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Concerned Mom Won't Fly with Arabs (who train Marines)

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If you TRULY feel that ALL Muslims are out to get you, then yeah I guess I could see how you'd distrust/hate them all... that's living the paranoid life.

1.5+ billion people are not out to get you dead.

Vigilence is key, paranoia is not.
You are right. That is crazy. There are only about a billion that want the U.S. to be a nuclear and bio wasteland--may Allah be willing.
Why? Because we WANT them up and running, at a certain level. Make no mistake, if we (US govt.) wanted Al-Queda shut down, they would be shut down.

The US government wants us to have a certain amount of fear.

BINGO!!! We have a winner!


You are right. That is crazy. There are only about a billion that want the U.S. to be a nuclear and bio wasteland--may Allah be willing.

Keep spewing that ignorant crap... show the rest of the world that you do hold the stereotype that Americans are ignorant.

Thanks bud!
Keep spewing that ignorant crap... show the rest of the world that you do hold the stereotype that Americans are ignorant.

Thanks bud!
Please keep spewing your appeasment and Muslim love--that is until they nuke or bio us, and then it will be Bush's fault for provoking them. They are coming for us no matter what. Get that through your brain. WTC1, the USS Kohl, Kobar Towers,9-11 and more were unprovoked. We are the "Great Satan" to them. "They" and "them" refer to the Muslim's who point to their Koran and Hadith and factually say "Its all there in black and white, it is our duty to spread Islam in any way we can until Shira Law is World law." That is what their world is based on and there is no denying that. You can cope with it by being a "useful idiot" to them, however, I prefer to be vigilant and suspicious--no matter how hard they cry about it. To appease is to be a coward. It is the easiest thing to do, so go ahead and do it.
Please keep spewing your appeasment and Muslim love--that is until they nuke or bio us, and then it will be Bush's fault for provoking them.

No appeasement here, my 'spewing' is rebuttal to those ignorant who think all 1.5 billion Muslims are out to get them.

They are coming for us no matter what. Get that through your brain. WTC1, the USS Kohl, Kobar Towers,9-11 and more were unprovoked.

Hmmm, revisit your history. The US has had a very dark history in the Middle East. We've supported terrorist regimes when we saw fit. We supported the Iranian Shah and supplied weapons. We've supported the Muhajadeen to fight against the Russians. bin Laden folks were 'friends' back two decades ago, because "the enemy of my enemy is my friend." Unprovoked attacks? If only I wish I could say so. But they're not. Those attacks have been the consequences of the dirty involvement we've had in the Middle East for the past two-three decades.

Even TODAY... Bush supports the MEK terrorist group in Iraq. Why? Cause they provide intel to the US regarding Iran. So, OUR US troops guard/protect the MEK terrorist group to get the intel on Iran. See? Double standards. "Either you're with us, or your'e with the terrorists... unless the terrorists can help us, then they are with us too."

We are the "Great Satan" to them. "They" and "them" refer to the Muslim's who point to their Koran and Hadith and factually say "Its all there in black and white, it is our duty to spread Islam in any way we can until Shira Law is World law." That is what their world is based on and there is no denying that.

To merely believe people would fly planes into buildings simply so your as$ can be under Sharia law is ludicrous. Those people have serious issues with the United States, and they have serious issues with Israel. Those anthrax letters (after 9/11) said, 'Death to America, Death to Israel.' MOST of all this is political. Religion is the tool used to further their own political agendas. Bin Laden will do what's necessary to ensure his forces do as he tells them to. You'll note that countries like China, Brazil, Chile, New Zealand, etc, have been left alone by al-Qaeda. Largely, those countries have not been involved in f'ing up the middle east. Al-Qaeda has no interest in spreading Sharia Law all across the world. Far from it. Their hatred is based on three things: America, Israel, and those who support America (like England).

You can cope with it by being a "useful idiot" to them, however, I prefer to be vigilant and suspicious--no matter how hard they cry about it. To appease is to be a coward. It is the easiest thing to do, so go ahead and do it.

wtf?! I'M the one who has been saying "be vigilant" all along!

Again, who is this "them" that you speak of? Is this all 1.5 billion Muslims again?

My guard is up at all times and I am vigilant. If I see enough red flags raised in my mind, I'll take the right action. Just like PCL_128 did in his case. But I will not fear/distrust/hate *all* Muslims simply for being Muslims or speaking Arabic.
Al-Qaeda has no interest in spreading Sharia Law all across the world.

Really? Then you are not listening to what they are saying. Do you know who Adam Gadan is? He is from Fresno California. He is a muslim extremist. He has been found guilty of treason in absentia. He is also Al Qaida's spokesman. I don't know why you haven't heard his statements because they have been all over the news for the past 4 years. Since you seem to be the one that doean't understand history (or current events for that matter) I suggest that you start paying attention to what Al Qaida's spokesman has told the world. "If you are not willing to accept islam as your religion...then we will kill you. The west must embrace islam as the one and only religion and allah as the one and only god."

That seems pretty clear to me. What part of his statement are you finding difficult to understand?
Al-Qaeda has no interest in spreading Sharia Law all across the world.

Really? Then you are not listening to what they are saying. Do you know who Adam Gadan is? He is from Fresno California. He is a muslim extremist. He has been found guilty of treason in absentia. He is also Al Qaida's spokesman. I don't know why you haven't heard his statements because they have been all over the news for the past 4 years. Since you seem to be the one that doean't understand history (or current events for that matter) I suggest that you start paying attention to what Al Qaida's spokesman has told the world. "If you are not willing to accept islam as your religion...then we will kill you. The west must embrace islam as the one and only religion and allah as the one and only god."

That seems pretty clear to me. What part of his statement are you finding difficult to understand?

Adam Gadahn. *sigh*

Do you really think that if every single American was to become Muslim that al-Qaeda would leave as alone and peace would reign in the world??? Hell no!

That was one example of a video tape he released. Simple BS. Even if every American converted, al-Qaeda would still be after us.

Here is the crux of Adam and al-Qaeda's threats:

May 2007 Gadahn's video titled "Al-Qaeda Video Warning to US by American Adam Gadahn"

He listed five main actions that Bush and America must take in order to prevent future terrorist attacks.

1. "Pull every last one of your soldiers, spies, security advisors, trainers, attachés , ... out of every Muslim land from Afghanistan to Zanzibar ..."

2. End "all support and aid, military, political, economic, or otherwise, to the 56-plus apostate regimes of the Muslim world, and abandon them to their well-deserved fate ... "

3. "End all support, moral, military, economic, political, or otherwise, to the bastard state of Israel, and ban your citizens, Zionist Jews, Zionist Christians, and the rest from traveling to occupied Palestine or settling there. Even one penny of aid will be considered sufficient justification to continue the fight."

4. "... impose a blanket ban on all broadcasts to our region ..."

5. "Free all Muslim captives from your prisons, detention facilities, and concentration camps, regardless of whether they have been recipients of what you call a fair trial or not."

Note not once does he say "convert every American to Islam."

It's simple... cause that won't help. Al-Qaeda is bent on killing us, and the reasons are mostly political along with religion twists to suit their needs and goals.

Gadahn warned that "your failure to heed our demands and the demands of reason means that you and your people will experience things which will make you forget all about the horrors of September 11th, Afghanistan and Iraq and Virginia Tech."

P.S. I understand my history, just look at my previous post. Thank your past administrations for supporting terrorist regimes when it seemed to benefit. Came back to bite us in the as$ though, for sure.
Flyer1015, just curious: do you feel that we should stop our support of Israel in order to appease the islamo-fascists?
I agree and wonder why more emphasis hasn't been placed on determining why the Clinton Administration didn't do more to chase Bin Laden down.

...or the Bush administration. As the Clinton Administration was leaving, the Bushies were fully briefed.

the USS Cole bombing had happened only a few months before. What kept the "Decider" from ordering an attack on January 21, 2001? They had all the info....knew where the training camps were...
Flyer1015, just curious: do you feel that we should stop our support of Israel in order to appease the islamo-fascists?

While I do think the foreign policy could use an overhaul, I do not think the solution is to 'give up' (or stop support) for any one country. And I include both Israel and Palestine in that statement.

Even if Israeli support stopped, it wouldn't appease the radicals. While they would love to see the US stop its support for Israel, that's just one among many 'demands' they have. The solution isn't to appease any group. No matter what resolution passes, there will be Israelis that will be angry, and there will be Palestinians that will be angry. The best we can do is continue to have talks and facilitate talks between Israel/Palestine for a map towards peace.

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