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DALPA Rep Says no go to merger....

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Spot on once again. We're dealing with a very angry group for the most part. Not sure if we need any of that here. Hopefully we have a choice.

No matter what you say, they'll say "our seniority is not for sale" So I guess ours is? The DL relative seniority deal on the table will have many of us stagnating for years in our bases unless we're willing to commute to the DC-9. At $125/hr it's not much more than my beaten down rate is now. I don't want any part of it.

LMAO you guys have no idea what your even bickering about!! :laugh: Yet you have it all figured out:rolleyes:

Why not wait to discuss actual info, just a thought..........?
Your arrogance is appalling, exceeded only by your ignorance .....
What is arrogant about quoting basic contract law from a easily understood public source? The entire post was a recap of information in the public domain.

What gives? Got any facts you care to debate?
Well, it appears we can't even agree on the definition of apples and oranges let alone, compare apples to apples.

Reality check - breakout the 757's from the 767 and you lose about 100 WB's staffed at what per acft? Oh yeah a 757 is a WB - not (hint - 1. count the aisles, 2. does it need augmented crews). And $10/hr more than we pay does not make it one. Subtract ~ 1400 from your side.

Add the 68 (options will be exercised, front of the line) 787's that will be double or even triple crewed and it results in a minimum of 2000 positions.

Most of our pilots are also retiring at 60 - right now, so the retirement numbers are skewed in our favor as well.

But whatever, I don't expect to convince wankers like you anyways. Too bad Moak is going to blow what could be such a golden opportunity.....
Well correct me if I'm mistaken...but I think the following are true:
> The 767 is not going to be broke away from the 757. NWA's pay rates would come up to the blended rate.
> Some 757 flying does require augmented crews (in fact we have some dual crew 737 flying on daily 10+ hour turns to the Caribbean)
> The 777-200LR has more capability and range than the 787. It would require at least the 787's staffing.
> Other NWA pilots have written than their pilots will not retire at 60 if this deal happens, simply because a 30% raise looks pretty good from their seats.

I dunno, you tell me.

Your humble reporter & commentator,
LMAO you guys have no idea what your even bickering about!! :laugh: Yet you have it all figured out:rolleyes:

Why not wait to discuss actual info, just a thought..........?

Well I am slow, but do attend my LEC meetings so I think I know a little of what we're bickering about. And don't you have some flows to learn? Good luck by the way.
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Well I am slow, but do attend my LEC meetings so I think I know a little of what we're bickering about. And don't you have some flows to learn? Good luck by the way.

Flows on the -9?? Isnt that what the engineer is for? OH WAIT :D LMAO
Take That

This whole thread is like....TAKE THAT YOU DEAD HORSE! DIE, DIE, DIE AGAIN!!!!!!
The DL relative seniority deal on the table will have many of us stagnating for years

Unless you grow, A LOT, you'll be stagnating for the next 13 years as you have hardly any retirements kicking in until 2020. By that time NWA will roll 1/2 it's list.

Unless you grow, A LOT, you'll be stagnating for the next 13 years as you have hardly any retirements kicking in until 2020. By that time NWA will roll 1/2 it's list.


Don't touch the horse, don't touch the horse, don't touch....ah crap, I can't help myself.....

We're all focused on our little peice of the puzzle I guess. I said stagnate in my base. I happen to live in an area with a few NW guys as neighbors (the ones I know are all good guys even though they're Navy) and there is no NW base within 1500 miles of here. They've made no secret of the fact they can't wait to get into the base I'm in and I can't really blame them. Commuting sucks and I'll never do it again unless I'm forced to.

If we merge, depending on the fence arrangement, the FOs will probably stagnate for years here. Compare that to the current environment of 70-100 new hires a month, new categories, and lots of movement at the present time. It's a similar pattern in most of the DL system.

I'm not saying anyone should care about my situation but there are many at DL with the same concerns. People take their seniority and migrate to the higher paying positions of which DL has many more currently, QOL, and no commute. I see stagnation across the entire current DL fleet after the merger as people go for the pay.

I do realize that there will be give and take on both sides if this happens. Just don't think we're over here jumping up and down. There'll be plenty of pain on both sides. From my position I see only downside for people in my situation. I hope I'm wrong and they can come up with a plan that is good for both sides. Believe it or not, I'd like you to be happy or no less happy than I am when this is all said and done.
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