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Comair Idiot Pilot

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jehtplane said:
And your comments on the radio were professional too?

i was going to say the same. There he is worried about professional radio talk and making smartass cracks at the same time.

He is probably the most unprofessional of all a "double clicker".
I find it hard to believe that a New York Center controller would let radio call pass without chewing out the crew.
my fav radio calls are the super corporate pilots and ga guys the make up their own letters. ex: NxxxMS- mike sugar, NxxxCB- charlie Brown, NxxxGP-Green plane... Just to mention a few that I have heard
jetpilot007 said:
What I love are the threads that get started and don't mean a gosh darn thing. Just a bunch of pilots bichin! This is what it's all about!

Bich on!

What he said!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
skyslug said:
Lear60Capt, I believe the "USAir's checking in with you..." (or any airline) is not a plural, it's a contraction...."USAir is checking in with you...".

The only problem is they actually say "USAir's 452 checking in..." Otherwise, pluralizing it would be USAir 452's checking in. Delta guys do it sometimes too. It doesn't bother me- I just chalk it up to bizarro world, or multiple personality disorder.

Oh, and if you are a GUY and have a plane with SP on the end of the N-number, and you keep calling it Sugar-Pop.. well, let me give you the link to the GPA.... either that or you are getting way too much in touch with your feminine side.
I love it when the RJ punks act like they're BETTER than the corporate learjet pilots who make twice as much $$, and have twice the time off as they do.

Lighten up Francis.

-Ex RJ punk (de-spiked my hair, discarded my backpack)
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I was flying with a retired airline captain(727, 747) in a lear once. It was my leg to fly, so he was working radios. We were shooting an ILS into an uncontrolled airport somewhere in Indiana if I recall, and as we were handed off from approach to unicom, this Captain says "can yall turn the runway lights on"? Approach says "you'll have to do that on your own on the unicom freq". This guy changes to unicom freq, and say "UNICOM, can yall turn on the runway lights". I quietly keyed the mike myself, and turned them on.....lol
lear60Captain said:
I can't ever imagine the Captain replyinig with a response like that. If it was, he needs help. He sounded very young. It was almost like he didn't know what his normal cruising speed was at the altitude he was at and was trying to come up with some sort of an answer. Oh well, I just thought the whole things was amusing. I had my laugh for the day.

So all captains are male you sexist tool! :rolleyes:
I'm raising the BS flag here!

First off, any New York ARTCC or approach controller would punish the living you-know-what out of any moron dumb enough to cop an attitude as bad as this alleged encounter.

Secondly, there's no underwriter or insurance carrier on the planet who's going to issue a Learjet 60 policy for some flame-baiting goober with only 2100 hours.

lear60"Captain", you have a type rating. Don't confuse that with being PIC. Prove me wrong and I'll apologize.


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