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dealing with a POI.

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Otter said:
FAA Handboks are guidance. However, trying to have the argument with a inspector that it is not rule willl not get you anywhere. The handbooks tell them how to complete their job. Thus unless you submit in a fashion that lines up with the handbook and they can see the way to the next step, you will get nowhere.

Down side is very simple items can be a real death march when the guidance in followed to the letter. The certification process, adding of new aircraft or privileges to a certificate holder (especially those with validation testing) or initial issuance to a applicant certificate is the slowest and most frustrating regarding the handbooks.

Upside, if you submit in accordance with the rule and guidance, they really cant say no....unless you have acted like a tool, and now they dont like you, then they will have to give it to eventually, but they can make sure the delay is murder.

Unfortunately just about each item in the quidance has an out. It allows the POI to use his judgement. It is most likely due to the instruction they get from the FAA Academy. The original intention of the wording was to allow the POI to deal with situations that were well outside the norm. But they are using them to fulfill their own personal ideas and predgeses(sp).
scubabri said:
does anyone know where I can get a full PDF version of the 8400.10? The FAA has it broken up on their web page.

Also, where can I get a PDF copy of the FAR/AIM?


You do not want that! Back when I had to keep the 8400.10 in paper, it FILLED two 4 inch ring binders. Plus I had to keep it current. I have enough to keep current without that. Using the FAA website, the FAA keeps it current.

Enough said.
good hints guys.

Only advice i want to add to that is this. You might win the battle on this, but the battle might cause a war you will end up losing. With your situation in mind, if you feel that strongly on this issue.. persue it. But keep in mind, you might cause a whole lot more of watching eyes on you that you really didn't intend to.
First, take the time to find out what other operators in your area are using CTS training. Secondly, use the information from the above and make writing your friend. Thirdly, take the time to get to know your POI, his supervisors, and try and get some other FAA friends to let you know if there are little pet peeves that he has so you can deal with them. Always follow the advice on writing and be specific.
My last piece of advice is the most important one. Half the time your POI or PMI is not doing what you want is that there is something else bothering them that is not stated. They may feel you do not have adequate staff to train, that you are trying to use CTS as a substitute for good training, maybe he does not feel the management is solid in training and safety issues. You have to figure out what the real problem is so you can deal with it. They will kill through lack of decision rather than decisions.

Just go to Google and type it in (8400.1). This is the easiest way I've found to navigate it. It is a massive amount of info, so perhaps only print off the chapter(s) you are actively addressing. You will probably only concern yourself with Volume 2. Not sure, just check it out. Good luck.

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