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Concerned Mom Won't Fly with Arabs (who train Marines)

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Are your comments from first hand knowledge from time spent in the AOR or from the internet.

We have done nothing about the Al Queda problem? How about our efforts in Afghanistan. Many fine Americans have died doing nothing against AQ there. Having resently returned, I can tell you that progress is being made there.

My point about Clinton was that someone blamed HW Bush and W Bush for the problems in Africa but soemhow forgot that we had a President from 1993 -2001. I was just reminding him that we had some one in office during that time.

Iraq will get solved. Simply throwing in the towel and running is not a solution. I'm not saying you said that, so don't get upset. Compare Iraq to N. Ireland as some one has already done. That problem appears close to being solved but it took many years and strong willed people.

I believe W undestands this threat more than you are giving him credit for. It's easy to throw stones at him, and probably fun and popular. But he has kept his eye on the target and one day history will vindicate him for it.

Begin to flame away.

I totally agree.
You know we can all bicker about who is right and who is wrong. The fact of the matter is that we spent thousands of Americans life and billions of dollars attacking a country and killing thousands of them and they didnt have squat to do with 9-11. (For all you bush lovers he admitted himself) Now do expect those people to love you? Dont be ridiculous. We should have spent our resources going after Osama!

Oh yeah I almost forgot Bush sucks! I hope his wife gets a sex change and bangs him in the @ss. You know how those republicans are....
...The fact of the matter is that we spent thousands of Americans life and billions of dollars attacking a country and killing thousands of them and they didnt have squat to do with 9-11. ... Now do expect those people to love you? Dont be ridiculous ...
You're right; prior to the Iraq war the entire Middle East was just overwhelmed with the pro-American feelings, emotions, love…
No, really - everyone knows that prior to the war there were only “piece loving peeple!"(sic) in that region… Yeah...:erm:

I wish there were more women (and men) like this in the Middle East...
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You're right; prior to the Iraq war the entire Middle East was just overwhelmed with the pro-American feelings, emotions, love…
No, really - everyone knows that prior to the war there were only “piece loving peeple!"(sic) in that region… Yeah...:erm:

Oh forgive me you are correct! Saddam got those biological weapons to use on Kurds and Iranians not to mention his own people from who? Thats right us. Or how about the dictator Shaa we tried to put into power in Iran? Support for Israel? Yeah well if some other country tried taking this country I would go out guns a blazin! Just cause China does not like Bush does not mean that I would not fight the Chinese if they came over here to kick his butt.

Speaking of peace loving people enjoy openly supporting candidates that are in bed with the country that has provided us with the most terrorism funding and almost all of the 9-11 highjackers. Saudi Arabia.

...Saddam got those biological weapons to use on Kurds and Iranians not to mention his own people from who? Thats right us...

Listen, you are forgetting the cold war realities. At the time one side or the other would be helping them out, whether it was us or the Russians…well, today we know it wasn’t a smart move, however at the time someone had to support the only power in the region willing to fight the ayatollahs in Iran.

Yeah well if some other country tried taking this country I would go out guns a blazin!

Huh? Aren't you a liberal? There’s NO WAY you would "go out guns blazin" - instead you'd ask for a UN resolution and then you'd "negotiate" and use the political "Super Powers" of the State Department. In other words, you'd become French - "Vive la Surrender" Sorry, cheap shot, couldn't resist...;)

...Just cause China does not like Bush does not mean that I would not fight the Chinese if they came over here to kick his butt...

Of course you wouldn't! Don't forget that the Chinese Red Army got lots of cash they could donate to Hillary's campain. Why would you want to offend them?...(ok, another cheap shot...)

As far as our support for Israel, I won’t deny it; I think it’s the right thing to do. The only issue I have with our support is that we are putting too many conditions and constraints on them. Basically I think we should let them do whatever they feel is necessary in order to be safe from Arab terrorists. I’m sure the Israelis are fully capable of defending themselves if given a real chance – hundreds of years of oppression gave them a real incentive to fight or die….


Be careful. Not all of us are libs. I think you missunderstood or I miswrote. I would fight anyone on this soil. Cold war or not we helped build two very nasty evils. Osama and Saddam. Im glad Saddam is gone. However right now wasnt exactly the best time. Im cringing recently seeing another video coming out with Osama in it. The fear is not from him. My real fear is what is the next freedom we are going to give up from fear. Is it a going to be a constitutional freedom or is going to be the freedom to live in peace in my own home. I think we worry about Osama and his cohorts more than most worry about cancer or influenza. You are far more likely to die from the flu than Al-Qaeda. My fear is the fear of my fellow American.
And Dearborn MI, is a breeding ground for terrorist here in the US.

WTF man!!! You have no idea what you are talking about. Don't get me wrong, I would be suspicious on plane full of arabic speaking individuals, but to say Dearborn is a breeding ground for terrorism is BS. I am friends with numerous people from the middle east whose families think they live in Jordan, or another Arab countries, so they don't get killed by death squads. They are so happy to be in the US and not be living in fear of getting killed for being Sunni or ********************e. When Saddam was executed you say many Arabic men and women in the streets celebrating in Dearborn waving the Iraqi flag side by side with their beloved AMERICAN FLAG. Talking to these friends, Dearborn is a tight community, if somthing suspicious was going down, ie a sleeper cell ect. or radical preaching in the mosque, people would know right away,they have all said the authorities would be notified. These guys feel blessed to be in the USA, they dont want it F-ed because of some right wing radical a-hole wanting to get his seven virgins or whatever.
WTF man!!! You have no idea what you are talking about. Don't get me wrong, I would be suspicious on plane full of arabic speaking individuals, but to say Dearborn is a breeding ground for terrorism is BS. I am friends with numerous people from the middle east whose families think they live in Jordan, or another Arab countries, so they don't get killed by death squads. They are so happy to be in the US and not be living in fear of getting killed for being Sunni or ********************e. When Saddam was executed you say many Arabic men and women in the streets celebrating in Dearborn waving the Iraqi flag side by side with their beloved AMERICAN FLAG. Talking to these friends, Dearborn is a tight community, if somthing suspicious was going down, ie a sleeper cell ect. or radical preaching in the mosque, people would know right away,they have all said the authorities would be notified. These guys feel blessed to be in the USA, they dont want it F-ed because of some right wing radical a-hole wanting to get his seven virgins or whatever.

Exactly! I lived in Michigan for four years, and I know many Dearborn Muslim families. All 100% American, good people.

And man is their food good!


As far as our support for Israel, I won’t deny it; I think it’s the right thing to do. The only issue I have with our support is that we are putting too many conditions and constraints on them. Basically I think we should let them do whatever they feel is necessary in order to be safe from Arab terrorists. I’m sure the Israelis are fully capable of defending themselves if given a real chance – hundreds of years of oppression gave them a real incentive to fight or die….

And yet another reason there will NEVER be peace in the Middle East.

You have some born again evangelical Christians who believe the Jews must occupy Israel for the coming in the future. Then you have some Jews who believe Israel is their god-given-right-land. And then you have some Palestinians who are fighting for that same land. That lady said it's a clash of two mentalities, one from the ol' age, and one from the 21st century. While that is true, you still can't ignore the fact that all three religions (Christianity, Islam, Judaism) each have vented interests in the Middle East for various reasons. Throughout history, what's the #1 thing people have been killed in the name for? My vote is on religion.
...Throughout history, what's the #1 thing people have been killed in the name for? My vote is on religion...

I'd say land - which was controlled by the powerbrokers of the time, the Church, the Mosques - religion. So in a way we do agree here.

As far as Israel, I do believe Israel has made many mistakes - the biggest one of them was not having expelled most, if not all, Arabs after winning three wars in a row. I know many of you will vehemently disagree with me and that's ok. Sure the world would condemn it; sure people would boycott Israel for a while. However, I do think the world would be more peaceful today. I think it’s a country that can never heal because it’s fighting a cancer inside and outside of its body. Whether Arab Israeli citizens or Arab Palestinians they all would like for Israel to disappear from the map…and given the birthrates of Arab women, one day it undoubtedly will…
...Throughout history, what's the #1 thing people have been killed in the name for? My vote is on religion...

I'd say land - which was controlled by the powerbrokers of the time, the Church, the Mosques - religion. So in a way we do agree here.

As far as Israel, I do believe Israel has made many mistakes - the biggest one of them was not having expelled most, if not all, Arabs after winning three wars in a row. I know many of you will vehemently disagree with me and that's ok. Sure the world would condemn it; sure people would boycott Israel for a while. However, I do think the world would be more peaceful today. I think it’s a country that can never heal because it’s fighting a cancer inside and outside of its body. Whether Arab Israeli citizens or Arab Palestinians they all would like for Israel to disappear from the map…and given the birthrates of Arab women, one day it undoubtedly will…
And why were Arabs not thrown out of Israel? Cheap labor! When the idea of throwing out "illegal" Arabs (Palestinians) came up over and over in the 50's and 60's and 70's(by then--way too late) there were those in the nation who complained their economy would suffer. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm sound familiar?

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