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Comair merger relief fund?

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Not that this is at all related, but since US kicked ALPA to the curb, isn't ALPA made up of more regional pilots than mainline? I never could find the answer.

(EDIT: Hmm, I had typed more but it disappeared, so let me try again)

I think this will rile up the pilot group, but not in a good way. You'll have the senior guys that make good money and/or are too bitter and tired to care. You'll have the hardcore ALPA backers that blindly follow anything ALPA says as a good thing, and then you'll have the rest of the pilots who have a mixed reaction, mostly negative.

My feeling is rather annoyance that they say "Pay this now" instead of putting it up for vote or making it optional. It's always good to be prepared, but where is my money going once the merger falls apart or is turned down? I'd like my $240 bucks back.

Hell, that'll be a whole tank of gas a year from now.
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Just out of curiosity, why would Comair need a merger fund? Who are they intending to merge with? I can't see a need for a merger fund just because DL/NW are in the process. Comair is a wholly owned subsidiary of DL unless DL is planning to sell them to someone???
Just out of curiosity, why would Comair need a merger fund? Who are they intending to merge with? I can't see a need for a merger fund just because DL/NW are in the process. Comair is a wholly owned subsidiary of DL unless DL is planning to sell them to someone???

That is exactly my question! We are not merging with anyone, there isn't even a rumor that we will. Delta is Merging with NW...We (Comair) are not merging with anyone. This place has delusions of grandeur.

Should an actual merger for us arise, I'll cut a check for the full 240 bucks right on the spot, but don't tell me you need my cash without even a credible threat at the moment.
I want to know what they need 300,000 dollars for...
Only to PREPARE for the real possibility of a merger. IF Comair does merge with somebody, ALPA will have to re-evaluate it's funding (i.e. reach deeper into your pocket)
Many at Comair think we are Delta, they forget we're Comair
I was wondering why it was taking so long to get my double breasted suit.
I am not Paying!!

I am not paying any more money!! F*%# That!! The dam union gets enough of my money!! Now I have to pay for a merger that I didn't sign for!

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