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CRJ down in MO!

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management bashing

Look, at a time like this the last thing needed is someone trying to use the accident to bash management when we have no idea what the crew was faced with, what steps they took, and lastly what really caused the accident.

Most accidents are a combination of factors and I am sure this will be one too.

What is not needed is some critic of management practices throwing even more fuel on the fire of speculation for absolutely no reason. What I can never understand is how so many stay at these companies if they are so terrible.
Gee whiz Pinch tell us how you really feel! Hey why don't you quit and get another job! I felt exactly the same way about my last employer. I left for something better. Oh and they did have a fatal accident too. So trust your instinks and find a safe place to work. If things are that bad with this airline then the best thing you can do for your fellow airman is to not put up with it. Don't waste our time bitchin to the to the chior. Go out and make a difference. The reason all you regional guys get poohed on is because you willingly sit there and eat it! Wake up and smell the coffee already. The managment takes advantage of new pilots with low time so they can pay them poverty wages. Besides where else are the low time guy's going to get the "Experience" they want to jump start their career with less than 1000 hours. i.e. (Jet time). the fact of the matter is the managment is calculating a risk between having advanced computer controlled aircraft and low time pilots as acceptable. Even if the lose a plane or two. They are banking on the fact that todays advanced flight decks will some how balance the risk of having low experinced new hires and crap training. So don't forget your role in all of this. You guys are the ones who make this possible. Because you want to be airline pilots so much. You allow this type of managment to happen. So stop bitchin. You made the bed. You get to sleep in it.
PinchNickel said:
If I may suggest something constructive why don't we get in touch with our wonderful upper management and let them know where we place the blame for this one. Blood is on their hands. EFISCOMPMON said it, but there is more to it than that.

What about a sick policy that forces people to fly when they are sick?

What about a dispatch that is so unbelievably understaffed that they exist in name only? If you need an alternate you better put one on there yourself.

What about a policy of stealing money out of every employee's paycheck and purposly not paying what the bank report in our computer system states is how much we worked?

What about a work environment that is unbelievably hostile in every single way including a policy of firing a hugh percentages of probation pilots.

What about a mangament that actively encourages other employee groups and other companies to harrass the pilot group because we are under contract negotiations?

What about a maintenance department that actively discourages anyone from making maintenace writeups and pencil whips anything that they cannot fix right away. OPS CHECK GOOD NO DEFECTS NOTED BECAUSE I DON'T GIVE A CRAP AND PILOTS ARE IDIOTS, MANAGEMENT SAYS SO.

An accident has been brewing for a long time at this company and I am only shocked that it had taken this long. What I ask you, has changed since this tragedy, NOTHING AT ALL. Our mangament is probably thrilled, they didn't lose any pax and can sweep this under the carpet and work on blaming this on the pilots. If you value your friends family and loved ones than don't let them fly on this airline! It is not a safe operation.

Our managment is just flat out insane. They are unbelievably reckless in everything they do. They are outrageously hostile toward all of the employees in the company, especially the pilot group. Its time for a change, these @#$% should go to prison.
PinchNickel said:
If I may suggest something constructive why don't we get in touch with our wonderful upper management and let them know where we place the blame for this one. Blood is on their hands....
... these @#$% should go to prison.
Quick, someone call the NTSB and cancel the scientific investigation....no need for it, this whole thing's been solved here. Somebody else call the FBI...throw those responsible in prison...no need for a criminal investigation...that part's been solved too.

Sounds constructive to me
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Allright punks, points taken, I am, believe it or not, trying to get another job, and believe it or not, its kinda hard. Ever heard of Sep 11? Do you really want me to not say anything and not let you guys know what things are like here? I'm trying to help out people who geniunely don't know. Some are looking for a job. Should I really keep my mouth shut and let them come on, and get killed? Maybe we should just get in touch with the NTSB and tell them to quit whining, why do they care so much about what happened. If people don't want to get killed they should just stay at home and not fly.

Pinnacle is the worst regional in this industry. This airline is dangerous. I'm sorry if you guys are so offended by this. "Pu$$ys" (HA HA) from other airlines just don't understand. I won't say anything else about it. Come on and fly with us. Its your life @#$% life.

You want me to stop whining, I am a @#$% pilot, that is what I do best, who the @#$% are you? I thought this thread was about why our plane crashed and why we lost two of our friends. I just told you why, maybe you should listen out of respect for your fellow aviators who were lost in action.
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I have now doubt your veiw on your company is mostly accurate. All I can say is welcome to aviation! I have worked for freight operators that were exactly how you describe your situation except for one major difference. We fly old run out planes that you can't even find parts for half the time. Our crews our expected to fly on demand regardless of how much rest they have had in the previous 24. And we shoot non-percision approachs in mountainious terrian on raw data. So don't tell me what dangerous flying is cause you don't have a clue what you are talking about. I don't think one of you pre-madonna types would last a week in a real jet(Lear 24 straight wing). I have had a couple of your brothers come in looking for work recently. They were astonished that we were not impressed with there airline experience. I would take a guy how has been slugging it out in hard I.F.R. in a piston twin for a few thousand hours or some turbo prop time in a bandit or beech 1900 and put him in the jet before we would hire one of you guy's. Pilots who think there is a shortcut to experience. ("I got a job in an RJ with 800 hours") It sounds like you should give up flying all together because these shortcomings you refer to are present at every company. Thats right amereican, united, northwest.......... The only difference between new hires at the majors and new hires at regionals is the more experienced pilots already know this fact. Again this leads back to the professional molesting you regional guys get to live with. Anyway I did'nt mean to get so personal but I would advise you not to disscuse your feelings of your current employer so freely. If I new who you were I wouldn't give you a job to sweep the hanger floor after hearing what you had to say about your company. If you don't like it leave nobody is keeping you there.

A lot of us "pre-madonna types" come from the background and experience level you are fat-mouthing about. We like PCL in comparison. It is much safer than our old jobs. That is why we are here. It was a step up from 135 scheduled freight and on demand charter with respect to safety, quality of life, pay (yes, I said pay), equipment and resources. You sound a little like I did before I started flying 121. I am glad I can finally check my ego at the door. No more FBO ego stroking for me. Just good proffessional communications with outstanding people interested in safety and quality of life. 121 is a piece of cake from the flying I use to do. Maybe I just have good work ethic. Or maybe I lived on your side of the fence and got tired of fat-mouthing, so I decided to try something else. 121.......just do it!
leardrivr said:
I don't think one of you pre-madonna types would last a week in a real jet
So, what exactly is a pre-madonna? Cindi Lauper?

Look up primadonna in the dictionary..... of course, "fat-mouthing" isn't much better than pre-madonna
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leardrivr said:
I don't think one of you pre-madonna types would last a week in a real jet(Lear 24 straight wing). I have had a couple of your brothers come in looking for work recently. They were astonished that we were not impressed with there airline experience.
After we run this through spellcheck, can we move it to the dorky pilot series? What a fag.
I have now doubt your veiw on your company is mostly accurate. All I can say is welcome to aviation! I have worked for freight operators that were exactly how you describe your situation except for one major difference. We fly old run out planes that you can't even find parts for half the time. Our crews our expected to fly on demand regardless of how much rest they have had in the previous 24. And we shoot non-percision approachs in mountainious terrian on raw data. So don't tell me what dangerous flying is cause you don't have a clue what you are talking about. I don't think one of you pre-madonna types would last a week in a real jet(Lear 24 straight wing). I have had a couple of your brothers come in looking for work recently. They were astonished that we were not impressed with there airline experience. I would take a guy how has been slugging it out in hard I.F.R. in a piston twin for a few thousand hours or some turbo prop time in a bandit or beech 1900 and put him in the jet before we would hire one of you guy's. Pilots who think there is a shortcut to experience. ("I got a job in an RJ with 800 hours") It sounds like you should give up flying all together because these shortcomings you refer to are present at every company. Thats right amereican, united, northwest.......... The only difference between new hires at the majors and new hires at regionals is the more experienced pilots already know this fact. Again this leads back to the professional molesting you regional guys get to live with. Anyway I did'nt mean to get so personal but I would advise you not to disscuse your feelings of your current employer so freely. If I new who you were I wouldn't give you a job to sweep the hanger floor after hearing what you had to say about your company. If you don't like it leave nobody is keeping you there.
Hey Dumbass,

There is only one faction in aviation that I have more contempt for than the upper management at pinnacle. That faction is retard pilots that think they are somehow superior than all other pilots. This is a very, very, very easy job. As long as the company you work for has respect for safety of the overall operation. I understand that you are angry that you actually work at a company that is inferior to mine, but that does not make things ok. Take out your misery on your company, not on me, as another pilot in this thread suggested, get another freakin' job.
Hey bud, I was the one who suggested you get another job! Dumbass! Oh and buy the way I did get another job. I am flying international freight as S.I.C. on a B747. I'll upgrade soon too. This job is easy for sure but 135 freight flying is not. Nobody holds your hand all day. You should try it. you would be amazed at what you will learn. And I don't think or will I ever suggest that I know it all. I'm learning every flight.

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