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Comair exit poll

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InclusiveScope said:
Face it Fins, ALPA has lost it's bargaining power. Checkmate!

Face it InclusiveScope, Comair has lost their stones. (not sure what "Checkmate" is in refernce to)
MetroSheriff said:
Pat yourselves on the back a little more could. That is like predicting and earthquake on the San Andreas fault line.

You guys never quit.

If it was such a slam dunk prediction Metro, why didn't the ASA and CMR MECs agree with the RJDC? Why did the ASA and CMR MEC Chairmen become "brand scope" kool aid drinkers? Apparantly it wasn't as obvious to Bob and JC.
~~~^~~~ said:
Supporters like me are extreemly disappointed that supporters like Surplus 1 have turned their back on the issues that they proffered and supported. That does not change the fact that ALPA needs repair. If anything this horrible failure just illustrates the great need for reform.

All it proves to me is that the RJDC pukes would sell their soul to the devil to fly a bigger, cooler airplane to assuage their bruised egos for years of "being disrespected by 'real' airline pilots".

There is no doubt that the RJDC would advocate taking paycuts to get a 737 on the property.

They would couch it terms of a long term strategic victory as a move to narrow the gap and remove the "operational integration" arguments they have been fighting all these years.

Malcontents with fragile egos and dimished sense of self-worth based on aircraft size and single-breasted uniform coats....I wish there was an acronym for that, it would be more accurate.
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MetroSheriff said:
Face it InclusiveScope, Comair has lost their stones. (not sure what "Checkmate" is in refernce to)

Maybe they have, and maybe they haven't. If they have, then they join Mesaba, PDT, ALG, Air Wisc., ACA and others who been brow beat to death by the "portfolio" whip. I predict ASA will join the party eventually.

If this was a big chess game between ALPA and management, I believe I just heard "checkmate" from management.
InclusiveScope said:
Duane and Fred have managed to divide the last remaining solidarity in ALPA. The CMR pilots are evenly split. The CMR MEC is split. The ASA and CMR MECs are split... and to top things off Fins and Surplus are sparing.

Which raises the question once again. Why did you not petition ALPA for a PID between ASA and CMR? You can't be split if you are one MEC.
MetroSheriff said:
All it proves to me is that the RJDC pukes would sell their soul to the devil to fly a bigger, cooler airplane to assuage their bruised egos for years of "being disrespected by 'real' airline pilots".

There are plenty of "real" airline pilots at USAirways, United, and American who are selling their soul to the devil to fly smaller planes. NWA will be next.

All airline pilots are "real" airline pilots.
MetroSheriff said:
Apparently that is not the case up in CVG.

Your right. Apparantly there was a physical fight between one of the CMR MEC members and a CMR ALPA committee chairman in CVG today over this very issue.
MetroSheriff said:
All it proves to me is that the RJDC pukes would sell their soul to the devil to fly a bigger, cooler airplane to assuage their bruised egos for years of "being disrespected by 'real' airline pilots".

There is no doubt that the RJDC would advocate taking paycuts to get a 737 on the property.

They would couch it terms of a long term strategic victory as a move to narrow the gap and remove the "operational integration" arguments they have been fighting all these years.

Malcontents with fragile egos and dimished sense of self-worth based on aircraft size and single-breasted uniform coats....I wish there was an acronym for that, it would be more accurate.

That, my friend, is dead on the money. While ALPA may or may not need reform, the RJDC is not the way to do it. Nor is it their intent to reform ALPA. Your post hit the nail on the head. Of course, this is obvious from Surplus's backpedaling on the issues. On the other hand, it would seem as if fin's intentions are true regarding the issues via his discontent woth Surplus. The true colors of people usually come out eventually.

Glad to be gone.
InclusiveScope said:
Do you think Delta management wants to reward the CMR MEC for saying "no" a third time? The first time was the strike. The second time was the RFP. This is the third time, and if Delta management gives in, it will be a huge victory for ALPA.
How do you figure that? Flying horses is the only person on this thread that uses objective logic to support his position. A $10 an hour operating cost difference does not matter one iota in the allocation of jets. Comair is getting the airplanes that are coming to them.

In my view the Comair pilots' "yes" vote is a huge win for ALPA and I can state objective reasons why:
  1. It validates apartied scope
  2. It ratifies ALPA's current ( separate & unequal ) representational structure
  3. It splits the two problem child pilot groups that were getting big enough together to get noticed
  4. It reinforces to ALPA that they can negotiate without providing "regional" MEC's with economic analysis and the pilots will still vote for it
  5. It lets ALPA off the hook for their actions, because the Comair pilots voted for it
  6. It destroys the moral credibility of the Comair pilots and once you lose the moral high ground then all that is left is self interest. Self interest does not build coalitions that achieve reform.
Would someone please explain why anyone should support this agreement, other than the "I want mine, for me" crowd.

Your examples at US Air are pathetic. They lost because they did not have the sort of leadership and organization that the RJDC put together. Now you seem to be amongst the many RJDC supporters that discredit the protection that our unity has brought us.

What happened to all the true believers? Are we just giving up? Is it every man for himself?
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