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Concerned Mom Won't Fly with Arabs (who train Marines)

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But who are you to say whether someone should or shouldn't speak their own language, if they want to?

This is America. If you want to live and be successful in America, then speak English. The reason that this country has been so successful and has become the superpower that it is is because of the immigrants who came to this country and conformed to American societal norms. America is supposed to be a "melting pot." Instead, too many immigrants today want to just bring a little piece of their own country here and demand that everyone else adapt to them. Sorry, not how it's supposed to work.
This is America. If you want to live and be successful in America, then speak English. The reason that this country has been so successful and has become the superpower that it is is because of the immigrants who came to this country and conformed to American societal norms. America is supposed to be a "melting pot." Instead, too many immigrants today want to just bring a little piece of their own country here and demand that everyone else adapt to them. Sorry, not how it's supposed to work.

Well of course, that I can agree with.

But I was thinking more along the lines of person A from some country, speaking to person B from that same country... can they not speak in their own language?

I don't see the problem if two people, of the same background, converse in their own language.

Now if you are at work, or something critical thing like that, then converse in English like everyone else.
But I was thinking more along the lines of person A from some country, speaking to person B from that same country... can they not speak in their own language?

In private, they can do whatever they want. As far as what is acceptable to society, I feel that when you're in public, you should be speaking the language that is generally understood to be the language of the United States: English.
In private, they can do whatever they want. As far as what is acceptable to society, I feel that when you're in public, you should be speaking the language that is generally understood to be the language of the United States: English.

I'm the complete opposite. On a public bus/train, nothing is worse than a 15 yr old girl on a cellphone: "And, like, yah so he totally likes me. And like, I told him, um, yeah! Like, I'm not into him, ya know? And like, I dont know what I should do, but like, know what I mean? Then, like, I was just like, whateverrrr!"

Man is that annoying!

The way I see it, go ahead and speak another language... Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, anything! So as long as I dont understand/comprehend the full blown personal conversation in public, the happier I'll be.

I am no apologist. I simply call things as I see them. Long rambling? Yeah, I bring up valid points, and address every single right-wing hatred/fear based idealogy. Half truth? You still haven't looked up the history of US actions in the Middle East and Afghanistan for the last 2-3 decades, have you? "Waste of time".... only cause you disagree with it and don't have anything valid to fight back with.

First of all, it's Wikipedia. Second, that link already confirms what I've already said: the hadiths are oral sayings that have been recorded over time, they are not the direct word of God.

Hadiths were sayings that were passed down orally for more than one hundred years before even being written down. And yes, that was mentioned in that Wikipedia article. It was only hundred years (and even longer) later, that they were finally put down on paper. As history has shown, things said today will not be the same thing that will be put in writing hundred years from now. Some things bound to change over time, and oral sayings are changed by the people over time as they see fit. So, scholars can point out that the Koran is the word of Islam, and not the hadiths. Know your history before blasting on things you have no idea about.

There you go again... comparing mainline Christianity to radical Islam extremist theology. Why don't you compare mainline Christianity with mainline Islam? You should research more before blasting religions. I certainly have researched into religions I found fascinating. Did you know Islam is one of the only religions that require a person to give up a certain percentage of their salary for charity? That's one of the five pillars of Islam. I can't recall any other religion physically stating that a part of your salary must go to charity to benefit mankind. Like I said, research other religions, and you'll be more educated, if anything. That 'love thy neighbor' idealogy exists in mainline Islam, also. Obviously, that's not the case for radical extremist Islam.

Do you like to listen to yourself speak? It would seem you are writing for your own sake. You have not acknowledged that our actions in the ME were a result of the cold war. You indicate we simple acted out of mid air. You are being misleading and a liar. You are an apologist. You are on this site making the case for Islamic extremeists. The point of the Hadith is that the Muslims themselves can't make out what the Koran means. So they wipped together the Hadith to help interpret the Koran, so now they make laws and jihad and fatwah's based on flawed, made up documents, and you want to end your crazy post telling me about their required charity? Give me a f'ing break! I would love to see the charity that comes from Somalia or Sudan!!! You are a clown, and I love how you tell others to educate themselves more. Please go back to whatever country you came from. Why did your prophet want to sleep with a 7 year old girl? Why can't your prophet stand the scrutiny of a cartoon? You may as well come out and admit you are a Muslim who would like nothing better than to have the United States destroyed so that the beacon of Democracy can not interfere with your Shira Law.
Do you like to listen to yourself speak? It would seem you are writing for your own sake. You have not acknowledged that our actions in the ME were a result of the cold war.

Yeah, that, and OIL.

You indicate we simple acted out of mid air. You are being misleading and a liar. You are an apologist. You are on this site making the case for Islamic extremeists. The point of the Hadith is that the Muslims themselves can't make out what the Koran means. So they wipped together the Hadith to help interpret the Koran, so now they make laws and jihad and fatwah's based on flawed, made up documents

Incorrect on several counts. The only ones talking fatwas and jihad statements that I've seen so far are you and al-Qaeda terrorists/extremists.

and you want to end your crazy post telling me about their required charity? Give me a f'ing break!

Don't confuse the two. You just went from extremism/radical Islam, into mainstream Islam.

I would love to see the charity that comes from Somalia or Sudan!!!

From third world poverty countries? Not much. They barely have enough to survive on their own. That charity thing is for those who can afford to.

You are a clown, and I love how you tell others to educate themselves more. Why did your prophet want to sleep with a 7 year old girl? Why can't your prophet stand the scrutiny of a cartoon? You may as well come out and admit you are a Muslim who would like nothing better than to have the United States destroyed so that the beacon of Democracy can not interfere with your Shira Law.

Wrong assumptions, you just made. Waaaaay wrong assumptions.
Please go back to whatever country you came from.
Ok, but only if you do the same. After all, we were all immigrants to this country at some point.
Why can't your prophet stand the scrutiny of a cartoon? You may as well come out and admit you are a Muslim who would like nothing better than to have the United States destroyed so that the beacon of Democracy can not interfere with your Shira Law.
Your a skig skag bro... Your way to paranoid...Do not bring your prejudice towards Islam here and expect us to agree to a ignorant blanket statement Over 10million muslims that were born in America that love and serve their country like any other citizen of this great country... This country is great because our freedoms which I'm pretty sure freedom of religion is still there... We planted a seed in the Middle East and you can't under estimate the youth movements in some modernized parts of the region who will take a successful lead into the western world and adapt towards higher education and improving their poor one source economies. Shira Law would never anywhere and give the Middle East another 10years and it will be more westernized and democracies will flourish and economies will be the new religion (a lil rosy future)...Then in 2020 you can beware of the rising sun brain hurts.
Please go back to whatever country you came from.

Now your just being a fukin @ss. Unless you are American Indian keep your mouth shut. I run into your types all the time that spout crap about people from other places, but when you are around them you say nothing. You are a coward. If I was from somewhere else and you said that to me I garuntee you would be picking up the remainder of your teeth. No wonder Elis Island is begging for donations to keep it standing. You all forgot where you came from.
Now your just being a fukin @ss. Unless you are American Indian keep your mouth shut. I run into your types all the time that spout crap about people from other places, but when you are around them you say nothing. You are a coward. If I was from somewhere else and you said that to me I garuntee you would be picking up the remainder of your teeth. No wonder Elis Island is begging for donations to keep it standing. You all forgot where you came from.
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Now your just being a fukin @ss. Unless you are American Indian keep your mouth shut. I run into your types all the time that spout crap about people from other places, but when you are around them you say nothing. You are a coward. If I was from somewhere else and you said that to me I garuntee you would be picking up the remainder of your teeth. No wonder Elis Island is begging for donations to keep it standing. You all forgot where you came from.
I doubt I would be picking up my teeth if you attacked me. You would be very likley be quietly moaning on the floor gasping for breath, more than likely a result of a strike to the solar plexus. In public I politely keep my opinions quiet. On a public forum which is where we come for an exchange of ideas, I give you my thoughts. You can say words like "coward" very easily on an anonymous forum, however, however my actions in life and my accomplishments stand for themselves. How about you sonny?
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