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Comair or Skywest? Please help...

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I was hired on 06/17/02. Started IOE in Sept, should have my 500 company hours by my 12 month anniversary (I'm flying CD lines as of this month, got another next month, not very high block time lines).

I have 160 FO's junior to me on the last bid packet with some in training not shown in that packet.

In raw numbers, if new aircraft and hiring approximate forecasts, I'd be able to bid up to CA at about the 24 month mark. Of course, that doesn't take into account the folks senior to me who won't have the 3000 hour requirement, or who for some reason don't want to upgrade. I'm sure someone has that info, but it's not available to me.

So my guess for my class is that those of us with 3000 hours will be senior enough to upgrade somewhere around the 18 month mark (Jan '04), assuming that nothing happens to change current hiring and aircraft acquisition trends either way (a bad assumption if you ask me).

For folks who get hired several hundred numbers junior to us, I wouldn't even want to hazard a guess.
Fred, I believe they are also jr manning FO's into the 70 seat.

Upgrade is around 2-2 1/2 years even with the growth (my best guestimate) and with the company minimums BUT you might be able to upgrade into the 70 quicker IF the senior folks don't start bidding into it. They WILL start bidding into it when they know they won't be on reserve in the 70 and / or when the lines improve, which they are. There are folks who are going to 70 seat captain who can't hold 50 seat captain.

No new base in '03 at least for this week anyways. I think our management is very clever at keeping these secrets. We won't find out until a press release is issued or an ops note is issued or a Jepp revision with strange cities shows up in our boxes.

We are now flying to SLC, SBA, HLN and soon to RNO and other places to be announced west. Hub integration.

I think we will have to put a base somewhere because it's too logistically challenging if there are delayed or MX's flights when the only crews are in CVG. Right now we have an awful lot of trips that leave CVG on day one and don't come back to CVG until day 4. If there is any delay or snafu it's a scheduling nightmare to deadhead and or ferry crews and planes to catch the schedule up. Lots of cost involved.

Lot's of good rumors from some of my friends upgrading but none include bases out west. :(

Again, please try not to have any concerns about either company. Both are good. When you get hired make the best of it and try to keep a positive attitude. It will make you job more enjoyable for you and those around you. Good luck to ya! Keep flying and apply!
CRJ FO to EMB-120 CA?

Does Skywest allow for CRJ FOs to become EMB-120 CAs?

Someone suggested to me that it might be quicker to do that to later return to the left seat of the CRJ, if you meet the hours. This is because of Skywest's replacement of their EMB fleet. Of course it would depend on what senior EMB CA seat would want to do with their senority.

Any thoughts?

Thanks again.
"Does Skywest allow for CRJ FOs to become EMB-120 CAs?

Someone suggested to me that it might be quicker to do that to later return to the left seat of the CRJ, if you meet the hours. This is because of Skywest's replacement of their EMB fleet. Of course it would depend on what senior EMB CA seat would want to do with their senority."

If your seniority can hold it, and your not within an initial seatlock, go for it. Right now...there is a one year seatlock for your initial equipment. But, you can upgrade within equipment before that year is over. confused??? Bra F/O can take upgrade before one year is up if their seniority can hold it, but cannot take CRJ upgrade or transition because of seat lock until the initial year is up. Also, you are required to have 2,500 tt, and 1,000 hrs of "crew" time to upgrade, and they are pretty firm on that one. Bro Upgrade class next week starts with the junior guy with 10 months with the company.

Hopefully more upgrade classes on the horizon will continue this path. Right now we are losing, I believe, 8 more emb's this year, and receiving 25-30 rj's. Also no plans to fully retire all of the Emb's anytime soon. Crj upgrade has gone much more senior lately because of new bases that have opened...PSP, SBA, SMF, DEN.

-Mookie :cool:
Oe Yar RJ Captains

Fred_IP I tink the days fone year RJ upgrades are gone for quite a while. Although most RJ operators are growing, they have very litle attrition. 2 years ago, Pinnacle where I am at, was gaining aircraft and loosing people to the nationals and majors, so this forced us to hire Captains off the street for the Saab and CRJ. Today we ar still growing, but with the recent loose of the Saab fleet and lack of attrition we have upgardes taking about 2 years.

I believe Comair and Skywest are in the sameboat, they may be grwing adding quite a few airplanes, but they aren't loosing mny pilots so the upgrades probably won't go down to the 1 year mark. They are still very good airlines and you wouldn't go wrong with either one. Your best bet is to go with the one that will have a crew base where you want to live, commuting isn't fun. Another consideration is how fast you could get into class with either. Good luck with your decision
Skywest just allowed some new hires with a certain number of hours to upgrade directly to Capt on the E120 because there was a lack of pilots wanting to upgrade. I guess the "up or out" policy at Skywest is strict, but it seems like a good deal to me.

Cheers! Yakkety Yak, don't talk back!
Lumber Yak-

What's the deal with the "up or out" policy?..

Do you fly Yak's? Pretty cool aeroplanes huh.

Lumber Yak

I believe your information about Brasilia upgrades going to newhires is incorrect. It has gone very junior -- seniority #1150 or so out of 1300+ on the list. As a previous poster said about 10 months.
There will not be any newhires in upgrade. There will be a few recently rehired Skywest pilots who are on furlough from a major carrier. All had to requalify in the right seat and all have extensive time with Skywest and in the E-120. In fact one was a check airman Captain on the equipment before he left. They will be on reserve forever though as they come in at the bottom of the seniority list.
What are Skywest flight previledges for family and friends? From what I've seen, SW's offers some privs to immediate family but no friend passes. And I'm not entirely sure who those privs are with.


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