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Commutair and Shuttle America

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Well-known member
Mar 19, 2002
Hey all, just wondering what the dilly is with Commutair and Shuttle America, have not heard to much about them lately. I am also wondering why people have to think about Trans States, at this point and time I will take a position with whoever I can get. I am still waiting on hearing back from ASA. Insight would be appreciated. CYA
avratdwc said:
Hey all, just wondering what the dilly is with Commutair and Shuttle America, have not heard to much about them lately. I am also wondering why people have to think about Trans States, at this point and time I will take a position with whoever I can get. I am still waiting on hearing back from ASA. Insight would be appreciated. CYA

If you mean rumors that one was going to buy the other, I've heard nothing meaningful about that. I think they were just rumors.

If you mean "how are they doing," I can only speak for Commutair, but it seems like we're (slowly) crawling back up the hill towards profitability. Albany is building extra ramp space to accomodate us, so that's a good sign.

Rumor is that we'll probably do another new-hire class toward the end of this year, but again, that's rumor. Officially, we're still not hiring right now.
Funny, I have worked for all three of the airlines in question. :)

Commutair- Ask someone else, I haven't been there in over a year.

TransStates- Recalling all of their furloughs for an alleged late-Sept./early-Oct. "class date". They are apparently finding that a lot of the furloughs have moved on to other places and won't be coming back, so they are likely to be interviewing again soon. They are literally in the process of recalling right NOW, I received a call yesterday as a matter of fact.

Shuttle America- Not interviewing right now, but probably will interview in september for a late-Sept./early-Oct. class. If you have a letter of recommendation that pretty much guarantees you an interview at least.
hey capt crunch!!

take it easy with what you say, because you dont know anything about IP freely
I know Mr. Freley and have also worked at CA, TSA & SA. I can assure you that it is through no fault of our own ( two furloughs ) that we find ourselves in our current position. In his case he was lucky enough to be hired on at SA as a street captain. I would also like to add that Mr Freley is a very fine pilot, and he's probably "wondering who the hell is this?"
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Well I must say that I appreciate the info given to me by all. And to capt. Crunch, I was wondering where you get off saying what you did. Who do you work for? I will be honest in saying that I dont have a job yet but I am confident I will get one. Why dont you be happy with what you have, if you have anything. In case you are too good to see, there are alot of guys in some very tough places rite now and by you making the comments you do it does not help the cause for everyone. Thanks again guys for all who have helped with some info, it is appreciated. CYA

>>>wow your a winner, hope you make better decissions in the cockpit than you do as to where to send your resume.<<<

Sure, I think I am a winner. Evidence?

1- I can spell, unlike YOU.

2- I can differentiate between the very different situations in which you use "your" and "you're", unlike YOU.

3- I don't feel I have to hide behind a screen name like a little girl and insult total strangers for no apparent reason, unlike YOU.

Not only that, I managed to get a left-seat job flying a turbine-powered airplane for a 121 carrier in the worst job market in twenty years. Why WOULDN'T I be happy?

That aside, you are a truly unbelievable fool if you can't figure out that perhaps, MAYBE, a certain terrorist act perpetrated on us almost exactly a year ago might have had a part in my having to change jobs.

If not, I pity you. I suggest you crawl back under the rock from which you unfortunately managed to make your pointless appearance.

P.S.- Okay, SpongeBob, who ARE you??
Pissed off? Hardly.

Try MYSTIFIED. Difficult to make sense of someone so clueless.

What a tool... If this is what you do for fun, I recommend trying a new hobby.
Capt Crusty, I think it's time to take the breast pump off your head for awhile.

Oh by the way newbie, How quickly you got your ATP . ROFLMAO.

Enjoy the show, showboat. :D

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