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Hey GuppyKiller - is that you I saw the other day in your captain bob suit on the ramp at SFB jumping for joy over his hire letter from CHQ and boasting to all of your Comair Academy friends that you had finally made it to the 'BIG TIME'? That avatar and screen name are a disgrace to yourself and your pilot group. Ever seen an avatar of a UA pilot with a Stinger taking down a EMB170 on liftoff? Of course not, because its tasteless. However my friend, you have just proven that you have no character, no taste, and most of all- NO $&@!(^# RESPECT OR PERSPECTIVE. Now get the He!l out of this industry and give me that seat you are in on that thing, the quicker people like you are gone, the quicker the respect, integrity, and character of this profession can return.
I vote for WSCoD

Falcon Capt said:
Yes it was determined in another thread via a majority concensus, that S-Can is in fact one word, so the proper abbreviated for the Legacy (and the fabled Legacy II) is WSofD

FalconCapt, while I agree with the determination that S--tcan is one word, and therefore WSoD would technically be the correct abbreviation, I have to disagree with the majority consensus that it is necessarily the best. Something might pass muster with an English teacher, but in my view it can be "close enough" grammatically (within limits of course) if it has a ring to it, and looks good.

So I prefer WSCoD, because while it admittedly doesn't adhere completely to accepted grammatical structure and rules, it nevertheless sounds better when you say it. It separates the soft "wisss" (WS) sound from the soft "aaahd" (od) sound with a hard "C", kind of like the "P" when we say GPWS ("Jipwiss"). It also forms the word "cod" in sound and in spelling, and for some reason I think that fits. Think about it....

ATC: "Falcon XXXX, stop your climb at FL 350, and reduce to .73 mach or less"

FalconCapt: "XXXX Center, WTFO????"

ATC: "Sorry guys, slower traffic above you, same direction, doing their best impression of a high altitude road block".

FalconCapt: "Aw...don't tell me..."

ATC: "Yeah (sigh)....it's a WSCoD"

FalconCapt: " a &%*^% WSCOD! I knew it! Can't you have it shot down or something?

ATC: "In my dreams Falcon, but they don't let me live out my fantasies when I work. Can you give me .83 or better?

FalconCapt: "Sure"

ATC: "Okay, increase to .83 or better. As soon as you're clear I'll climb you up in front of that mother......ing WSCoD close enough to show him what a real airplane looks like."

FalconCapt: "Okay, we only smelled him before, but now we have the WSCoD traffic in sight at 20 miles...make that 12 mile...7 mi....no wait, 4 miles.....whoa!,..Center, I've never seen the a$$-end of an airplane tail come at me so fast!"

ATC: "Heh heh, yeah, I heard we made them paint stripes on 'em so you other guys wouldn't mistake 'em for clouds. Falcon XXXX, I know this is an understatement, but WSCoD traffic no factor. Climb now to FL 450"

FalconCapt: "Climbing to FL450, Falcon XXXX.....$**&^ing WSCoD"

ATC: "You said it, man....*$(&#@ WSCoD"...

Now, see how good that sounds?
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Cloudroller said:
dragonbravo - so what your saying is that the 200 was streached and had its wings lowered to become a 700. i fly both their is more than that thats different. i guess the 717 is also a streach crj with a different fuselage and engines, and they are both shortened md 90s. the reason the nose sits lower is so it does not need emergency slides. your right it does go faster due to bigger engines. i bet it would go further if it had bigger fuel tanks

Actually, the reason the nose sit's lower is not because of slides, because it uses the same main cabin door as the 200. Cheaper to redesign the nose gear than to certify a new main cabin door. 25 million plus price tag for a new door.

Bombardier engineer told me that in YUL.
Was GuppyKiller the guy with the sticker on his flightbag in ORD? I'm sure someone will pry the locks on that case and punch a grumpy on his charts. If he's a DCA student freshly hired, that makes it even more ridiculous.

I want to hear the story about Skull-One. The way I'm hearing it the meal came with two sausage links...
Give it a rest already, sheesh. I can't decide what baffles me more, the bloodlust to see someone smeared or that people actually believe this stuff... *sigh* Time to switch professions.

Oh well... Have all the fun at my expense you want. I give up...

The Guppy Killer thing was a rumor, too, BTW. Can't believe you guys fell for that one either. A U pilot saw an E-170 sticker on some CHQ pilot's bag and said, "That's a Guppy Killer Sticker." Thus the legend began. Pilots are notorious for spreading rumors that have no basis in fact.

*Throws hands in the air and wanders off in search of non-aviation employment classified ads.*
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I don't know who you are, and could care less. I heard some rumors, and thought it sounded like an outrageous yet hilarious story. Rumors like it was a male F/A in some jetway somewhere.

If it was, I hope you wrapped it up.
FlyChicaga said:
I don't know who you are, and could care less. I heard some rumors, and thought it sounded like an outrageous yet hilarious story. Rumors like it was a male F/A in some jetway somewhere.

If it was, I hope you wrapped it up.

Hahaha! That's a new on on me! Last I heard it was two F/As and a Gate Agent. Man this gets better and better...



This is too good.
GuppyKiller said:
Hey Matt, I LOVE your new avatar at jetcareers.com. You look so COOL with your sunglasses on and your hair spiked in mousse. You're my hero. Isn't it great relatively low time guys like us get to fly cool jets!

Ouch. I guess Matt took your money at one of our infamous Woodbury Poker Championships.

Sucks for you.

GuppyKiller said:
Hey Matt, I LOVE your new avatar at jetcareers.com. You look so COOL with your sunglasses on and your hair spiked in mousse. You're my hero. Isn't it great relatively low time guys like us get to fly cool jets!

Don't be jealous. We can't all be EMB-170 pilot posers on the internet.
I hated the CRJ. Probably because I flew it at Mesa. The 700 is an awesome airplane in terms of performance. You can climb the darn thing at .80 mach and still get about 700 FPM if the temp is right. The 900 isn't as good as the 700, but it's still OK. The 200 is a piece of $hit. I don't think I ever flew one where everything was working. The 200 is a complete dog in terms of performance. I don't know how those 9E guys ever even got the thing up to 410, but I can see why it stalled out on 'em. The highest I ever had one was 330.....and it took FOREVER to get it up there.

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