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Concerned Mom Won't Fly with Arabs (who train Marines)

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Originally Posted by brainhurts
Clown Boy,
I know that you can go on forever,

brainhurts, it's clear that your brain is hurting, and you've time and time strayed away from answering questions I posed to you.

but everything you regurgite above has been answered already.
No it hasn't.
Yes it has

The Muhadjeen were useful tools in a bigger war, there was no threat to America from them, the Soviets had nukes pointed at us, and if you really do not understand the relavance of the Cold War, you should ask your Muslim friends.
So supporting terrorism is ok so as long as your interests are protected. I'm not for communism, but neither am I for supporting terrorism!
Since you have never served your country, you do not understand what it takes to make war or what it takes to best position your forces. Intelligence is what saves lives. In the real world we use less than perfect assets to gain a foothold. If you do not like that, then actually go out and do something about the situation rather than type words into a computer. I have, and that is the BASIS of my opinion, not a religion class. For those of you interested in who the MEK is, here is the run down from the CFR:
What is Mujahadeen-e-Khalq?

Mujahadeen-e-Khalq (MEK) is the largest and most militant group opposed to the Islamic Republic of Iran. Also known as the People’s Mujahadeen Organization of Iran, MEK is led by husband and wife Massoud and Maryam Rajavi. MEK was added to the U.S. State Department’s list of foreign terrorist groups in 1997 and to the European Union’s terrorist list in 2002 because its attacks have often killed civilians. Despite MEK’s violent tactics, the group’s strong stand against Iran —part of President Bush’s “axis of evil”—and pro-democratic image have won it support among some U.S. and European lawmakers.

What are MEK’s origins?

MEK was founded in the 1960s by a group of college-educated Iranian leftists opposed to the country’s pro-Western ruler, Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. The group participated in the 1979 Islamic revolution that replaced the shah with a Shiite Islamist regime led by the Ayatollah Khomeini. But MEK’s ideology, a blend of Marxism and Islamism, put it at odds with the postrevolutionary government, and its original leadership was soon executed by the Khomeini regime. In 1981, the group was driven from its bases on the Iran-Iraq border and resettled in Paris , where it began supporting Iraq in its eight-year war against Khomeini’s Iran. In 1986, MEK moved its headquarters to Iraq, which used MEK to harass neighboring Iran. During the 2003 Iraq war, U.S. forces cracked down on MEK’s bases in Iraq, and in June 2003 French authorities raided a MEK compound outside Paris and arrested 160 people, including Maryam Rajavi.

Who are MEK’s leaders?

Maryam Rajavi, who hopes to become president of Iran , is MEK’s principal leader; her husband, Massoud Rajavi, heads up the group’s military forces. Maryam Rajavi, born in 1953 to an upper-middle class Iranian family, joined MEK as a student in Tehran in the early 1970s. After relocating with the group to Paris in 1981, she was elected its joint leader and later became deputy commander-in-chief of its armed wing. Experts say that MEK has increasingly come to resemble a cult that is devoted to Massoud Rajavi’s secular interpretation of the Koran and is prone to sudden, dramatic ideological shifts. After being released from police custody on bail, Maryam Rajavi was confined to the MEK compound in France , and the investigation continues. Massoud Rajavi was last known to be living in Iraq , but authorities aren’t certain of his whereabouts or whether he is alive.

Where does MEK operate?

The group’s armed unit operated from camps in Iraqnear the Iran border since 1986. During theIraq war, U.S. troops disarmed MEK and posted guards at its bases. In addition to its Paris-based members, MEK has a network of sympathizers in Europe, the United States, and Canada. The group’s political arm, the National Council of Resistance of Iran, maintains offices in several capitals, and used to have a branch in Washington, D.C. before U.S. officials closed it down in August 2003.

How big is MEK?

MEK is believed to have some 10,000 members, one-third to one-half of whom are fighters. Experts say its activities have dropped off in recent years as its membership has dwindled. MEK has had little success luring new recruits and is composed mostly of its founding members.

What major attacks has MEK been responsible for?

The group has targeted Iranian government officials and government facilities in Iran and abroad; during the 1970s, it attacked Americans in Iran. While the group says it does not intentionally target civilians, it has often risked civilian casualties. It routinely aims its attacks at government buildings in crowded cities. MEK terrorism has declined since late 2001. Incidents linked to the group include:
  • the series of mortar attacks and hit-and-run raids during 2000 and 2001 against Iranian government buildings; one of these killed Iran’s chief of staff;
  • the 2000 mortar attack on President Mohammad Khatami’s palace in Tehran;
  • the February 2000 “Operation Great Bahman,” during which MEK launched twelve attacks against Iran;
  • the 1999 assassination of the deputy chief of Iran’s armed forces general staff, Ali Sayyad Shirazi;
  • the 1998 assassination of the director of Iran’s prison system, Asadollah Lajevardi;
  • the 1992 near-simultaneous attacks on Iranian embassies and institutions in 13 countries;
  • assistance to Saddam Hussein’s suppression of the 1991 Iraqi Shiite and Kurdish uprisings;
  • the 1981 bombing of the offices of the Islamic Republic Party and of Premier Mohammad-Javad Bahonar, which killed some seventy high-ranking Iranian officials, including President Mohammad-Ali Rajaei and Bahonar;
  • support for the 1979 takeover of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran by Iranian revolutionaries;
  • the 1970s killings ofU.S. military personnel and civilians working on defense projects in Tehran.
It’s unclear how many attacks MEK has carried out; according to experts, the group’s claims of responsibility for attacks inIran are often exaggerated, and sometimes MEK is blamed by the Iranian government for attacks it didn’t stage.

Me Again--So if you do not understand that our government has the duty to do whats in its best interest, I do not know what to tell you. This is the same answer I have given you before but if you need a specific answer, the answer is YES sometimes we need bad allies. And yes, that is OK.

They seem to be the only people you talk too.
Pardon me for actually taking classes in religion to educate myself, and not just believing the radical version of Islam that's been spewed on Fox. I use whatever source I have available, and my friends from the religion classes are as good a source as any... Muslims, Christians, and Jews alike.

You ask for the school, I give you the school.
INCORRECT. *You* said that 'they' were already demanding separate public funded government schools. Then, *you* posted an example of how a public school offered a Middle Eastern religious studies class. wtf? There is absolutely no relation between that and your initial point. There is nothign wrong with a school offering a Middle Eastern studies class.

Let the readers decide for themselves.
I am not sure what to tell you. Why do you not see how unfair this is to Catholics, Protestants, Jews, Wiccans, Warlocks, Whatevers. I pointed out to you that Muslims are NOT integrating well. I point out why and one was a school. This is the school. It is not a middle eastern studies CLASS. It is an entire program. Another small point that you fail to mention.
You tell me I'm scared, I tell you I have been actively engaged in the war.
I didn't know you went to war and served, I must have missed that. Good job for serving our country.
I should have rephrased better, but what I meant was that fear or paranoia should not be used today, and instead, vigilance in everything we do should be used. Can we both agree on that? Always keep up your guard and remain vigilant?
Sure. Be vigilant.

You say its all about oil, and I try to explain geo politics.
"Geo" politics... and a major part of that includes oil in the Middle East. While it's not the only issue in the ME, it certainly is a HUGE one.
See the above explination about the MEK and our use of less than stellar assets. Its part of the real world Dude, sorry.

You tell me my grandfolks killed Indians with diseased blankets, I assure you they did not.
I didn't mean you specifically had grandfolks who killed Indians. But the 'white' man who came to this country that is now America, did screw over the Native Indians. My point was that all of us were foreigners to this country at some point. Anytime a non-Native Indian person tells me to "go back to your country" , I can't help but laugh (considering that they, too, were immigrants at some point).
Oh, OK. Its all about "whitey" Hey, what about putting things in context? It was 1492 when Columbus sailed the ocean blue. I promise, if I could go back in time, I would have stopped him. What would that have gotten me? Someone else would have concoured the N A Indians because in the CONTEXT of that time frame, thats what was done.

You think name calling is equal to some major crime.
Never called it a crime. I was just wrong to assume I could get common decency in a debate on a forum. In this case, the difference between you and me: when I disagree with someone and the thread is near its end, I simply say "We disagree on too much, we will just have to agree to disagree." And I leave it at that. You, on the other hand, resort to namecalling.
That is really great of you. I choose to call people names. This is a public forum. Sue me. Its funny, because when the people you are defending disagree with you, they will generally cut off your head--Like Richard Pearl or possibly they will shoot a bunch of nuns like when the Pope made some less than desirable remarks.

Richard Reed? Oh he's just Richard being Richard. Really, I know you are going to going to come back with a long nonsensical exercise in meaninless typing, but how long can you keep it up?
Richard Reid was a convert terrorist, the most confused of all terrorists. He should never have been released from prison in the first place.
Hey, it does not matter how confused he was, He followed what the Koran told him to do. Honestly, making excuses for Richard Reed? He was just confused?

'nonsensical exercise in meaningless typing, but how long can you keep it up?'

The written exercise is in direct response to your posts, and I can't even seem to get you to answer questions I ask. I'll "keep it up" as long as this thread remains open, and we have a debate going back and forth.

You keep claiming I am not answering you--and I keep trying. Have I done better this time???
I know I have better things to do, but you are so shallow!
Do as you would like. But a extreme righty calling someone else 'so shallow' ?! I have *never* heard that one before!

Then here it is again: "You are shallow"

Anyone reading this can see you are a tool.
I know you are, but what am I? [times infinity^2]
I am rubber and you are glue, everything you say bounces off me and sticks on you X google.

You mean correct. I'm still waiting for answers to the questions previously posted.

Yes it has

Actually, it still hasn't.

Since you have never served your country, you do not understand what it takes to make war or what it takes to best position your forces. Intelligence is what saves lives. In the real world we use less than perfect assets to gain a foothold. If you do not like that, then actually go out and do something about the situation rather than type words into a computer. I have, and that is the BASIS of my opinion, not a religion class. For those of you interested in who the MEK is, here is the run down from the CFR: [.........]
So if you do not understand that our government has the duty to do whats in its best interest, I do not know what to tell you. This is the same answer I have given you before but if you need a specific answer, the answer is YES sometimes we need bad allies. And yes, that is OK.

Ahhh, the truth finally spoken. First, you posted much of the MEK which reaffirms that it is a terrorist group. And then, you post that our government has the duty to do what's in its best interest (which is true), BUT, you include teaming up with TERRORISTS within that duty. I see. Bush. "United We Stand." "With terrorists, to fight terrorists."

So what's up with the "either you're with us, or you're with the terrorists?" if we, ourselves, team up with the terrorists.

Irony, defined. Double Standard, defined.

And one more thing, "if you do not understand that our government has the duty to do whats in its best interest"..... Hezbollah (a terrorist group) is the government form of Lebanon who does what it thinks is best for its people. "the answer is YES sometimes we need bad allies. And yes, that is OK." So by your own definition, what is wrong with Hezbollah? They are a terrorist government form, merely doing what's best for THEIR people, while 'YES sometimes they need bad allies, and yes that is ok'.

So you are supporting terrorists because in the end, it is for "your own good." How is that any different from Lebanese citizens supporting Hezbollah? Because after all, they are supporting terrorists (Hezbollah), because it is for their own good (Hezbollah protects them, gives them recovery aid after Israeli attacks, rebuilds broken parts, etc).

But thankks for clarifying it all up! Bottom line, you support terrorists because in the end, "it's for your own good." And quite evidently, Bush feels the same way.

Extreme righties have redefined 'irony' and 'double standard' to a whole new level.

Let the readers decide for themselves.
I am not sure what to tell you. Why do you not see how unfair this is to Catholics, Protestants, Jews, Wiccans, Warlocks, Whatevers. I pointed out to you that Muslims are NOT integrating well. I point out why and one was a school. This is the school. It is not a middle eastern studies CLASS. It is an entire program. Another small point that you fail to mention.

All three links mention the Khalil Gibran International Academy.

First of all, the Principal is a Jewish lady. So much for this being a radical Islam school. And, this school is open to Christians, Muslims, Jews, etc.

Second, the name itself of school Khalil Gibran, is based on a Christian Lebanese-American philosophical essayist, novelist, mystical poet and artist. In case you didn't know MANY Arabic speakers are actually Christian.

Third, the curriculum offers Arabic language classes and general ME studies. Nothing wrong with that.

Fourth, students aren't even all Muslim. From your own article, it mentions a Christian parent:

"Carmen Colon was thrilled at the prospect of sending her 11-year-old son to the school.
"I know for a fact that any American who learns Arabic will make tons of money whether it's translation, whether it's in the customer service area," she said. "I thought it was the best advantage I could give my son."

that poor woman continued:

"The people who are so against the school for me seem more like the terrorists, by terrorizing the community and making us feel that it's unsafe for our children to be there," she said. "They're the ones who are terrorizing us. Not the school, not the principal and not the administration." "

I think she hits it dead on the nail!

Lastly, I didn't even bother scrolling down on that last link, the one with the law firm. All I had to see was a Cross, Shield, and a Sword, with the words "Sword and Shield for the People of Faith" and deduce it as some Christian based law firm. Not exactly the most 'balanced' source of information.

Bottom line, if this is your best response to how radical Islam is demanding public schools with public funding, you will have to do better. This Academy has nothing to do with radical Islam.


See the above explination about the MEK and our use of less than stellar assets. Its part of the real world Dude, sorry.

Team up with terrorists, sure go ahead. Just don't complain to me when those terrorists attack us in the future.

Oh, OK. Its all about "whitey" Hey, what about putting things in context? It was 1492 when Columbus sailed the ocean blue. I promise, if I could go back in time, I would have stopped him. What would that have gotten me? Someone else would have concoured the N A Indians because in the CONTEXT of that time frame, thats what was done.

So you telling me to 'go back to your country' is dumb, for you (at some point in your family's background) immigrated here yourself.

That is really great of you. I choose to call people names. This is a public forum. Sue me. Its funny, because when the people you are defending disagree with you, they will generally cut off your head--Like Richard Pearl or possibly they will shoot a bunch of nuns like when the Pope made some less than desirable remarks.

First of all, we aren't talking about radicals and the cutting off of heads. We are talking about you and me trying to have a debate on a forum. "I choose to call people names".... so that having been said by you, it's ironic you are the one labeling me as a 'tool.'

Keep it professional and debate like a grown man. It's the same reason TWA_Dude refused to answer your post from the other thread. You can call others 'tools,' but when they see your posting behavior, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out who the real 'tool' is.

Hey, it does not matter how confused he was, He followed what the Koran told him to do. Honestly, making excuses for Richard Reed? He was just confused?

As a convert, he did not learn to read Arabic like a native speaker. As a result, he could not interpret the Koran for himself. Add in radical friends, and that fueled his desires while in prison. Like I said, he should never have been let out.

Then here it is again: "You are shallow"

Look at your namecalling of both myself and TWA_Dude, and then look in the mirror to see who the 'shallow' one really is.

I am rubber and you are glue, everything you say bounces off me and sticks on you X google.

Clearly, it doesn't bounce off of you, because you respond each time. And I, too, will respond to your posts. All I ask is for some professionalism to keep it an grown-adult debate.
You mean correct. I'm still waiting for answers to the questions previously posted.

Which question

Actually, it still hasn't.

What hasent?

Ahhh, the truth finally spoken. First, you posted much of the MEK which reaffirms that it is a terrorist group. And then, you post that our government has the duty to do what's in its best interest (which is true), BUT, you include teaming up with TERRORISTS within that duty. I see. Bush. "United We Stand." "With terrorists, to fight terrorists."

So what's up with the "either you're with us, or you're with the terrorists?" if we, ourselves, team up with the terrorists.

Irony, defined. Double Standard, defined.
So in your little world, we should not have sided with the French resistance in WW2? Irony, defined. Double Standard, defined.

And one more thing, "if you do not understand that our government has the duty to do whats in its best interest"..... Hezbollah (a terrorist group) is the government form of Lebanon who does what it thinks is best for its people. "the answer is YES sometimes we need bad allies. And yes, that is OK." So by your own definition, what is wrong with Hezbollah? They are a terrorist government form, merely doing what's best for THEIR people, while 'YES sometimes they need bad allies, and yes that is ok'.
Your true nature is absolutely showing. Defending Hezbollah. Great. They do it, we do it. Do you see how the world works now?

So you are supporting terrorists because in the end, it is for "your own good." How is that any different from Lebanese citizens supporting Hezbollah? Because after all, they are supporting terrorists (Hezbollah), because it is for their own good (Hezbollah protects them, gives them recovery aid after Israeli attacks, rebuilds broken parts, etc).

But thankks for clarifying it all up! Bottom line, you support terrorists because in the end, "it's for your own good." And quite evidently, Bush feels the same way.
Obvioulsy you are cheering for Hez b Allah. Do what your side needs to do and our side will do the same.
Extreme righties have redefined 'irony' and 'double standard' to a whole new level.
You seem to think its OK for your side, Hez b Allah to do it, so we do it. Thats what I was saying in all my posts. The world makes strange bedfellows. Why am I different than you.


All three links mention the Khalil Gibran International Academy.

First of all, the Principal is a Jewish lady. So much for this being a radical Islam school. And, this school is open to Christians, Muslims, Jews, etc.

Second, the name itself of school Khalil Gibran, is based on a Christian Lebanese-American philosophical essayist, novelist, mystical poet and artist. In case you didn't know MANY Arabic speakers are actually Christian.

Third, the curriculum offers Arabic language classes and general ME studies. Nothing wrong with that.

Fourth, students aren't even all Muslim. From your own article, it mentions a Christian parent:

"Carmen Colon was thrilled at the prospect of sending her 11-year-old son to the school.
"I know for a fact that any American who learns Arabic will make tons of money whether it's translation, whether it's in the customer service area," she said. "I thought it was the best advantage I could give my son."

that poor woman continued:

"The people who are so against the school for me seem more like the terrorists, by terrorizing the community and making us feel that it's unsafe for our children to be there," she said. "They're the ones who are terrorizing us. Not the school, not the principal and not the administration." "

I think she hits it dead on the nail!
I think it is unfair for my tax dollars to be paying for a school with a religious theme when other religions are not represented the same way. This is my point about Muslims not fitting in.

Lastly, I didn't even bother scrolling down on that last link, the one with the law firm. All I had to see was a Cross, Shield, and a Sword, with the words "Sword and Shield for the People of Faith" and deduce it as some Christian based law firm. Not exactly the most 'balanced' source of information.
I know, who do those Christians think they are asking for special consideration? And thats very open and enlightened of you to not do all the "research" you pride yourself on because its Christian. Now, if it had a cresent on it things would be a little different!

Bottom line, if this is your best response to how radical Islam is demanding public schools with public funding, you will have to do better. This Academy has nothing to do with radical Islam.
Here is a cut from Reuters to show you why people are concerned:
Then just weeks ago, its founder and principal, Debbie Almontaser, resigned after being linked to a group of Muslim artists who printed T-shirts using the word "intifada."
Almontaser has said that the term, which often refers to the Palestinian uprising against Israel, can be understood as a feminist slogan meaning "shaking off." Facing a firestorm of criticism, Almontaser was replaced by Danielle Salzberg, a longtime educator who is Jewish and does not speak Arabic.

Here is why Catholics are concerned.

Team up with terrorists, sure go ahead. Just don't complain to me when those terrorists attack us in the future.

I wont, unless of course it is Hez B Allah who has already threatened to bring suicide bomb cells to America.

So you telling me to 'go back to your country' is dumb, for you (at some point in your family's background) immigrated here yourself.

First of all, we aren't talking about radicals and the cutting off of heads. We are talking about you and me trying to have a debate on a forum. "I choose to call people names".... so that having been said by you, it's ironic you are the one labeling me as a 'tool.'
You are a tool who will keep writing and writing and writing
Keep it professional and debate like a grown man. It's the same reason TWA_Dude refused to answer your post from the other thread. You can call others 'tools,' but when they see your posting behavior, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out who the real 'tool' is.

Hey, I thought you did not call people names, sigh, another Muslim myth exploded.

As a convert, he did not learn to read Arabic like a native speaker. As a result, he could not interpret the Koran for himself. Add in radical friends, and that fueled his desires while in prison. Like I said, he should never have been let out.
I know, but you continue to ignore the fact that Reed, like others claim outright they only did what the KORAN told them to do....Its all in the book.

Look at your namecalling of both myself and TWA_Dude, and then look in the mirror to see who the 'shallow' one really is.
Yes, both you and TWA Dude are my heros. Except you are a tool.

Clearly, it doesn't bounce off of you, because you respond each time. And I, too, will respond to your posts. All I ask is for some professionalism to keep it an grown-adult debate.
Its not an adult debate. The childish verses I have thrown in are to show you what it is like to debate a Muslim apologist.
First of all, you didn't have to quote my entire post just to post this:

Its not an adult debate. The childish verses I have thrown in are to show you what it is like to debate a Muslim apologist.

My response:

The childish verses I have thrown in are to show you what it is like to debate a right-wing fanatic.
Nobody Cares..

ROFL!!! :) Me a right wing fanatic? Now that's funny!

Thanks for the laugh!

Really, everyone has read some of your posts here. Many just stopped after about a week or so and went away. Do us all a favor and find some sort of hobby.

Maybe you can make projects out of milk cartons, maybe you can take up basketweaving......Maybe you should go and get a pet....At any rate, I would recommend something that doesn't involve sharp objects....

You really got fixated on this thread. No one cares what drivel you spout week after week going on and on making apologies for islamic terrorists. Go outside, take a walk, get some fresh air, but for God's sake, please realize that after the 18,000 words per day that you have put on this one thread, no one else cares-you are not changing our minds, and we are not changing yours!
Really, everyone has read some of your posts here. Many just stopped after about a week or so and went away. Do us all a favor and find some sort of hobby.

Maybe you can make projects out of milk cartons, maybe you can take up basketweaving......Maybe you should go and get a pet....At any rate, I would recommend something that doesn't involve sharp objects....

You really got fixated on this thread. No one cares what drivel you spout week after week going on and on making apologies for islamic terrorists. Go outside, take a walk, get some fresh air, but for God's sake, please realize that after the 18,000 words per day that you have put on this one thread, no one else cares-you are not changing our minds, and we are not changing yours!

I'll 2nd that!
No apologies for Islamic terrorists, their actions can never be jusitified. I merely spoke for the normal good Muslims who are not radicals. Righties like yourself would lump them as all "the same." No wonder I'm being labeled a "Islamic terrorist apologist." I have never been apologetic for any terrorists. It's your friend brainhurts who supports the MEK terrorist group, not me.
Don't care? Then don't read this thread. "you are not changing our minds, and we are not changing yours!" And so like I said before, we must agree to disagree.

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