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>>>I dont know what ROFLMAO means, but it should mean no one cares if your a shinning star in aviation and have SO much time before your 23. Especially some one from Danny's Dimploma shop.<<<

Hey, numbnut, try PROOFREADING your posts... If, in fact, the concept of proofreading MEANS anything to you.

For starters, "your a shinning star" contains two mistakes in the space of four words... Three, actually. You must be very proud of yoruself. "Shinning" isn't quite a word, but then again, noone (pay attention to that word, "noone", it will pop up again before I am done) here but you need to be told that.

Secondly, "your" is an incorrect usage in this case, just as in your earlier post. I presume you didn't finish high school or you would know that already. If you DID finish high school, your english teachers need to be run over by a bus and then dynamited for good measure for letting you out of the asylum without learning anything.

Furthermore, "dont" isn't a word. Try "don't".

Also... "no one" should be one word, not two.

Similarly, "some one" is one word, not two.

By the way, what's a "dimploma"? One can only presume that you have shopped there (Danny's Dimploma shop) to explain your graduation from grade school and/or high school, if in fact you achieved either.

By my count, that's six grammatical or spelling errors in the space of two (fractured) sentences. But then again, at 35 words, that only equates to one error per every six words or so, which for you I imagine is a record.

FYI, "ROFLMAO" means "rolling on the floor laughing my a$$ off." Which, I should add, everyone with more than six functioning brain cells is doing whilst reading your posts. (by the way, "whilst" isn't a misspelling, you might want to look that one up, if you know how)

Keep it up, stupid. We're waiting.
Shut the Fuk up Cpt Crunch....and go back into the cereal box you came out of!
That's the only comeback you have, "Captain"? I'd hoped for, but surely not expected, a better response.

Funny, I wouldn't have thought of "Hooked on Phonics", but then again, I am not a regular user of the product, as you appear to be from your quick mention of same. Too bad none of it had any apparent effect upon your use of grammar or spelling... I hope you got your money back.

So tell me, from a first-person perspective, how does it feel to have gained one's whole knowledge of the English language from a cereal box?

I won't even mention that you have kept up your average of one spelling or grammatical error per six words. Whoops... I did mention it after all, didn't I? Besides, you've actually EXCEEDED it.

-"Hooked on Phonics" is a product and a trademark, and as thus, should be capitalized.

-"I", of course, should ALSO be capitalized.

-It's "didn't", not "didnt".

Your mother must be SO proud of you. A mind is a terrible thing. To waste, that is, at least in your case.

C'mon, I'm waiting for something better out of you. Waiting in vain, but waiting nonetheless.
sh1twater scab

What exactly is a sh!twater scab? Would that be a scab that developed when one is actually in sh!twater? If so, where would one find this "sh!twater" so one can stay away from it?

If sh!twater scab is your way of attacking Mr. Freley, then unfortunately for you, you have miserably failed once again.

By the way, I'm not familiar with Danny's Dimploma shop, but you might want to ask them for a refund as well. A real education is invaluable and something you might want to take a serious look at.


A dumb a@@ with a Bachelors and Masters obtained outside of Danny's Dimploma shop.
For the benefit of First Officer Crunch:

1- A worker who refuses membership in a labor union.
2- An employee who works while others are on strike; a strikebreaker.
3- A person hired to replace a striking worker.

I am in a union. Nobody is on strike. I was not hired to replace a striking worker.

Your stunning lack of knowledge of our language makes itself known yet again. I can only presume that you were trying to insult me, but if calling me something I'm not is your best effort, looks like you've failed AGAIN.

Go hijack another thread, why don't you? There are plenty of people still wishing to see you make an a$$ of yourself. I am done expending my mental energies on your sorry case.
I'd already come to the conclusion that crunch-boy was not quite what s/he purported to be... Thank you for the info.

This is the kind of student that I used to let put themselves into a full-on spin, since the frequent cries of "MORE RIGHT RUDDER!!" were consistently unheeded... Then I'd just sit there and say "you'd better do something, QUICK!!"

Did a beautiful job of bringing their thought processes more in line with my own, I'll tell you that!!
Hey Crunch, looks like you were up pretty late last night typing your response. Doesnt your mommy get mad when you stay up past your bed time? Especially on a school night.
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Dont bother!

Looks as if it is a wasted effort on capt crunch.
Grammar and spelling do count in this world and his time will come!

capt crunch....seriously......before you embark on any job search I would highly recommend going back to college and taking a remedial English class. I'm not trying to be cynical, but it's REALLY quite bad! There's just too much competition out there to ignore your education!!!
Good stuff!

This is a great thread! I had an enjoyable time reading it. If student pilot crunch really is a pilot (and I have my doubts), then he/she/it has been out of touch with the industry for the past year.

The funniest part of the whole thing is that after IP mocked crunch's spelling and grammer, he/she/it never gets any better at it.

Crunch, if you're reading this (and I know you are), grow up and stop acting like an idiot. You make pilots look bad. Oh yeah, go back to English class too (or in your case, two).


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