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CRJ down in MO!

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I have been there once, with pax. It was late fall and ISA dev. was reasonable. I can't remember how many pax were on board.

The only thing that stood out about the flight is how slick that plane was when we pointed it down. It was hard to slow. Other than that, it was just like any other flight.
Capn Sac said:

Very nice avtar. I am computer illiterate could you send that to me?

Capn Sac

You can just right-click on the image and select Save as.. and there you have it.
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Im curious as to why they would do 410 on mx repo flights, if theres something that could be wrong with the aircraft wouldnt it make since to keep it down where theres a bit more atmosphere?
I'm sure they weren't filed at 410, they just went up there because the plane was performing well and they probably just felt like it. I don't know what the big deal is. At LRC (around .7) and on a cold day (low ISA deviation) the plane can make it up no problem. You will burn less gas and have a smoother ride. With favorable winds you might even get there sooner. Also if you had a previous anti-ice problem it might make sense to try to get above the weather.

The FMS will tell you whether you can make it up to the altitude that you have programmed in based on the weight. VNAV climb speed, and ISA deviation. If you don't have the perfomace to make it up there it will tell you.
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DenverDude2002 said:
Im curious as to why they would do 410 on mx repo flights, if theres something that could be wrong with the aircraft wouldnt it make since to keep it down where theres a bit more atmosphere?

I believe that the mx work had already been done and they just were flying the aircraft back into position for revenue flight. We just have to wait and see what the experts have to say as to what happened.
If I may suggest something constructive why don't we get in touch with our wonderful upper management and let them know where we place the blame for this one. Blood is on their hands. EFISCOMPMON said it, but there is more to it than that.

What about a sick policy that forces people to fly when they are sick?

What about a dispatch that is so unbelievably understaffed that they exist in name only? If you need an alternate you better put one on there yourself.

What about a policy of stealing money out of every employee's paycheck and purposly not paying what the bank report in our computer system states is how much we worked?

What about a work environment that is unbelievably hostile in every single way including a policy of firing a hugh percentages of probation pilots.

What about a mangament that actively encourages other employee groups and other companies to harrass the pilot group because we are under contract negotiations?

What about a maintenance department that actively discourages anyone from making maintenace writeups and pencil whips anything that they cannot fix right away. OPS CHECK GOOD NO DEFECTS NOTED BECAUSE I DON'T GIVE A CRAP AND PILOTS ARE IDIOTS, MANAGEMENT SAYS SO.

An accident has been brewing for a long time at this company and I am only shocked that it had taken this long. What I ask you, has changed since this tragedy, NOTHING AT ALL. Our mangament is probably thrilled, they didn't lose any pax and can sweep this under the carpet and work on blaming this on the pilots. If you value your friends family and loved ones than don't let them fly on this airline! It is not a safe operation.

Our managment is just flat out insane. They are unbelievably reckless in everything they do. They are outrageously hostile toward all of the employees in the company, especially the pilot group. Its time for a change, these @#$% should go to prison.
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another cfii said:
Why would you think PinchNickel edited it "out", maybe he still has a few things on his mind that he needed to edit it "in"!!
From the looks of things, it appears that you are absolutely correct!

This could get as ugly as the mosh pit at the Beastie Boys concert Friday...which I also avoided.

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