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Comair Idiot Pilot

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FedEx1, yep...you're right, they are putting the plural or posessive spin on it. I mistyped :0 (oopsy). It was a long day, little sleep, no excuse, warm beer :D Thanks!
LJDRVR said:
I'm raising the BS flag here!

First off, any New York ARTCC or approach controller would punish the living you-know-what out of any moron dumb enough to cop an attitude as bad as this alleged encounter.

Secondly, there's no underwriter or insurance carrier on the planet who's going to issue a Learjet 60 policy for some flame-baiting goober with only 2100 hours.

lear60"Captain", you have a type rating. Don't confuse that with being PIC. Prove me wrong and I'll apologize.


And the gauntlet has been dropped.......
I can't believe some guys on the radio. Like the guys who call clearance for commisary (never done that), or call ops for pushback (never done that), or call ground at "1500 climbing 6000" (never done that), or started my PA on center (never done that), or did an entire PA including flightplan route, ride report, and weather in Atlanta on Atlanta radio (actually I have never done that, but heard a Delta guy do it, pretty funny), or called the wrong departure frequency (never done that). There are so many unprofessional pilots out there, it's amazing there's not just one big midair collision from all those botched radio calls.
but gained my composure and keyed the mike and said, "just what does that mean?".

. I asked the controller if I could be vectored around the guy who was doing whatever he wanted to do,

How many other people comment over the radio when they hear something like that? So now not only is thier a pilot not responding correctly but we have to hear comments from the rest of the peanut gallery that wastes more time.
Secondly, there's no underwriter or insurance carrier on the planet who's going to issue a Learjet 60 policy for some flame-baiting goober with only 2100 hours.
We had a 900 hour F/O flying the 60 at my last company.

Do you update your flight time on this board every month? Mine hasn't been updated since I joined in '03.
lear60Captain said:
I agree. "Checking in" and "with you" is very bad. But, what I really can't stand is when a United or USAir checks in and and pluralizes thier call sign. Example "Center USAIR"s" checking in with you". That is the worst.

Amen to that. However, I don't think that it is a plural, but a possessive as in "Delta's Flight 654" or "Comair's 345." Whatever. It's annoying as crap.
UEJ500 said:
We had a 900 hour F/O flying the 60 at my last company.

I should have written that nobody would insure a 2100 hour flame-baiting goober as PIC. Sorry for the mistake. I've known 600 Lear FO's.

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