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Concerned Mom Won't Fly with Arabs (who train Marines)

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Flawed logic really.

Same could be said about British, Pakistanis, Israelis, Mexicans, Canadians, Japanese, Koreans, Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, Atheists, Agnostics, Jews, etc. Get my drift?

NO, it's not flawed logic. That is my point. If you knew that someone was willing to kill you, you would not turn your back if you were rational. Regardless of national origin or religion. But Flyerboy insists that men of Muslim origin are all just peaceful fun loving guys, and he refuses to be wary of them. I am wary of anyone that I believe is out to kill me, my family, and my countrymen.
But who are you to say whether someone should or shouldn't speak their own language, if they want to?

Last I checked, the first amendment is still in place, and freedom of speech is still a right we have.

I never said that they don't have the right to speak their native language, and no one else did either. But if they wish to fit in in this country then they need to be speaking the language of this country. And while they have the right to speak their language, I have the right to be wary of them if they don't.
Clown Boy, The A'stan Muhadajeen were not targeting America at this time, nor had al Queida become an official group. They were not terrorists at this time in the sense that the word is used today meaning large scale attacks on the USA--remember, you are American now and that means that you have to be on our side. That means that America can defend itself from a Communist threat and to do that, America has to act in its own best interest.

While it may have not been called al-Qaeda, the terrorists were alive and well even in the 80s when the Muhajadeen were being supported.
Yes, I'm an American and I am on the side of America. But what is this "our" side you speak of? Cause you are so right wing, I don't ever want to be on your side. So to defend yourself from communism, teaming up with Middle Eastern terrorists is ok? In the same way that defending yourself from Iran makes it okay to team up with the MEK terrorist group? So supporting terrorism is okay so as long as your butt is being saved/guaranteed at the end of the day? How about China? Why don't you go team up with al-Qaeda and attack China so their Communism doesn't get to us. Thanks.

You are above the age of 12 right? Power politics is not an easy game. You are acting like everything in war is black and white. Life is not like that.

Bull. There should be ONE standard on terrorism. NEVER ever support it. You feel that protecting the MEK terrorist group is a necessity becaues they provide info about Iran... how is that any different than a Lebanese citizen saying they support Hezbollah because hezbollah is a terrorist group that serves in THEIR own best interest? It should be terrorism: either you're with them, or you're with us. And yet, it's not.

Don't even start about the age thing. If anything, your cheap shot namecalling makes you a 12 yr old.
You know, your tantrum could be held on a school playground. You stamp your foot and say OIL. Great. Now I'll say: Communism, Communism, Communism times a billion! What does that prove. I have given you the quick history of why we could not grant the A'stan real estate to the Soviets, and you stamp your foot.

You speak of the Afghani Muhajadeen and Russia war. That's fine, that was to stop Communism. Last I checked, Afghanistan isn't exactly dead center of the Middle East. "Dead center" of the middle east includes Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. So I say to you a billion times, Oil, Oil, Oil!

Clown Boy, have you read the Koran and Hadith? I have copies of both at home. You can not leaf through these.....works without finding violence and twisted thinking. I would rely less on what your good Muslim friends say than what is in the book, that is unless "the friends" you claim are really you and you are simply here as a Muslim apologist.

I, too, have copies of both at home. Minored in religion myself. What copy of the hadith do you have, btw? There's so many. And obviously you have an English translation version, yes? How was it published by? My 'friends' were people largely met throughtout my religion classes for my minor. Very knowledeable people who majored in religion, and some know pursuing a PHD in religion. I stay in touch with many, and have them as a resource.

No, this defeats your kooky posts above that it was only al Queida and myself claiming that the Koran said to do violence unto non Muslims. You are wrong and you defeat yourself.

Richard Reid was a convert to Islam in prison, where he was in on other felony charges. Who knows what his mental state was after he converted and was 'recruited' by al-Qaeda. Researching his background, he should never have been released from prison in the first place.

And your friend is very handy. Hmmmmm.

Yes, as explained above, people from my religion classes who majored in it. I only took a few because I minored.

No, you have the wrong people.

Really? Quick history recap 101: 1492, prior to Columbus discovering America... Native Indians spread all across what is now America. From then on, Native Indians were lied to, broken treaties with, given diseased-blankets to, and pushed out of their homeland to make land for the masses of immigrating from Europe. So much for assimililating and accepting the Native Indian culture. Present day: very few Native Indian tribes left, some left with a few government protected tribal areas. End history lesson 101.

Yes, very much like Mohammed Atta integrated so well with his neighbors, until of course, he hopped on an airplane, slit the throat of a flight attendant, killed the Captain and then thousands of others by smashing the plane into the WTC. Other than that...oh wait, hey, American Muslims are not doing so well after all.......

History lesson #2: Atta was not an American Muslim, and he was not integrated into the American society/culture. All 19 terrorists were foreigners.

Sigh....do I have to do all the work here?

So a public school is going to offer a Middle Eastern Studies class... and your panties are in a wad, because? I would have loved to have taken a ME studies class back when I was in school. I had to spend thousands at college to take ME studies and religion classes. What's wrong with offering a ME class? I asked for links about demanding separate government funded schools. That isn't happening.

I am pretty sure that is only in your own mind. My viewpoint is that the religion of Islam is violent and is a catalyst for chaos.

Then so be it. You're free to believe what you'd like.

Essentially, you're basically admitting to having fear in your heart from all Muslims, because you don't trust them, and you think many/all are out to get you.
No, I am only talking about what the Koran and Hadith are telling Muslims to do. I am not afraid, of Muslims, but I am telling the truth about what they are doing.

The day that 10 million American Muslims start blowing sh*t up and killing their fellow Americans is the day I will admit you are right. Until then, we disagree on pretty much everything.

Hmmm, I am pretty sure that I have delivered enough munitions in that conflict that it is the other way around.

Um, no, al-Qaeda has stated numerous times that one of their goals is to strike fear into the hearts of Americans. Seems they got you pretty good.

Too bad I won't give into fear. I will live my life normally, and just remain on guard and vigilant at all times... not paranoid, but vigilant.
Of course....You are a useful idiot! Winston Churchill talked of an appeaser as the guy in a room of snakes who was nice to the snakes so that he(the appeaser) was the last bit!

Appeaser, I am not. Vigilant, I am. Paranoid (like you), I am not.

A FORUM is a place where people come for debate. That is what keeps it civilized.
Civilized? Telling me to "go back to your country" and "calling you a tool was too nice" is your idea of civilized?
Well its better than cutting off your head while video taping it, or attempting to bomb you or slamming an airplane into your house isnt it?

I am pretty sure you loose this round clown boy.

Ok, so you have no explanation as to why you would say to me "go back to your country" and "calling you a tool was too nice." Instead, you follow that up with things that radical terrorists have done???

Um, what?

I haven't 'lost' anything. If anything, you have lost. I'll still patiently wait for the answer to my original question:

Civilized? Telling me to "go back to your country" and "calling you a tool was too nice" is your idea of civilized?

Your definition of 'civil' needs re-examining.
Bull. There should be ONE standard on terrorism. NEVER ever support it.

Flyer, I don't agree with you on much on this topic, but I do agree on this point. I think our strategies in the past of supporting terrorist and guerrilla groups in various countries have proven to be very bad strategies. They seemed good at the time with the whole "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" approach, but it always bites us later on down the road. Time to learn from history and cease any such relationships.
While it may have not been called al-Qaeda, the terrorists were alive and well even in the 80s when the Muhajadeen were being supported.
Yes, I'm an American and I am on the side of America. But what is this "our" side you speak of? Cause you are so right wing, I don't ever want to be on your side. So to defend yourself from communism, teaming up with Middle Eastern terrorists is ok? In the same way that defending yourself from Iran makes it okay to team up with the MEK terrorist group? So supporting terrorism is okay so as long as your butt is being saved/guaranteed at the end of the day? How about China? Why don't you go team up with al-Qaeda and attack China so their Communism doesn't get to us. Thanks.

Bull. There should be ONE standard on terrorism. NEVER ever support it. You feel that protecting the MEK terrorist group is a necessity becaues they provide info about Iran... how is that any different than a Lebanese citizen saying they support Hezbollah because hezbollah is a terrorist group that serves in THEIR own best interest? It should be terrorism: either you're with them, or you're with us. And yet, it's not.

Don't even start about the age thing. If anything, your cheap shot namecalling makes you a 12 yr old.

You speak of the Afghani Muhajadeen and Russia war. That's fine, that was to stop Communism. Last I checked, Afghanistan isn't exactly dead center of the Middle East. "Dead center" of the middle east includes Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. So I say to you a billion times, Oil, Oil, Oil!

I, too, have copies of both at home. Minored in religion myself. What copy of the hadith do you have, btw? There's so many. And obviously you have an English translation version, yes? How was it published by? My 'friends' were people largely met throughtout my religion classes for my minor. Very knowledeable people who majored in religion, and some know pursuing a PHD in religion. I stay in touch with many, and have them as a resource.

Richard Reid was a convert to Islam in prison, where he was in on other felony charges. Who knows what his mental state was after he converted and was 'recruited' by al-Qaeda. Researching his background, he should never have been released from prison in the first place.

Yes, as explained above, people from my religion classes who majored in it. I only took a few because I minored.

Really? Quick history recap 101: 1492, prior to Columbus discovering America... Native Indians spread all across what is now America. From then on, Native Indians were lied to, broken treaties with, given diseased-blankets to, and pushed out of their homeland to make land for the masses of immigrating from Europe. So much for assimililating and accepting the Native Indian culture. Present day: very few Native Indian tribes left, some left with a few government protected tribal areas. End history lesson 101.

History lesson #2: Atta was not an American Muslim, and he was not integrated into the American society/culture. All 19 terrorists were foreigners.

Sigh....do I have to do all the work here?

So a public school is going to offer a Middle Eastern Studies class... and your panties are in a wad, because? I would have loved to have taken a ME studies class back when I was in school. I had to spend thousands at college to take ME studies and religion classes. What's wrong with offering a ME class? I asked for links about demanding separate government funded schools. That isn't happening.

Then so be it. You're free to believe what you'd like.

The day that 10 million American Muslims start blowing sh*t up and killing their fellow Americans is the day I will admit you are right. Until then, we disagree on pretty much everything.

Um, no, al-Qaeda has stated numerous times that one of their goals is to strike fear into the hearts of Americans. Seems they got you pretty good.

Appeaser, I am not. Vigilant, I am. Paranoid (like you), I am not.

Ok, so you have no explanation as to why you would say to me "go back to your country" and "calling you a tool was too nice." Instead, you follow that up with things that radical terrorists have done???

Um, what?

I haven't 'lost' anything. If anything, you have lost. I'll still patiently wait for the answer to my original question:

Civilized? Telling me to "go back to your country" and "calling you a tool was too nice" is your idea of civilized?

Your definition of 'civil' needs re-examining.[/quote]
Clown Boy,
I know that you can go on forever, but everything you regurgite above has been answered already. The Muhadjeen were useful tools in a bigger war, there was no threat to America from them, the Soviets had nukes pointed at us, and if you really do not understand the relavance of the Cold War, you should ask your Muslim friends. They seem to be the only people you talk too. You ask for the school, I give you the school. You tell me I'm scared, I tell you I have been actively engaged in the war. You say its all about oil, and I try to explain geo politics. You tell me my grandfolks killed Indians with diseased blankets, I assure you they did not. You think name calling is equal to some major crime. Richard Reed? Oh he's just Richard being Richard. Really, I know you are going to going to come back with a long nonsensical exercise in meaninless typing, but how long can you keep it up? I know I have better things to do, but you are so shallow! Anyone reading this can see you are a tool.
Clown Boy,
I know that you can go on forever,

brainhurts, it's clear that your brain is hurting, and you've time and time strayed away from answering questions I posed to you.

but everything you regurgite above has been answered already.

No it hasn't.

The Muhadjeen were useful tools in a bigger war, there was no threat to America from them, the Soviets had nukes pointed at us, and if you really do not understand the relavance of the Cold War, you should ask your Muslim friends.

So supporting terrorism is ok so as long as your interests are protected. I'm not for communism, but neither am I for supporting terrorism!

They seem to be the only people you talk too.

Pardon me for actually taking classes in religion to educate myself, and not just believing the radical version of Islam that's been spewed on Fox. I use whatever source I have available, and my friends from the religion classes are as good a source as any... Muslims, Christians, and Jews alike.

You ask for the school, I give you the school.

INCORRECT. *You* said that 'they' were already demanding separate public funded government schools. Then, *you* posted an example of how a public school offered a Middle Eastern religious studies class. wtf? There is absolutely no relation between that and your initial point. There is nothign wrong with a school offering a Middle Eastern studies class.

You tell me I'm scared, I tell you I have been actively engaged in the war.

I didn't know you went to war and served, I must have missed that. Good job for serving our country.
I should have rephrased better, but what I meant was that fear or paranoia should not be used today, and instead, vigilance in everything we do should be used. Can we both agree on that? Always keep up your guard and remain vigilant?

You say its all about oil, and I try to explain geo politics.

"Geo" politics... and a major part of that includes oil in the Middle East. While it's not the only issue in the ME, it certainly is a HUGE one.

You tell me my grandfolks killed Indians with diseased blankets, I assure you they did not.

I didn't mean you specifically had grandfolks who killed Indians. But the 'white' man who came to this country that is now America, did screw over the Native Indians. My point was that all of us were foreigners to this country at some point. Anytime a non-Native Indian person tells me to "go back to your country" , I can't help but laugh (considering that they, too, were immigrants at some point).

You think name calling is equal to some major crime.

Never called it a crime. I was just wrong to assume I could get common decency in a debate on a forum. In this case, the difference between you and me: when I disagree with someone and the thread is near its end, I simply say "We disagree on too much, we will just have to agree to disagree." And I leave it at that. You, on the other hand, resort to namecalling.

Richard Reed? Oh he's just Richard being Richard. Really, I know you are going to going to come back with a long nonsensical exercise in meaninless typing, but how long can you keep it up?

Richard Reid was a convert terrorist, the most confused of all terrorists. He should never have been released from prison in the first place.

'nonsensical exercise in meaningless typing, but how long can you keep it up?'

The written exercise is in direct response to your posts, and I can't even seem to get you to answer questions I ask. I'll "keep it up" as long as this thread remains open, and we have a debate going back and forth.

I know I have better things to do, but you are so shallow!

Do as you would like. But a extreme righty calling someone else 'so shallow' ?! I have *never* heard that one before!

Anyone reading this can see you are a tool.

I know you are, but what am I? [times infinity^2]
Dude, you got served!!! oooh snap!.
I'm sorry but what does that mean? Is it like sqiggy squab? And does it come from all your long years of experience dealing with world matters, or is that from the Chappelle show as well? I wish I was back in college.
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