hydrarkt said:And as far as the company proposal.... even with the bennies, the pay is STILL too low. FAR too low. So it's a big fat NO!!!
Just curious, you guys are really concerned about your pay and benefits, but have you ever stopped to think about anyone else in the company besides yourselves? I'm looking for an honest answer, not trying to start something.
Some people in the Casino make considerably less than all of you and you don't see them staging a revolt to bring down the company just because of pay and benefits. I'm not saying every single person, but you have some really skilled people here and it's shamful what they are paid. Yes, everybody knows that you all are underpaid and overworked, but have you ever considered that the rest of them are as well? That is why people from the Casino have gotten mad enough to start posting here. It's quite upsetting to them, and they would like to take your side, believe me, but quite frankly you guys have done a really good job of alienating the majority of the flight center by some of your actions. I saw a post recently where one pilot complained that he had to do it all, owner services, travel, etc. Well you know what? Do you have any kind of understanding how undermanned each department is or how high turnover is?
No one can keep up. It seems like the amount of flights have trippled and the amount of people in each department has decreased at the same rate or stayed the same. It's a do more with less kind of atmosphere. Most people try really hard, but it's increasingly difficult to keep up. Yes it's frustrating and everyone fully understands that, but some of your attitudes towards people on the other end of the phone line are something no employee should have to put up with. So before you hurl accusations and make presumptions based on your experiences and the owners, consider what is happening to people in the flight center as well and not just to yourselves. And try to show some common courtesy, huh? Everybody's in the same boat, but not everybody has a union to back them up, ok.