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Concerned Mom Won't Fly with Arabs (who train Marines)

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Posted by Flyer1015 on a different thread:

"Hold up.

First, yes Michigan is really sucking this year. I seriously hope they do better!

Next, yes I am a Michigan alumni myself, having graduated very recently. That having been said, I've never said Detroit *itself* was a nice place to live. There are many slums within Detroit.

"Nice" places to live include Ann Arbor, Plymouth, Canton, Farmington Hills, West Bloomfield, etc.

Only reason I bash Salem Oregon is cause it's in the middle of f'ing nowhere!

Yes, I know. I lived three months in McMinnville (not too far from Salem) during an internship at Evergreen Airlines. My GOD living in that place sucked. That's why I bash it."

Now I understand. At first I thought you were just insane. Now I know that you're just a snot nosed twenty-something that doesn't know jack about the real world. You're supposed to be a liberal at 25. Get back to me when you've had a chance to actually experience life and form your own opinions instead of letting some tenured political hack indoctrinate you on the evils of America.
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No appeasement here, my 'spewing' is rebuttal to those ignorant who think all 1.5 billion Muslims are out to get them.

Hmmm, revisit your history. The US has had a very dark history in the Middle East. We've supported terrorist regimes when we saw fit. We supported the Iranian Shah and supplied weapons. We've supported the Muhajadeen to fight against the Russians. bin Laden folks were 'friends' back two decades ago, because "the enemy of my enemy is my friend." Unprovoked attacks? If only I wish I could say so. But they're not. Those attacks have been the consequences of the dirty involvement we've had in the Middle East for the past two-three decades.

Even TODAY... Bush supports the MEK terrorist group in Iraq. Why? Cause they provide intel to the US regarding Iran. So, OUR US troops guard/protect the MEK terrorist group to get the intel on Iran. See? Double standards. "Either you're with us, or your'e with the terrorists... unless the terrorists can help us, then they are with us too."

To merely believe people would fly planes into buildings simply so your as$ can be under Sharia law is ludicrous. Those people have serious issues with the United States, and they have serious issues with Israel. Those anthrax letters (after 9/11) said, 'Death to America, Death to Israel.' MOST of all this is political. Religion is the tool used to further their own political agendas. Bin Laden will do what's necessary to ensure his forces do as he tells them to. You'll note that countries like China, Brazil, Chile, New Zealand, etc, have been left alone by al-Qaeda. Largely, those countries have not been involved in f'ing up the middle east. Al-Qaeda has no interest in spreading Sharia Law all across the world. Far from it. Their hatred is based on three things: America, Israel, and those who support America (like England).

wtf?! I'M the one who has been saying "be vigilant" all along!

Again, who is this "them" that you speak of? Is this all 1.5 billion Muslims again?

My guard is up at all times and I am vigilant. If I see enough red flags raised in my mind, I'll take the right action. Just like PCL_128 did in his case. But I will not fear/distrust/hate *all* Muslims simply for being Muslims or speaking Arabic.
You are wrong on all points and to assume if we were to become more like New Zealand and Al Queida would leave us alone makes my case. My history is sound--yours is in the catagory of "useful idiot". I explained the term "they and them" perfectly:
"They" and "them" refer to the Muslim's who point to their Koran and Hadith and factually say "Its all there in black and white, it is our duty to spread Islam in any way we can until Shira Law is World law."
You are furthering your delusion by attempting to say Al Queida is simply political. Of course its political--there is no differentiation in Shira Law between political and religious. Go ask your Muslim girlfriend or Imam about that. Tool.
Happy 9-11. Congrats on your big victory.
Now I understand. At first I thought you were just insane. Now I know that you're just a snot nosed twenty-something that doesn't know jack about the real world. You're supposed to be a liberal at 25. Get back to me when you've had a chance to actually experience life and form your own opinions instead of letting some tenured political hack indoctrinate you on the evils of America.

First, you didn't have to search my post history to find my age, you could have just asked me. Second, I see your point... in my 20s, I have no mental capacity to think anything political, and no judgement to vote on republicans/democrats? "You're suppose to be liberal at 25." yadda yadda yadda. In my case, age is irrelevant. I look at the issues, and see what side supports what. The way I see it, Bush has messed up too much.

You are wrong on all points and to assume if we were to become more like New Zealand and Al Queida would leave us alone makes my case.

Um, hello? Did you even read what I posted?! I'll quote myself from above:

Flyer1015 said:
Do you really think that if every single American was to become Muslim that al-Qaeda would leave as alone and peace would reign in the world??? Hell no!

That was one example of a video tape he released. Simple BS. Even if every American converted, al-Qaeda would still be after us.

Here is the crux of Adam and al-Qaeda's threats:

We are in agreement with the above. Al-Qaeda wouldn't leave us alone, even if every American was converted to Islam and if Sharia law was implemented.

My history is sound--yours is in the catagory of "useful idiot".

No, my history quotes are factual. Don't believe me? Look up the Iran-Contra affair for yourself. Google MEK terrorist group and see who has supported them in Iraq. Google the Afghani Muhajedeen and see who supported them to beat out Russia out of Afghanistan. Then, get back to me.

I explained the term "they and them" perfectly:
"They" and "them" refer to the Muslim's who point to their Koran and Hadith and factually say "Its all there in black and white, it is our duty to spread Islam in any way we can until Shira Law is World law."

Some of my Michigan Muslim friends showed me their Qu'ran copy w/ English translation, and there was nothing to suggest that Sharia Law should be implemented worldwide. Other than that, you are sadly mistaken if you think al-Qaeda would leave us alone if all Americans converted to Islam and/or Sharia law was implemented here.

You are furthering your delusion by attempting to say Al Queida is simply political. Of course its political--there is no differentiation in Shira Law between political and religious.

Again, see what I posted:

Flyer1015 said:
Al-Qaeda is bent on killing us, and the reasons are mostly political along with religion twists to suit their needs and goals.

Implementing Sharia Law as a law of the land is a political idealogy with religion twists. Which is exactly what I just said. Their reasons are political but with radical religion as motivation and 'justification.'

Go ask your Muslim girlfriend or Imam about that.

Just because I know many Muslim families from the Detroit MI area does not mean I have a Muslim girlfriend and an Imam.

I do not have a Muslim gf, nor do I have an Imam, but nice try!

You know, I've realized something. ALL the namecalling on this thread has been from right-wing Republicans who have the opposing viewpoint from the ones I have.

It's cool to have opposing viewpoints, but I always wonder why it is the righties/Republicans/Bush-lovers who always end up name-calling.

Grow up.

Happy 9-11. Congrats on your big victory.

More ignorant statements. 9/11 hurt all of us as Americans. It was not a victory for any American. If anything, it was a 'victory' for al-Qaeda.
First, you didn't have to search my post history to find my age, you could have just asked me. Second, I see your point... in my 20s, I have no mental capacity to think anything political, and no judgement to vote on republicans/democrats? "You're suppose to be liberal at 25." yadda yadda yadda. In my case, age is irrelevant. I look at the issues, and see what side supports what. The way I see it, Bush has messed up too much.

Um, hello? Did you even read what I posted?! I'll quote myself from above:

We are in agreement with the above. Al-Qaeda wouldn't leave us alone, even if every American was converted to Islam and if Sharia law was implemented.

No, my history quotes are factual. Don't believe me? Look up the Iran-Contra affair for yourself. Google MEK terrorist group and see who has supported them in Iraq. Google the Afghani Muhajedeen and see who supported them to beat out Russia out of Afghanistan. Then, get back to me.

Some of my Michigan Muslim friends showed me their Qu'ran copy w/ English translation, and there was nothing to suggest that Sharia Law should be implemented worldwide. Other than that, you are sadly mistaken if you think al-Qaeda would leave us alone if all Americans converted to Islam and/or Sharia law was implemented here.

Again, see what I posted:

Implementing Sharia Law as a law of the land is a political idealogy with religion twists. Which is exactly what I just said. Their reasons are political but with radical religion as motivation and 'justification.'

Just because I know many Muslim families from the Detroit MI area does not mean I have a Muslim girlfriend and an Imam.

I do not have a Muslim gf, nor do I have an Imam, but nice try!

You know, I've realized something. ALL the namecalling on this thread has been from right-wing Republicans who have the opposing viewpoint from the ones I have.

It's cool to have opposing viewpoints, but I always wonder why it is the righties/Republicans/Bush-lovers who always end up name-calling.

Grow up.

More ignorant statements. 9/11 hurt all of us as Americans. It was not a victory for any American. If anything, it was a 'victory' for al-Qaeda.
Here is your quote clown boy:
You'll note that countries like China, Brazil, Chile, New Zealand, etc, have been left alone by al-Qaeda. Largely, those countries have not been involved in f'ing up the middle east. Al-Qaeda has no interest in spreading Sharia Law all across the world. Far from it. Their hatred is based on three things: America, Israel, and those who support America (like England).

I guess you did not read your own quote. I do not need to re hash Iran Contra. I lived it. You would like to reframe all history to suite yourself. There were other pressing matters in the world at the time and the need to fund our "grey" ops was not a joke. The outcome of those ops was the disarmament of the Soviet Union, and the brief period of peace that you probably had the luck of growing up in.
I am really sorry you have such thin skin. Calling you a tool was gentle. Did your Muslim friends show you the english translation of the Hadith? Why don't you do some research? The Hadith is the side book to the Koran to help guide you through that fantasy of Mohammed's "diviner of dreams" mostly written and reshaped 50 to 150 years after his death. Since the Koran was so messed up they came up with the Hadith. It is very specific on Shira law. Why am I wasting my time with a clown? Hey, if you head over right now, unannounced, and barge through your Muslim friends door, you will probably find them all in little party hats having a 9-11 celebration!
Here is your quote clown boy:
You'll note that countries like China, Brazil, Chile, New Zealand, etc, have been left alone by al-Qaeda. Largely, those countries have not been involved in f'ing up the middle east. Al-Qaeda has no interest in spreading Sharia Law all across the world. Far from it. Their hatred is based on three things: America, Israel, and those who support America (like England).

I guess you did not read your own quote.

And I still stand by that statement above. Note the key words "their hatred" is based on those three things: USA, Israel, those who support (USA). I also think spreading Sharia Law *across* the *entire* world is something they aren't interested in, in the sense they know they can't do that. They are, however, interested in pressing Sharia law into England, USA, and Israel if they could get away with it. That's what it boils down to, the countries they hate. Until the day comes when al-Qaeda starts blowing up China, Japan, New Zealand, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, and pretty much every other nation, THEN I'll believe that they want to spread Sharia Law across the entire world. So far, their actions do not dictate that is the case. Their hatred and violence is for political reasons with religious twists.

I do not need to re hash Iran Contra. I lived it. You would like to reframe all history to suite yourself. There were other pressing matters in the world at the time and the need to fund our "grey" ops was not a joke.

I realize it wasn't a joke, but it wasn't a joke either to sell weapons to the Iranians. So basically, it's okay to support a terrorist regime when you deem it fit to benefit you? I love the Bush quote, "Either you're with us, or you're with the terrorists." What an arrogant double-standard whammy!

The outcome of those ops was the disarmament of the Soviet Union, and the brief period of peace that you probably had the luck of growing up in.

"End justifies the means" argument?

I am really sorry you have such thin skin. Calling you a tool was gentle.

Namecalling is immature at best. You'll note that while I disagree with many here, I have not resorted to namecalling.

Did your Muslim friends show you the english translation of the Hadith? Why don't you do some research? The Hadith is the side book to the Koran to help guide you through that fantasy of Mohammed's "diviner of dreams" mostly written and reshaped 50 to 150 years after his death. Since the Koran was so messed up they came up with the Hadith. It is very specific on Shira law.

Wow. It's clear you don't have any Muslim friends. Otherwise, you would have known that hadiths are merely oral traditions relating to Muhammed. It was only a 'book' after people decided to write some down. But hadiths themselves are not a part of the Koran. Anytime you have oral sayings put down in book, they are easy to lose true meaning of. The Koran wasn't messed up, but quite a few hadiths were, since they were based on oral traditions, and have been easily misconstrued. Why don't you find me the hadith in particular, that you are referring to?

Why am I wasting my time with a clown? Hey, if you head over right now, unannounced, and barge through your Muslim friends door, you will probably find them all in little party hats having a 9-11 celebration!

Actually, did just have lunch at a Muslim family friends of mine. Guy served two tours (if that's what you military guys call it), one in Afghanistan and one in Iraq. I looked around, but found no party hats with any 9/11 celebration. I did, however, find US flags, and some pics of him from his military unit.
We had a bunch of these SOBs at our flight school..... I suggest that it is not a good idea to impose our values and morals on people like this.....

I know, I know..... There are always exceptions and so forth, BUT.....

The standard Saudi we had at the school was the most lazy, lying, cheating, shady, dangerous person I can think of (and these guys were already airline employees.) These a-holes actually think it is a type of bonus with Allah to pull one over on a "nonbeliever" Never assume that they share the same morals as we do. They DO NOT treat women in an honorable way, and they think it is awesome to be dishonest and do harm to a subhuman "nonbeliever"

Don't make the mistake that these guys have ANY of the same values the avg. American does. These people are raised in a very different world, and they totally take advantage of the fact that we always assume that others have good intentions. I can tell you from personal experience-these people from this culture are not the innocent little lambs many would have us believe they are.

-Let the authorities sort out suspicious behavior!

Have to agree with you on this. In my days as a CFI, I trained many from Saudi and other ME Countries...not one of them was any different. They all, however, wanted to cover their women from head to toe, but were always trying to find the best way to lure a North Dakota blondie for a night out!

They wanted to bust all the flight rules and firmly believed that it was FINE to do that to a 'subhuman' white person!

As much as I believe that the woman on that flight was wrong in her assumptions, I also firmly believe that those men of ME origin should simply not speak Arabic out loud in public places. You're here no...learn and speak English.

It will help you - immigrants - assimilate!

And no, I'm not originally from here, and learned my English well!
And yet you didn't answer my question. If there were 3 arab muslims lined up, and you knew that 1 of them would kill you if you turned your back to him, would you turn your back to ANY of them?

Flawed logic really.

Same could be said about British, Pakistanis, Israelis, Mexicans, Canadians, Japanese, Koreans, Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, Atheists, Agnostics, Jews, etc. Get my drift?
And I still stand by that statement above. Note the key words "their hatred" is based on those three things: USA, Israel, those who support (USA). I also think spreading Sharia Law *across* the *entire* world is something they aren't interested in, in the sense they know they can't do that. They are, however, interested in pressing Sharia law into England, USA, and Israel if they could get away with it. That's what it boils down to, the countries they hate. Until the day comes when al-Qaeda starts blowing up China, Japan, New Zealand, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, and pretty much every other nation, THEN I'll believe that they want to spread Sharia Law across the entire world. So far, their actions do not dictate that is the case. Their hatred and violence is for political reasons with religious twists.

I realize it wasn't a joke, but it wasn't a joke either to sell weapons to the Iranians. So basically, it's okay to support a terrorist regime when you deem it fit to benefit you? I love the Bush quote, "Either you're with us, or you're with the terrorists." What an arrogant double-standard whammy!

"End justifies the means" argument?

Namecalling is immature at best. You'll note that while I disagree with many here, I have not resorted to namecalling.

Wow. It's clear you don't have any Muslim friends. Otherwise, you would have known that hadiths are merely oral traditions relating to Muhammed. It was only a 'book' after people decided to write some down. But hadiths themselves are not a part of the Koran. Anytime you have oral sayings put down in book, they are easy to lose true meaning of. The Koran wasn't messed up, but quite a few hadiths were, since they were based on oral traditions, and have been easily misconstrued. Why don't you find me the hadith in particular, that you are referring to?

Actually, did just have lunch at a Muslim family friends of mine. Guy served two tours (if that's what you military guys call it), one in Afghanistan and one in Iraq. I looked around, but found no party hats with any 9/11 celebration. I did, however, find US flags, and some pics of him from his military unit.
You are a Muslim apologist and your long rambling / fact deficient/ half truth posts are a waste of time. For anyone trying to follow this nonsence, here is a quick rundown on the Hadith from--you guessed it--Wilkopedia:

Just Google Hadith and you will see how clown boy clouds facts and shades outright truth about what Muslims are up against in deciphering their own religion. If they can't figure it out--how can we? Hell its hard figuring out Christian theology, but at least the bottom line there is "Love thy neighbor" as oposed to "Kill thy infidel neighbors--oh and its OK to rape his wife before you kill her because she is not a Muslim"
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You are a Muslim apologist and your long rambling / fact deficient/ half truth posts are a waste of time.

I am no apologist. I simply call things as I see them. Long rambling? Yeah, I bring up valid points, and address every single right-wing hatred/fear based idealogy. Half truth? You still haven't looked up the history of US actions in the Middle East and Afghanistan for the last 2-3 decades, have you? "Waste of time".... only cause you disagree with it and don't have anything valid to fight back with.

For anyone trying to follow this nonsence, here is a quick rundown on the Hadith from--you guessed it--Wilkopedia:

First of all, it's Wikipedia. Second, that link already confirms what I've already said: the hadiths are oral sayings that have been recorded over time, they are not the direct word of God.

Just Google Hadith and you will see how clown boy clouds facts and shades outright truth about what Muslims are up against in deciphering their own religion. If they can't figure it out--how can we?

Hadiths were sayings that were passed down orally for more than one hundred years before even being written down. And yes, that was mentioned in that Wikipedia article. It was only hundred years (and even longer) later, that they were finally put down on paper. As history has shown, things said today will not be the same thing that will be put in writing hundred years from now. Some things bound to change over time, and oral sayings are changed by the people over time as they see fit. So, scholars can point out that the Koran is the word of Islam, and not the hadiths. Know your history before blasting on things you have no idea about.

Hell its hard figuring out Christian theology, but at least the bottom line there is "Love thy neighbor" as oposed to "Kill thy infidel neighbors--oh and its OK to rape his wife before you kill her because she is not a Muslim"

There you go again... comparing mainline Christianity to radical Islam extremist theology. Why don't you compare mainline Christianity with mainline Islam? You should research more before blasting religions. I certainly have researched into religions I found fascinating. Did you know Islam is one of the only religions that require a person to give up a certain percentage of their salary for charity? That's one of the five pillars of Islam. I can't recall any other religion physically stating that a part of your salary must go to charity to benefit mankind. Like I said, research other religions, and you'll be more educated, if anything. That 'love thy neighbor' idealogy exists in mainline Islam, also. Obviously, that's not the case for radical extremist Islam.
Have to agree with you on this. In my days as a CFI, I trained many from Saudi and other ME Countries...not one of them was any different. They all, however, wanted to cover their women from head to toe, but were always trying to find the best way to lure a North Dakota blondie for a night out!

They wanted to bust all the flight rules and firmly believed that it was FINE to do that to a 'subhuman' white person!

As much as I believe that the woman on that flight was wrong in her assumptions, I also firmly believe that those men of ME origin should simply not speak Arabic out loud in public places. You're here no...learn and speak English.

It will help you - immigrants - assimilate!

And no, I'm not originally from here, and learned my English well!

Like you, I immigrated here and learned English, no problem.

But who are you to say whether someone should or shouldn't speak their own language, if they want to?

Last I checked, the first amendment is still in place, and freedom of speech is still a right we have.

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