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Comair Training Q's

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First Day

Congrats on your class date!

I would wear whatever you'll be comfortable in for the entire day. You'll spend the entire day completing paperwork and having your picture taken a few times. In my class (as I recall) two or three wore suits and the rest of us did the business casual thing.

The same applies to the spouse day. While you do get a chance to meet and listen to some management folks, you certainly don't need to dress up (the VP's that came in and spoke to us were wearing polo shirts). Also, that is a pretty long day with lots of walking (it's starting to warm up around CVG) so you're better off wearing comfortable clothes.

A side note about crash pads/apartments. About half my class got a local apartment and it was a HUGE help during training to bounce questions, etc.

Best of luck in training. Remember there are always people around to help you if you need it....just ask!

Take care....TF
Business casual is the norm. Dockers type slacks and something with a collar (shortsleeve or longsleeve). It's pretty laid back at the G.O.

I agree with treetop flyer....the training guys/gals will go above and beyond to help you through. The program is well structured and very few, if any, wash out....You are going to love this place. Great bennies, great people and a great airplane.
You do not have to wait to pass your checkride to jumpseat. That's a misnomer, left over from the old days when you werent' an employee until you passed the ride. Now you are an employee from day one, and you can jumpseat as soon as you get your employee badge. If someone tells you different, they are mistaken.
Brian is right, you can jumseat right away. I don't know about the travel benefits. Just dress business casual during training. No one expects more than that except for the checkride.
My sim instructor recommended a business shirt and tie for the checkride. That's what my check airman showed up in for the oral. The actual sim ride, the instructor showed in a polo style s/s shirt.

I wore a shirt, tie, and sports coat to the oral and the sim ride. I took off the coat before we started.

The other members of my initial class got the same advice and dressed similarly, though I may have been the only one to add in a sports coat. We all passed in any case. Good training department.

Good luck.

I have a few somewhat off-topic questions (but wasnt really worth starting a new topic to talk about them...)

Is Comair still interviewing as of mid April?

Have all of the pilots who have interviewed in 2003 and been hired been assigned classdates now or is the April 28th, 2003 class the last known class of 2003?

During the DCA AirInc conference last October Comair stated that they would hire approximately 300 pilots in 2003. How many have been hired in 2003 so far?

The Delta 2003 annual report says there are options for 50 seaters, but no orders in 2004. What does that mean for growth / hiring at Comair?

Thanks in advance.
Is Comair still interviewing as of mid April?

I know that HR attended Air, Inc. last week so I'm assuming the answer to that question is "yes". I'll let someone else confirm.

Have all of the pilots who have interviewed in 2003 and been hired been assigned classdates now or is the April 28th, 2003 class the last known class of 2003?

Most of the pilots who interviewed on Feb. 21 (and received offers) have not yet been called with class dates. I know also that there have been multiple interview dates since Feb. 21 (e.g. Mar. 11, 12, 13) so there is, still, a pool of candidates accepted into FO training but have not yet been called.

I'll leave it to the 'more-informed' to answer/speculate regarding your other questions.

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