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DC-9/MD80 pilots...

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We turn the wing landing lights off climbing thru 3000' agl and turn them on descending thru 3000' agl. The use of the Ground and Wing/Nacelle Flood Lights is on below 10,000 msl in climbs and descents. The vibration of the wing landing lights on at high speed is a nuisance.
Spooky and Sled--We have the lights on the "Transition Altitude" checklist which is done at FL180. The more lights on, the safer you are.

I'm trying to start a trend of turning on strobes and ice lights when crossing an active runway. You never know...TC
The 10,000 foot mark comes from the FAA's "Operation Lights On", (forget AC #) which recommends ALL lights on anytime below 10,000' to aid in "seeing and avoiding".

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