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CRJ down in MO!

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Not directed at any specific poster, but why do I suddenly feel like that American Indian in the anti-littering campaign tv commercials. You know, the one with the Indian on the horse over looking a landfill with a tear welling up in his eye.
Oh and buy the way, maybe you should read my post again. I just don't see were I am expressing distaste with my former employer. I am very proud of my acomplishments but I just don't see how I was suggesting I am better than everyone else. I was only trying to give you another perspective. You have some serious anger issues dude! I am having a great career even with the bad stuff that goes along with it. I love going to work and I have no regrets. I wish you the same success and happiness.

Maybe I do have serious anger issues, but I did read your post again and it sure sounds like you are a real hotshot. You flew freight at night and now you fly 747's, what a stud, I wish I could be be just like you. Just whatever you say, you really are the expert here, obviously.

I think again you have missed my point too. The points is not to listen to myself whine, it is to point out a problem. Its a big problem too, it has over 100 CRJ's. How many times have you heard someone talk about an airline this large as being unsafe? At some point every company in growth mode has to realize that safety is extremely important and if you have idiotic policies, they will backfire on you much quicker the more more planes you have. If Delta airlines, for example, said @#$$% safety and starting cutting corners in every possible way it would probably be less than a year that someone was killed.

If you are a bottom feeder freight outfit with a couiple of lears and a few skygod hotshot pilots maybe you can skimp on maintence, but if you work for a company with thousands of flights per day and you run it like this bottom feeder freight outfit than you are going to have problems and you are going to have them often.

Here is my point again, if you are a slow learner. If you work for us, than watch out and do what you can, FIGHT THE MAN. Don't let this scum of the earth company kill you and your passengers. If you don't work for us than watch out, you might seriously want to think things through before coming here. If you have a great job flying 747's than hell, just have fun and chill the freak out you are simply at the top of this profession and we all wish we could be just like you. You obiously have more skills than anyone else.
PinchNickel said:

Maybe I do have serious anger issues, but I did read your post again and it sure sounds like you are a real hotshot. You flew freight at night and now you fly 747's, what a stud, I wish I could be be just like you. Just whatever you say, you really are the expert here, obviously.

I think again you have missed my point too. The points is not to listen to myself whine, it is to point out a problem. Its a big problem too, it has over 100 CRJ's. How many times have you heard someone talk about an airline this large as being unsafe? At some point every company in growth mode has to realize that safety is extremely important and if you have idiotic policies, they will backfire on you much quicker the more more planes you have. If Delta airlines, for example, said @#$$% safety and starting cutting corners in every possible way it would probably be less than a year that someone was killed.

If you are a bottom feeder freight outfit with a couiple of lears and a few skygod hotshot pilots maybe you can skimp on maintence, but if you work for a company with thousands of flights per day and you run it like this bottom feeder freight outfit than you are going to have problems and you are going to have them often.

Here is my point again, if you are a slow learner. If you work for us, than watch out and do what you can, FIGHT THE MAN. Don't let this scum of the earth company kill you and your passengers. If you don't work for us than watch out, you might seriously want to think things through before coming here. If you have a great job flying 747's than hell, just have fun and chill the freak out you are simply at the top of this profession and we all wish we could be just like you. You obiously have more skills than anyone else.
Ok,Pinch talking to you is like arguing with a teenager. So this is the last thing I have to say then I will put this to rest. What is it with you airline guys thinking you are the cream of the crop and we are all bottom fedders? And you are acusing me of being a hotshot know it all? I have many close freinds who work for the majors. Including a couple at Delta! They will tell you One thing holds true at all large and small companies. The fundemental priority for managment is the bottom line (profit). Managers may say that safety comes first but that is just for show. Every company cuts corners to the extent they can get away with it. That is the reality of corporate culture in are capitalistic society. The more corners you can cut the more money you will make. Or if you are with the majors, the less money you will lose. I hope you can come to grips with the reality of ecomomic greed in are industry and just concetrate on your role in all of this. Get in your aircraft eachday and prevent disaster. Everyone else is trying to kill you, Your managers, Maintanence, A.T.C., Renagade hot shot lear pilots. You sole perpose in life is to stay ahead of these problems and steer your passengers to a safe arrival at there destanation. I think the sooner you learn to accept this reality, the happier you will be. I hope you find the joy and fulfillment you deserve from your career. Besides you have the best job in the world man! You get to fly jets for a living and they pay you for it. Don't forget how many people would trade places with in a second just to experience a fraction of the things you have already seen. Flying is a privledge not a right. Good luck to you and your family. My thoughts and prayers go out to your brothers and there families. May they always have clear skies and calm winds in the afterlife.
Happy Contrails!
Jeeze, dude, no hard feeling, I have nothing against freight dogs. In fact I would rather do anything in aviation than work here. Airlines should be capitalist, it just needs to be a balance. We don't have one, we are the worst regional in the industry. Our airline as a collective group of people has a real bad attitude. I hope this serves as a wake up call and that we don't need to lose more good people.
FN FAL said:
Not directed at any specific poster, but why do I suddenly feel like that American Indian in the anti-littering campaign tv commercials. You know, the one with the Indian on the horse over looking a landfill with a tear welling up in his eye.
In actuality, he was an Italian. Probably from the Gambino Tribe.
Just heard a story today about a captain who refused to accept an airplane that had a recurring right up (14...yes 14) which caused severe fluctuations in an engine's torque with no real fix performed. He got into a tift with operations...you will take the plane...I will not...back and forth a couple of times. Finally the VP Ops calls him and tells him "he will take the plane"...no I won't...yes you will...If you don't I'll just call a reserve in (resulting in a loss of pay for the crew)...fine, call the reserve in but it doesn't solve your problem that you got an airplane with a problem....finally the VP Ops relented and swaped them into another plane. Later when this captain saw the VP ops, the VP OPS actually apologized to the captain for trying to pressure him earlier and then THANKED him for standing his ground.

It's up to the captains (and sometimes FO's) to stand up and not accept unsafe conditions. It is what you are paid the big bucks for. If in your opinion an operation/airplane is not safe, just don't release the parking brake.

When I was at my previous airline back in '99 we were having trouble getting the rampers to use lighted wands to marshall aircraft at night. It started with a few captains and then spread, when they got to the ramp they simply set the brakes and ignored the frantic arm waving of rampers with no lighted wands. It would be a standoff for awhile until ops would call on the radio, we would simply reply that procedures required lighted wands be used at night and we weren't moving until the rampers had lighted wands. we then punched the "awaiting gate" delay into the ACARS. It didn't take a week for the problem to be fixed.

Just got around to reading this piece of work...

PinchNickel said:
In fact I would rather do anything in aviation than work here.
Then why work here? are you actively looking?

Airlines should be capitalist, it just needs to be a balance. We don't have one, we are the worst regional in the industry.
This is a pretty BOLD statement.. why are we the "worst"? is it our Contract? our equipment? our QOL? our growth or lack of? our saftey? our management?

take a closer look at ALL the regionals (including those prop operators). We are not the worst by any means. There are those worse than us, there are those better than us.. I would say we run somewhere in the middle. Then again it is how you qualify your statement.

Our airline as a collective group of people has a real bad attitude.
So does the bad attitude start with you or end with you, as a collective of course?

All company's have a few individuals that you can never satisfy. A few that are "cowboy's", a few that you wonder how they got hired (and why) and how they passed training, and even a few that think they are better than everyone else. Then you have the rest of the pilot group who go to work to do what they love to do, they do it safely and without the attitude's.
leardrivr said:
Hey bud, I was the one who suggested you get another job! Dumbass! Oh and buy the way I did get another job. I am flying international freight as S.I.C. on a B747. I'll upgrade soon too. This job is easy for sure but 135 freight flying is not. Nobody holds your hand all day. You should try it. you would be amazed at what you will learn. And I don't think or will I ever suggest that I know it all. I'm learning every flight.

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That's funny I see no mention of a 747 on your profile OR ARE YOU JUST THE IN-FLIGHT BIATCH?

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