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Conscientious Objector

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Contrary to my better judgement I will make another post on this thread.

Gents before you use your time to reply to anything Rez posts I would suggest that you actually scroll back through some of his other threads/comments. I can't figure out if he is mentality wise 14 years old, a total flamebaiter, or something less.



So if someone doesn't support those who serve 100% and question nothing then it angers you guys?

I thought serving meant protecting the rights of all Americans, even the ones that have different viewpoints. I thought being American was the ability to address the issues and offer different viewpoints? I thought we created this country to free of tyranny?
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It doesnt anger me that you have opinions or questions. . . whatever. It would, however appear that you are just trying to flamebait the military for all of our "unnecessary killing of babies" and questioning our motives (body count?)
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Are you saying the press was working with the DOD to "get the word out"
By your logic... animation of "a shoot down" would be an effective visual aid.... which I think is disgusting...

No I'm not saying that and don't twist my words, I'm saying that the press is a good way to inform would be hijackers that they will be shot down.
And no I didn't say we should use a shoot down as a visual aid.
You are a moron and this is a waste of time trying to explain this $hit to you.
I'm out
No I'm not saying that and don't twist my words,

I am trying to offer that there are many viewpoints.

While some think its appropriate to show a young fighter pilot that doesn't want to shoot down a US airliner but will because it is the right thing to do...

Other might be offended by it. Is that possible? Is another viewpoint possible? Not that it is right or wrong, but just another viewpoint?

I'm saying that the press is a good way to inform would be hijackers that they will be shot down.

And Al-Qeda has done the same, although thier media methods are evil and ours not...

And no I didn't say we should use a shoot down as a visual aid.

No you didn't...but the principle would be the same...

You are a moron and this is a waste of time trying to explain this $hit to you.

maybe. Or maybe there is another viewpoint? Is your viewpoint the only one and its only right? I don't think you are a moron. I understand your position and repsect your different opinion.

The book Flyboys really gives a different perspective.... and in the book Gen Curtis LeMay expected to tried as a war criminal by the Japanese if we lost the war.
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Engaging this _______ is like trying to picking up mercury. A waste of time and bad for your health. He is not firing on all cylinders.

I suggest the following:

This message is hidden because Rez O. Lewshun is on your ignore list.
.... and in the book Gen Curtis LeMay expected to tried as a war criminal by the Japanese if we lost the war.

From the outset, the Japanese systematically murdered prisoners of war and civilians. The committed genocide against the Chinese. They used captive populations in gruesome medical experiments. Their soldiers, like the enemy we face now, feined surrender, and took advantage of other Geneva Convention rules to get close enough to our forces to inflict harm. The Japanese, through their own actions, brought upon themselves the fury that befell them.

If the US had lost the war, the wholesale murder that would have resulted from the Japanese high command would have made the Holocaust look mild. General Lemay was a tough guy with a tough job and he saved hundreds of thousands of America lives fighting an enemy with no regards to human life, not even their own. Sound familiar??
And what the fukc do YOU know about foreign policy? I think the President and Condoleeza Rice can manage just fine without your expertise. Have you ever seen her resume? Go online and check it out.

I just peed my pants laughing at the absolute stupidity of that paragraph!! Have you actually paid any attention to their handling of US foreign relations?????????
I just peed my pants laughing at the absolute stupidity of that paragraph!! Have you actually paid any attention to their handling of US foreign relations?????????

I'm so done debating dou(hebags like you.

Frankly, it's quite disturbing that people like you fly airplanes profesionally.
I'm so done debating dou(hebags like you.

Frankly, it's quite disturbing that people like you fly airplanes profesionally.

Very intelligent, mature response. It scares me that you are allowed to play with guns.

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