payroll system. I was in their HR and payroll deparment. ALPA's merger policy defines DOH as the date upon which a pilot first appears upon the Company’s payroll. I was indeed, HR and payroll confirmed. My bank received checks from them every week. Also, the day a pilot begins initial operational training required to perform such duties in airline operations. My initial operating training was NOT when I completed my sim checkride! By that definition, you're telling me my IOE was when I begain initial operational training for the CRJ? No way, the FAA would never sign off on that. My initial operating training was on my class date. I did the indoc, systems, etc. like everyone else. By both definitions, I meet ALPA's date of hire policy.Uhh...You weren't compensated. Most never were, and the others received a stipend. This was the accepted method of DOH when you accepted the job, and one of the reasons I did not try to work there. Your original DOH actually meets the definition in the ALPA policy, and without the LOA, I don't think you would have a leg to stand on in this. You accepted this fact when you took the job.
If the LOA is used to adjust the DOH. So be it. This is up to Bloch. If you believe Higney, then he has already made his decision on it.
It has nothing to do with my point that the 2 definitions are both fair and valid. This is a process of determining which is to be used. It's not personal, nor is it an attack to your seniority. If anything, assuming the LOA is used, there's gain from ALPAs accepted seniority policy.