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Colgan PFT

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For all those bright fellas out there planning to "jump-start" their careers by PFTing at Colgan I have only this to say. GO FOR IT. Please, write the check, get the job, see how far it gets you. I really don't worry about competing with you people. You'll learn your lesson. Don't worry about the harm you do to the industry. You've got yours, now move on. You may want to be real careful when interviewing for all those dream jobs you mention, though (Jetblue?! Have you even looked at their mins? or is the Beech >20,000lbs?!). Some people out there don't view PFTers with great esteem. I wonder why?
All other variables being equal, who do you think is going to get a job first: a) a guy with part 121 PIC in an RJ with glass and an FMS (53,000 lb MGTOW) or, b) a guy with part 121 PIC flying a 1900 (@19,000 lb MGTOW)?

The sad part is that Colgan could be a great place to work, except for the fact that the Colgans are running it. I'm thoroughly convinced that the Old Man is being lied to about how they run the place. I really feel that he's a good guy and would have a fit if he knew the way his employees are treated. The only place that keeps that place from being the ABSOLUTE worst regional to work for is BMA.

Doesen't it speak volumes to you that in this environment the only way that they have to ensure that people stay is to make them PFT? Because, when you cut all the crap that's exactly what it comes down to -- if they didn't run everyone off they wouldn't have to force employee retention by implementing PFT.

I feel so sorry for all of my friends who are still over there -- keep the faith and check six.
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This PFT issue is getting a little old, but this is what i think

Is it doing the industry any good? absolutely not
Is it the right thing to do? who knows

We are living in a free and capitalist country you know, any way you can make a buck you should do it. Its perfectly legal and theirs people out there willing to pay to get a job these days.

Should a 500 hour pilot be in the right seat of an airliner? No way!

I personally don't agree with it but hey, i'm just a pilot.

It ain't going to jumpstart your airline career, jobs are gotten by luck, being in the right place at the right time and who you know.
So if you want to pay 16K for a job, fine. You go ahead, its your money!
Caution: the following is a relatively long-winded and angry tirade on PFT and related issues. If you're "sensitive", look away now.

Okay, here's the deal. If pilots want to pay for training, fine; if you think it's a great deal, fine. But the next person who did PFT who complains about how crappy their pay is at so-and-so company is gonna get ripped up and down by me. It's high time pilots start saying no way to the utter crap that companies put forth. I can think of no other industry in the world in which after you've spent thousands and thousands of dollars to acquire initial knowledge and training, a company asks you to buy your job. (Essentially what PFT is). The same goes for pilots who form a line a mile long who are willing to fly for free (or next-to-nothing wages). "Oh, I'd just love to fly that fancy Learjet, King Air, etc., I'd do it for nothing cause I love to fly!" That's great and all, and sure flying is fun and super and all; but as long as this attitude continues to float around out there, there is no reason in the world for aviation companies, and airlines to pay higher, more reasonable wages (I'm talking about the "regionals" primarily). Why pay big bucks when I can hire some guy who's willing to whore himself out for dirt pay just because he thinks it's a way into the big leagues.

What this industry really needs (pipedream alert) is for all pilots of all aircraft from CFI's in a C-150 to senior captains on B-777 in all types of ops from instructing to 135 to 121 to corporate, to walk out one day. Just stop flying. Stop the b.s. and really show this industry that it's time to cough up the hard earned dough that's due us. Enough of this b.s. of power hungry executives laying people off in mass and then turning around and taking home millions of bucks in bonuses and what not. Can you imagine the chaos that would ensue with NO flying for just a couple days? Maybe then people would stop taking pilots, mechanics, etc. for granted. Maybe with a total lack of pilot training there would be a little more respect for the now lowly CFI.

Anyway, that is all. Flame away.
Re: Waving bye bye

Mungusaurus said:
HMMMM! Jet Blue, Air Tran, Alaskan, Spirit, Polar.............

Alaskan ???

Are they partners with American West??

Please, after you get your 1000 hrs PIC, send your resume to Alaskan Airlines. I'm sure they will be most impressed. :rolleyes:
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That has to be the most savvy plan for getting your career going that I have heard in a long time. Break out the Visa and go for it.
The total wisdom the plan gives me goosebumps!
OK Here goes!

OK if you guys didnt hear Jet Blue just placed an order for 100+ RJ's I dunno about the rest of you but it would seem a pretty good move to me. Where are they going to get enough pilot to fill those slots????
1900 drivers are considered some of the hardest working pilots in the industry and many companies look for this, I would rather have 1900 time in my logbook than sitting on my hands in an autopilot equipped ass-blaster for five or six years.
If you guys also didnt realise there are a hell of a lot of pilots out there who are pushing 60. In the next five years 25% of all currently flying (not furloughed) major pilots will retire thats a lot of jobs coming my way.
Hey f@@k me for being optimistic, I run into too many pilots out there who bitch and whine about the industry, I have been flying since I was 13 and I am now 27, I am in it for the long haul (pun intended) and those of you who want to shoot me down, a big fat patriot missile right up your magnet asses.
Thanx for listening, Mungus!
phantom122 said:
What this industry really needs (pipedream alert) is for all pilots of all aircraft from CFI's in a C-150 to senior captains on B-777 in all types of ops from instructing to 135 to 121 to corporate, to walk out one day. Just stop flying. Stop the b.s. and really show this industry that it's time to cough up the hard earned dough that's due us. Enough of this b.s. of power hungry executives laying people off in mass and then turning around and taking home millions of bucks in bonuses and what not. Can you imagine the chaos that would ensue with NO flying for just a couple days? Maybe then people would stop taking pilots, mechanics, etc. for granted. Maybe with a total lack of pilot training there would be a little more respect for the now lowly CFI.

I'll take a day off. What day do you propose?
Hehehe. Take a day off. Well I'm taking tomorrow off. Now if only millions of other pilots would too, it would be an interesting day!

But really, you see my point? (Ridiculous as it may be)

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