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Concerned Mom Won't Fly with Arabs (who train Marines)

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Hmmm. I wonder if Richard Reid was an Arab between 19-36? Remember he was trying to do the nasty too.

No, but he WAS a muslim.
Speak for yourself. I as an American will not distrust ALL Muslims simply based on the actions of the radical Mulims. To distrust all of 1.5 billion Muslims because of the actions of the radical element isn't prudent.

So I ask again, how do you tell the radical from the good? You can't unless you ask questions. Maybe you will ignore the bad ones to food good about the good ones, but I won't. I will ask the questions, and if I don't like the answers then they don't go on my airplane. Or I don't.
Duh! Because the Bush led Iraq campaign has been a COMPLETE and TOTAL mess. MORE civilians are dying TODAY than under Saddam Husseins regime. Come on... are you seriously surprised?

You apparantly need to do a little research. Look up the Kurd genocide enacted by Saddam. And you really think that as many people are dying today as died under Saddam? Please.
You apparantly need to do a little research. Look up the Kurd genocide enacted by Saddam. And you really think that as many people are dying today as died under Saddam? Please.

Dude, are you crazy??!?! OF COURSE more people are dying every month now since Saddam Hussein was in power. We have DAILY suicide bombings killing both radicals and innocent people. At the drop of a dime, BOOM! 182 civilians dead in less than 5 seconds due to one bomb. I kid you NOT, look up the numbers yourself. It's FACT... MORE people are dying today in Iraq than under Saddam Hussein. That's the reality of Iraq today with al-Qaeda running around and Shias and Sunnis slaughtering each other. Only difference is that now, Saddam is gone. So, if you will, "upper management" has changed, but slaughtering continues at a rate GREATER than when Sadam was in power.

So I ask again, how do you tell the radical from the good?

The same way you differentiate between which woman you are dating is fun both in and out of bed and which one is psycho or which of the 50 people on the employee bus stole your laptop.

The problem isn't people speaking Arabic. The problem is an underfunded security system. Ideally, with a properly managed, led and funded security network, the ID's of the individuals would have been punched into a computer revealing they were traveling on government passes from Camp Pen and no further action was needed. As it was, our security looks like something out of the 1930's where the individuals are hauled off and interrogated.

And when was the last time that you heard of a non muslim using a suicide bomb to take out a cafe?

The LTTE in Sri Lanka, what, about two months ago?

And yet, if you lined up your family doctor, 1 of my best friends who is also a Pakistani Muslim, and 1 true terrorist, someone who didn't know any of them would not be able to tell which was which. If you knew that 1 of these people would kill you if they had a chance, which would you choose? You simply wouldn't know, so you wouldn't turn your back on ANY of them. That is just how it is, like it or not.

Bad example. If you want to fear and distrust all of them, then do it, live a life based on fear, hatred, and distrust. Go ahead and be paranoid, if that's what you want. Paranoia can be defined in this case by fearing/distrusting EVERYONE resembling an Arabic appearance. I, for one, will not give into paranoia. I will remain vigilant, not paranoid.
Dude, are you crazy??!?! OF COURSE more people are dying every month now since Saddam Hussein was in power. We have DAILY suicide bombings killing both radicals and innocent people. At the drop of a dime, BOOM! 182 civilians dead in less than 5 seconds due to one bomb. I kid you NOT, look up the numbers yourself. It's FACT... MORE people are dying today in Iraq than under Saddam Hussein. That's the reality of Iraq today with al-Qaeda running around and Shias and Sunnis slaughtering each other. Only difference is that now, Saddam is gone. So, if you will, "upper management" has changed, but slaughtering continues at a rate GREATER than when Sadam was in power.

Saddams regime gassed the Kurds, killing almost 2 hundred thousand, and then they rounded up ANOTHER 100,000 that survived the gassing and executed them. Do you REALLY think that 300,000 civilians have died in Iraq since we invaded? Lets say we started the war 1/1/2001. That would be 136 civilian deaths EVERY DAY since that date. Just not true, regardless of what you believe.
Bad example. If you want to fear and distrust all of them, then do it, live a life based on fear, hatred, and distrust. Go ahead and be paranoid, if that's what you want. Paranoia can be defined in this case by fearing/distrusting EVERYONE resembling an Arabic appearance. I, for one, will not give into paranoia. I will remain vigilant, not paranoid.

And yet you didn't answer my question. If there were 3 arab muslims lined up, and you knew that 1 of them would kill you if you turned your back to him, would you turn your back to ANY of them?

Nice job. Logic and facts defeats hyperbole every time. Keep up the good work. :beer:
Saddams regime gassed the Kurds, killing almost 2 hundred thousand, and then they rounded up ANOTHER 100,000 that survived the gassing and executed them. Do you REALLY think that 300,000 civilians have died in Iraq since we invaded? Lets say we started the war 1/1/2001. That would be 136 civilian deaths EVERY DAY since that date. Just not true, regardless of what you believe.

If you want to talk numbers, keep in mind the numbers are alawys guestimate. No one physically verified 200,000 dead and another 100,000. They found mass grave sites, and can do rough counts. Same thing with the civilians dying today. You don't know about the deaths that aren't reported. Today, unknown to us, Shias and Sunnis (and Kurds) are getting slaughtered left and right. There are many mass grave sites that have yet to be discovered. The media only reports the ones they KNOW about. Iraq is a wide, desolate place with MANY places to hide/bury dead bodies. You'd be foolish to think that things are better NOW than they were under Hussein. Iraq today is MUCH more dangerous to the world than under Hussein. Hussein, a power control freak, did a fine job of keeping al-Qaeda from operating in Iraq. He wouldn't risk losing his power/status. But now that he's gone, Iraq is a al-Qaeda safe haven and breeding ground.

Even an Israeli spokesman (military or some civilian guy) on CNN said how, in retrospect, they'd rather have had Saddam Hussein still in power, than the current situation with al-Qaeda running around in Iraq as a safe haven and for breeding terrorism.

And yet you didn't answer my question. If there were 3 arab muslims lined up, and you knew that 1 of them would kill you if you turned your back to him, would you turn your back to ANY of them?

But I say again, your question is flawed. Why? Because it doesn't address the issue of any race/color/religion. It says, in a nutshell, that three people are lined up, and you *somehow* know one wants you dead. What does it matter if it's three white guys, three black guys, three Muslim guys, three Jewish guys???

To answer this question, I need to know further information... HOW did I find out that ONE of them WOULD kill me if I turned my back to him? My answer to your question will depend on how I was able to find that intel, and then act accordingly. Did I see something suspicious from one of them? Did one of them tell me that another is planning an attack on Americans?

And I say this cause I know my doctor would NEVER do any of that stuff you just mentioned. I wouldn't cast suspicion on him. He's like a father to me. So no, in this case, if he was one of the three, I rule him out as a suspect.
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If you TRULY feel that ALL Muslims are out to get you, then yeah I guess I could see how you'd distrust/hate them all... that's living the paranoid life.

1.5+ billion people are not out to get you dead.

Vigilence is key, paranoia is not.
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Like PCL_128 said, if something is suspicious and enough red flags are raised in your eyes, then be vigilant and take the right action. And that's exactly what he did. I commend his decision.

But if your line is drawn by fearing/distrusting/hating ALL Muslims, then I classify that as paranoia (that 1.5+ billion Muslims are out to get you). If this is your case, don't ever be based at DTW.

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